262Chapter Hu family’s small calculations

262Chapter Hu family’s small calculations

“What is the origin of this new son-in-law of the Su family? Wang Ba lowered her head, rubbed her chin and said softly, she was not particularly panicked, after all, although the Wang family contributed, but only a little bit of force, so the other side should not deliberately make things difficult for the Wang family.

Of course, this is only Wang Xuan’s analysis, Chu Tian’s character she does not understand, so it can only be analyzed in an optimistic direction, as for the other side if they come to make things difficult for the Wang family, their Wang family naturally will not be too afraid, after all, there is still a large family heritage in, even if the Su family is strong, it is not possible to directly so destroy the Wang family, so for Wang Ying, not particularly worried.

“Then according to you, the Lu family’s Lu Jiuling and Lu Jiuying, and the three young masters are now not in the Lu family?” Wang Xuan suddenly eye “four seven three” before a bright, she thought of this little loophole, maybe they can also take advantage of the time when the Lu family was destroyed, to get a little something!

“Yes, yes! “Wang Ren said in a low voice, he saw Wang Xuan’s expression, he knew that she might want to make a move against that chaotic Lu family, but he was not very supportive of this matter, because as long as dealing with the Lu family, he would remember the horror of Chu Tian, and that Lu Jiuling’s head that was chopped off by Chu Tian.

“Then so! Quickly send someone to the Lu family to take a look, Lu Jiuling’s collection is a lot of ah! Lu’s warehouse of supplies should also be a lot! “Wang Xuan said with a smile, since the Lu family was destroyed, all the teams of the Lu family have become captives, the Lu family has become a masterless land, all the people can just get the things of the Lu family, in this post-apocalyptic world, grabbing things is not something excessive, people who have things, should be able to keep their things, those things that no one can keep, naturally, anyone can get of the.

Home “Lord! “Wang Ren shouted, he did not know where to get the courage at this time, at this time can also be to the king’s orders, he is just a defeated general, Wang Bodhi did not carry out any punishment on him is already his greatest luck, but Wang Ying usually is not so great majesty, in the Wang family, her orders can be questioned, so the Wang family’s decisions are everyone The decision of the Wang family is everyone to negotiate, so that you can make better decisions.

“What’s wrong again?” Wang Pu said impatiently, the other party has just lost the battle, but still dare to say this to her, she is the head of the Wang family even if her temper is good, still need to have a certain head of the family’s frame.

“My subordinate thinks that it is better not to mess with the Lu family now, at this time the Su family has just defeated the Lu family, and also received the Lu family’s adventure team, they are very strong, and the Lu family has now been identified by them as their thing, so if we go to touch those things again, I’m afraid we will annoy Chu Tian’s… Wang Ren patiently explained, this is what he heard Wang Ying to send people to the Lu family when the first reaction, he now really do not want to mess with Chu Tian the devil again.

“Well,” Wang Xuan looked at Wang Ren, seriously thought, although she was not very patient, but still seriously listened to Wang Ren’s advice, this is exactly the wisdom of Wang Xuan ruling the family.

“It seems to be the same reason, Wang Pu thought about it, said with a smile, although just lost the war, but can avoid a more big loss, is also worth happy thing.

“Then don’t go to the Lu family! Send me someone to the Hu family to take a look, I would like to see that Hu Feng is what reaction.” Wang Xuan said with a smile, but she smiled with a touch of playfulness, it seems that she wants to see the Hu family’s hilarious, this may also be Wang the beauty snake a bit of bad taste.

“Yes!” Wang Ren heard Wang Xuan took his advice, is also relieved, quickly went out to organize the team, send a few people to the Hu family can be no problem, after all, the Wang family is not afraid of the Hu family.

The fact also proved Wang Xuan’s idea is correct, because the Su family’s celebration party just ended, Chu Tian let Lu Tian Fang arranged a team of still sober team members, to go to the Lu family guard, the Lu family is left at this time are old and weak women and children, to inform them of the defeat of the Lu family news, and let them not out of the Lu family, adventure team members for the defense of the Lu family is also very familiar, so it is easy to temporarily in the Lu’s family as a security team work.

But all the people of the Lu family heard the news of the defeat of the Lu family, are also in great sorrow, of course, the families of the members of the adventure team will not feel sad…

So at this time, although the Lu family as a whole is very depressed, very sad, but still maintain the basic operations, the rest of these old and weak women and children, naturally can not make any waves, and extremely easy to brainwash, as long as the people of the adventure team continue to instill in them the benefits of the Su family, I believe they will soon be able to calmly accept the new life.

And at this time, the Hu family’s family head Hu Feng has also got the news of the defeat, his first reaction is also very shocked, after turning into astonishment, and sigh Chu Tian’s powerful, after he also thought of the Lu family is empty at this time, it is likely to have the benefit of fishing.

I have to say, Hu Feng and Wang Ying two people’s way of thinking and the journey of the heart is simply the same, they both think the same, but Hu Feng here can not Wang Ren, the defeated Hu family police chief, long ago he removed, replaced by a new police chief.

“You guys say, how about this idea of mine?” Hu Feng pinched his moustache, smiled and said to the people around him.

“It’s simply a wonderful plan, your Lordship’s is really brilliant, so that our Lu Jiu Ling defeat loss can be minimized!” The newly appointed police chief then hand, flatteringly stood in front of Hu Feng said.

He did not participate in this war, naturally, do not know the horror of Chu Tian, but can directly become the police chief, and take the opportunity to pat Hu Feng’s ass, is also a very good thing. So he naturally1.9 will not think about the consequences, this is a good opportunity to please the master of the family.

“Then why don’t you go send someone quickly! Go to the Lu family to me to grab back all the things!” Hu Feng said loudly, he may be overwhelmed by the immediate benefits, but no longer think about other things, so he did not think about anything more, and directly asked the police force to send people to the Lu family to move things.

In this way, the Lu family sent a team of members of the police force, but this team is a small team that has not participated in the war before, but also the Hu family police force in a slightly weaker part of the fighting force, they drove the Hu family truck, strutting from the Hu family, a slip of smoke came to the Lu family, because everyone is selfish, moving things at the same time, so they can take some home to use.

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