263Chapter Enter the warehouse

263Chapter Enter the warehouse

The Hu family’s police squad drove a large truck, rushed to the ground outside the fence of the Lu family, although they have not come to the Lu family, but also generally know the location of the Lu family warehouse.

At this time, coincidentally, Lu Tian Fang brought the members of the adventure team, and no one outside the gate of the Lu family to watch over, but all went to inform the remaining people of the Lu family at this time of victory.

So the Hu family police squad members directly into the Lu family, this is the first time they came to the Lu family, they are looking around, looking at the Lu family’s rows of villas, and like a palace of all kinds of neat greenery and street lamps, which are not the Hu family.

Although the Hu family is also one of the big families, but it is far from the other families grand, but also not too pursue the sense of form, so in the Hu family simply can not see such a beautiful and clean buildings, these members of the police force at this time to see these, like a country bumpkin into the city, look east and west, everything wants to take away.

These buildings even reminded them of things before the end of the 25world, the city before the end of the world, the road is so clean, the trees next to the road is also so neat, but now is also completely unable to return, a moment, the police force has even had a sad emotions out.

But their main goal is still the warehouse of the Lu family, so they can not be too sad, after all, there are still a lot of good things waiting for them. According to the previous information, the members of the police force already know the location of the warehouse, so it is still very soon to be able to arrive, so they are a little surprised that such a large Lu family, the streets are not a person in.

It is also a coincidence that the people of the Lu family are now being gathered by the members of the police force to the large villa of Lu Jiuling, is waiting to tell them the end of the Lu family, Lu Tian Fang is presiding over this ceremony, and to everyone to announce this sorrowful news, this thing Chu Tian originally did not want to let Lu Tian Fang to do, after all, this kind of thing to let him not very good, but Lu Tian Fang still took the initiative and Chu Tian He wanted to make the rest of the Lu family accept the event himself.

So Lu Tian Fang came here and announced the news of the defeat of the Lu family to all the people of the Lu family without expression, although he thought about it for a long time, but still did not know what kind of attitude to use to say this thing to the people of the Lu family, so he could only be so expressionless, announced the defeat of the Lu family, Lu Jiuling and Lu Jiuying died in battle, all the people of the Lu family were very sad, the old and weak women and children are The news is like a bolt from the blue, hitting them hard on the head, they are not much survivability, in the end of the world naturally can not live, is certainly more worried about their future.

One of the saddest is the Niu butler, he worked in the Lu family do not know how many years, at this time has fallen short, and he knows that he and Lu Tian Fang and Chu Tian do not deal with each other, the other side naturally will not forgive him, he thought of this is more difficult, he directly at a loss to stand up, towards the second floor in the direction of Lu Jiuling’s office, softly shouted a “Master”, and fell to the ground.

Of course, Lu Tianfang will not care much about him, and at this time, the people next to the mood is not very good, so there is no mood to pay attention to the cattle butler, there are only a few simple young subordinates, came over to the cattle butler to help up.

At this time, Lu Tianfang announced an even more heartbreaking news, that is, the Su family will soon join the Lu family, which makes the Lu family more broken, defeated by the Su family, but also to join his family.

For a while, the entire villa hall everywhere filled with wailing, sighing and crying, they do not know what is at stake between the families, but they all know that joining a family that has just beaten their own family will certainly not lead any too good a life. At this time they already do not trust the young master Lu Tian Fang, everyone suspects that he has defected to the Su family

There are also many people who saw Lu Tian Fang being saved by Chu Tian, which further deepens everyone’s distrust of Lu Tian Fang.

But although we do not trust Lu Tianfang, but the adventure team members or very trustworthy, after all, usually live together, low head to see, more let everyone in the subconscious will believe them, and they can now count on the only, is the Lu family’s third young master Lu Tianfang, so they have no other way.

At this time, outside the door suddenly came a few sharp gunshots, these gunshots let the noisy villa hall suddenly quiet down.

After a moment of silence, the hall erupted in a louder cry, panic began, everyone stood up, ran to the wall and squatted, they thought it was the Su family team attacked, so this is very panic, they Lu family’s three proudest team has all lost in the Su family’s men, this makes them these people can do ah!

Everyone “first do not panic!” Lu Tianfang immediately organized the discipline, let everyone not so panic. At the same time also with the eyes to indicate a few adventurous members, pick up the gun, a few people together out of the door, towards the direction of the sound of gunfire.

That’s right, the place where the gunshots came from was the Lu family’s warehouse, and the people who fired were the very people from the Hu family’s police force.

473Time back before the gunshots, the Hu family’s police squad came to the door of the warehouse, but the Lu family’s warehouse is tightly locked, and the entire villa as a warehouse is impermeable, the Hu family’s police squad is impossible to easily enter.

However, this is naturally not difficult to defeat the police officers who have guns, so they raised their guns and shot towards the lock of the warehouse door.

“”Snap though —-”

After two gunshots, the door of the warehouse was immediately opened, and the Hu family’s police officers swaggered into the warehouse.

Once they entered the warehouse, all of them are dumbfounded, they have never seen so many resources since the end of the world, from food and clothing, all kinds to entertainment products, it can be said that there is everything, they look at each other, are grinning happily.

This was heaven for them! Everyone rushed to the sea of supplies and food, they smoked cigarettes, ate bread and fruit, and looked happily at the warehouse full of stuff.

The Lu family is too rich, even after the Lu family no longer have anything into the account, the things in the warehouse is enough for all the people of the Lu family to eat a year.

In this way, the Hu’s police squad was very happy and excited to carry the things to the car outside.

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