265Chapter Interrogation

265Chapter Interrogation

“I knew you kid didn’t die!” The adventurers shouted in unison, they knew from the beginning, because the cooperation of the adventurers was very tacit, they agreed at the beginning, we will certainly be strictly enforced, and we all believe in each other, so from the beginning, all of them are convinced that the guard is alive.

So after all the actions of all people are in the play to the guard, to see when he will reveal the horse’s feet, so, everyone is excited to come up to slap, because the guard is closed eyes, he naturally can not see everyone’s face teasing expressions, he only thought to hold on through it, which is up to the adventurous members of the team slap a louder than one, it is impossible to top, Although the face gradually numb, but the pain is more intensified, this is the feeling of direct hit face wound.

Big brothers”, give me a break! It’s not easy for me to make a living!” The surviving member of the guard kneeled on the ground, face full of tears, smiling to the members of the adventure team said, said while also kowtowing, he 473still want to take advantage of this time to fight a chance to live, after all, the adventure team members of the cruel methods he just saw clearly, he naturally understood that his ability, is impossible to survive in this situation.

“Spare you? Why ah ah!” The adventurers saw the man who was scared and trembling, the heart of the game is up, they got the order is not to kill this person, so they simply take this opportunity to be a man in front of you.

“The police officer heard this question, first stunned a moment, why? He did not expect the other side would ask this question, he really did not think, these people can spare him, he is in this time of begging for mercy is completely in a fluke mentality, but really when this opportunity came to his body, he is still a bit at a loss.

Say “Ah! Why do you want us to spare you ah!” Adventure team members then asked, their faces playful expression more, they all feel this kneeling in front of the person interesting, it is like the young bullying weak classmates delinquent teenagers, in the end of the world, (cfbj) everyone’s heart of the evil part will be infinitely magnified, this is also a normal phenomenon, to be able to maintain morality in this end of the world to maintain the goodness of the heart is the most valuable.

“I.. can give you everything I have, ..I can be a horse and a cow for you, please spare me!” That police member said loudly, his head are knocked bleeding, it can be said that this guy in order to live is also desperate, although he kowtowed hard, but did not dare to lift his head to look at the expression of the people standing beside him, if he can look up to see the expression of the people beside him, you will know how comical his own practice.

Because the adventurous members of the team beside him, there is absolutely no vicious expression on their faces, all with a smile, a kind of look at the hilarious expression, more a kind of playfulness, the feeling that there is no real killing heart.

“Well, seeing as you’re so sincere, I’ll spare you, but I’ll still take you to see our captain. “The adventurous team members said with a smile.

After hearing that the adventurers were able to spare him, the vigilante was first very shocked, then cried with joy, he cried even more, but soon he stopped crying and returned to his normal appearance, he knew that if he cried badly, he would be hated by the other side, and the possibility of being killed would be even greater, he did not want to miss this opportunity to fight for his life to stay alive.

“Yes! I’ll go with you!” He wiped the tears on his face and said to the adventurers, he was pathetic at this point and looked even more comical.

“Then let’s go!” The adventurous team members were also laughing so hard that they immediately set up the vigilante and pulled him out of the warehouse, at which time Lu Tian Fang was waiting outside the warehouse.

Although Lu Tianfang just heard the sound of gunfire, but a moment of gunfire, he judged that there is no gun battle inside, should only be a one-sided killing, although he is still a little worried, but still waiting outside, this kind of battle he generally will not be involved in, because the adventure team members can not rely on him for everything, is the need to hone, after this battle with the Lu family, Lu Tianfang more and more aware of the adventure team members to let them Practice and people fighting is an important thing, so he has to give the adventurers a little more opportunity to fight with people, so as to increase their experience.

“But how to go in for so long?” Lu Tianlian can’t help but think, at this time from just the gunshot also has a period of time, still haven’t seen people out, which makes Lu Tianfang some worry.

Soon, we saw the adventurous team members racked a person came over, all the team members were not injured, safe and sound, which is also to let Lu Tian relaxed a breath, although the team needs to be honed, but by the danger of attrition or will not be good.

“Captain! Mission successfully completed!” The adventurers said loudly to Lu Tian Fang, they were all smiling at this time, looking happy, not only because they completed the mission, but also because they caught such a funny and interesting person.

“This is the person you caught?” Lu Tianfang asked with a serious expression, he was serious or very dignified, when so many years of adventure captain, this interrogation ability or have.

Lu Tianfang’s expression directly to the guard member scared out of his wits, he almost cried out, but still forced to hold back his tears, he was afraid to cry out will be killed directly, the adventure team members in front of the fierce and fierce.

“Yes, the others are all taken care of, so this is all that’s left!” The Adventure Team members nodded and replied with a smile, “That’s an interesting one!”

“Very well, which family are you from?” Lu Tian Fang asked, he knew, this time will come to the Lu family to move things, naturally is the big family people, the most likely is the Wang family and Hu family two people.

“Hu family, this person is also frightened, there is absolutely no desire to tell lies, so it is also straightforward to admit.

“The Hu family’s police force? ” Lu Tianfang continued to ask: “Did Hu Feng send you here?”

“Yes, yes, but I have nothing to do with it! This is all the decision of the master!” The guard also took the opportunity to clear his own relationship.

“So that’s how it is, so you guys are trying to take advantage of the chaos to rob the Lu family?” Lu Tianfang’s voice became more serious, and his voice carried its own majesty.

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