261Chapter Wang Xuan vibration

261Chapter WangXi vibration

We look at the table in front of us little by little filled with dishes, the heart is also full of jubilation, up each dish let everyone’s salivary glands to accelerate the work, in the face of the constant secretion of saliva, they can only slowly swallow the saliva, after all, this is in the big house, can not show a look of eager to eat, so everyone also for this face, insist on holding back their desire to eat the food in front of them.

“Everyone, this is the last dish of the day!” Ai Xin carried the dish, smilingly said to the people in front of her, she also knew that everyone was waiting very anxiously, not to mention the security team and the members of the adventure team, even they, the underlings, were a little impatient.

“Ho!” From the stage came the excited shouts of all the players, finally it was time to eat.

After the last dish visit, Chu Tian also let the servants brought up a lot of wine, which is the Su family’s collection, the Su family still has people who drink, so it is also hidden a lot of wine, but this time out are some ordinary wine, expensive wine if to the hands of this group of guys, may be a mouthful of lost, Chu Tian naturally know the character of this group of players, so also more attention.

Everyone”, today was able to defeat the Lu family, a great victory, all thanks to you, I Chu Tian thank you very much, toast everyone!” Chu Tian raised his glass and shouted loudly to everyone sitting in front of him, his face was full of smiles, his eyebrows and eyes could see his happy mood at this time.

“To young master Chu Tian!” Everyone on the stage also raised their glasses, said with a smile, everyone actually do not care about what wins and loses, the right to belong to such things, they are now most concerned about the meal in front of them!

So everyone immediately drink the wine in their hands, then pick up the chopsticks, eat up, scrambling to eat the dishes in front of you, the dishes in front of you look good, eating is better, so the plates on the table in front of you will soon be swept away one by one, the speed, can only be described in four words, the wind swept away!

Chu Tian and Su’s table eating speed is not so fast, they are naturally used to eating such meals, so today there is nothing unusual, just the number of dishes a little more, we will take the usual meal to eat it. But we are more happy to see the team eating in front of us, because most of the Su family table are girls, and have not been out of the house, they are the first time to see this kind of speed, everyone scrambling to eat the picture, they feel very new, hilarious.

So this day the girls ate with much more enthusiasm than usual, everyone seems to be more afraid that the people in front of them have eaten the dishes on their own table, and then come to grab the ones on their table.

This day, we all eat very happy, drink very happy, after this celebration feast, the ground is still lying a lot of people, but Chu Tian also did not let people disturb them, the big man well, sleep outside for a night will not have anything, not to mention that it is just afternoon, not long after they sober up.

But this day the Su family underlings can have a busy, this celebration after the feast can be left behind do not know how many dirty dishes, which are the Su family underlings need to clean things, looking at the number, it is estimated that there is a busy.

At this time, the Wang family.

“The vigilantes are back? How is it?” Wang Ying received the news of the return of the police force, she was very excited, because this is before Lu Jiu Ling playing a sure victory in the battle, Wang Xuan these days are waiting for their half of the proceeds back, so once she heard the news of the return of the police force, she is also a bright.

However, she still felt a little strange, because if the victory was won, then it should not be the guard team back together, but directly sent a person to inform her to harvest the results.

“The amount.. of feeling should not be good Wang …Pu’s secretary holding the information to the Wang Xuan said in front of her, she wore a professional suit, with black glasses, so that people feel very competent, which also added a special sense of beauty for her, so that people can not leave their eyes.

“Not good?” Wang Xuan heard the secretary’s words, her heart immediately sank, this may be a foreboding, her heart suddenly remembered the words of Lu Jiuling and his gloomy face.

“Lu Jiuling this guy won’t be lying to me!” Such a thought crept into Wang Xuan’s mind, and she began to panic a little.

Request flowers,

“Quick! Get the vigilantes in here! I ask them!” Wang Puli said anxiously to the secretary, but soon she returned to her previous smiling expression. This beautiful snake’s expression management is still very strong.

“Good!” The secretary immediately ran out of Wang Xuan’s office, she does not have Wang Xuan so good ability to bear, she just saw the police force wretched back, has realized that things are not too good, but this will not yet have any impact on her, but just Wang Xuan that surprised expression really scared her, she has never seen Wang Xuan show that kind of expression.

Soon, the secretary returned with the captain of the police force, although he is the captain of the Wang family police force, but in the police force with the Lu family and the Hu family, is only an ordinary member of the team, but the basic decisions of the Wang family police force, but also he did, he is also considered Wang Ying’s beloved.

“House Master!” The guard captain walked in with a dead face, and from his expression, it could be seen that he had not yet recovered from the defeat.

“Wang Ren! What happened? Quickly tell me:” Wang Pu immediately asked, her current expression is very serious, which also makes the immediate police chief Wang Ren more fearful, every time you see Wang Xuan such an expression, will have the feeling that something bad. But this time do not need to Wang Xuan do expression, he has already expected such a result on the way back.

“Master, we lost, that Su family’s Chu Tian is too perverted, he is simply a monster” Wang Ren although not really want to say, but also gently recalled what happened this morning, every time he recalled the morning, he will think of Chu Tian on the ice wall platform of that back, he gradually Some trembling, face more and more unpleasant, but he still reluctantly finished the morning’s events.

Wang Ren was a complete spectator of the morning war, he stood in the best position to “watch” the battle between Chu Tian and Lu Jiuying. And he also saw the battle between Kidola and Lu Jiuying.

After listening to the matter, Wang Xuan and the secretary both opened their eyes wide and grew their mouths, they looked at Wang Ren in surprise, they did not expect that the Su family had so many powerful people. The,

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