250Chapter Endeavor

250Chapter Endeavor

Lu Jiuying failed to strike, and soon gave birth to a strike, his movements are very swift, like a real black panther, action when the limbs of the force, each step action, the ground will appear two small pits, that is precisely his legs stomping the ground formed, so the ground at this time the dust flying, even completely unable to see Lu Jiuying’s movements.

And, in this battlefield seems to have opened up a special world, it is Lu Jiu Ying and Chu Tian space, no other people can approach this place, any person close to this place only two end, either frozen into ice sculptures, or torn into pieces, so at this time, although the war is hot, but still no one dares to approach here.

Lu Jiu Ying once again waved out of the black claws, to Chu Tian in front of his body, his five fingernails have become very long and very sharp, like five sharp daggers, each one is able to tear the air, with a crisp wind-breaking sound.

Chu Tian once again raised the quenched heart in his hand, blocking his claws, this is this period of time the two of them do not know how many times the encounter, claws and quenched heart of each contact, will generate a spark of stars, in the dust-filled air is very conspicuous.

Chu Tian at this time the wolf gritted his teeth, from his expression can be seen in his current somewhat strained, from his right hand palm on the huge 457pressure, quenching the heart of the pressure coming from the hilt of the sword to his hand road to red, red blood is very obvious, as if the skin on the hand will soon break.

Chu Tian gritted his teeth and waved his left hand’s Ice River Rift Sword, the sky was filled with cold air again, but the other side continued to jump and dodge Chu Tian’s attacks, the physical strength of this Lu Jiu Ying after the change is also very strong, this time his activity is much more than Chu Tian fight, he will jump away after almost every blow, which is for physical strength The consumption is undoubtedly very huge.

But Lu Jiuying is still alive and well at this time, and even the ragged breath is not breathing.

Chu Tian looked at Lu Jiuying in front of him, now he completely understood the role of the transformation, Lu Jiuying’s four-dimensional capabilities have been enhanced explosively, so that his combat power has more than doubled, now Chu Tian’s idea is to hurry to break the sixth genetic lock, the sixth genetic lock brings not only the enhancement of four-dimensional data, but the exponential growth of combat power, which is the most critical role. The sixth genetic lock brings not only the enhancement of four-dimensional data, but also the exponential growth of combat power, which is the most critical role, it seems, the world after entering the sixth genetic lock and the first five is not the same day.

Brat”, I think you will soon not be able to hold out! “Lu Jiu Ying stretched out a long tongue, licked his lips, looks like there is still a half of the teasing, he teased Chu Tian, this is the characteristics of the feline, that is, before killing opponents play to opponents, Lu Jiu Ying also perfectly mastered this characteristic.

Chu Tian’s hair was disheveled, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was panting heavily, he was obviously running out of energy, Chu Tian is still an ordinary person after all, he only broke the fifth genetic lock, naturally he cannot have such a perverse recovery ability and physical strength as Lu Jiu Ying, so his physical strength is already a bit stretched, the battle just now The battle just now requires constant concentration, tense nerves, and Lu Jiuying’s attacks are fast and vicious, so every moment for Tian is a huge drain.

“I’m a little low on stamina, but I’ll still be able to deal with you!” Chu Tian laughed and said in a low voice, his calm expression at the moment and his wolfish appearance formed a very sharp contrast, but he himself did not care much about this, he was just thinking about the way to defeat Lu Jiu Ying.

“Tough-talking brat, suffer death!” Lu (cfbj) Jiu Ying once again mocked a sentence, then legs tightly stomped the ground, covered a long time force, it seems that he intends to make his hard hit, after the end of the battle.

Chu Tian knew at this time, this attack must be defended with great effort, so he once again fiercely thrust the glacier rift sword on the ground, the top of his head ice blue gem emerged, that is the proof of the use of cold Qi, a large area of cold Qi immediately appeared in front of Chu Tian, the intense cold Qi almost covered the entire area in front of Chu Tian.

And at this time, Lu Jiu Ying is also towards the direction of Chu Tian fiercely shot, the ground immediately appeared a huge pit, this large pit than the previous battle formed all the pits are much larger, this is enough to prove that Lu Jiu Ying just use the power of the strong.

Lu Jiuying’s speed is fast, but in front of him instantly appeared a huge ice wall, blocking his way, the ice wall with a solemn atmosphere, and almost no formation process, is instantly appeared in front of Lu Jiuying, but Lu Jiuying did not stop in the slightest, he directly hit the ice wall in front of him, the ice wall was instantly broken by his body.

Lu Jiuying broke the ice out of the body with a lot of ice, but he just broke the ice wall, he suddenly appeared in front of a wall of ice, Lu Jiuying heart suddenly rose a bad feeling, so he did not choose to break the ice out, but around the ice wall, the result, in the place where he went around a new wall of ice, which made him uncomfortable, but he did not have any too good way .

This is exactly what Chu Tian has been practicing these days, by controlling where the cold air is located, he is able to continuously release the new move of ice wall, this move requires a high degree of precision in releasing the ice wall, so it also requires a lot of his energy and concentration.

So he continued to break through the ice, at this time is not far from Chu Tian’s location, indeed, after breaking through the wall of ice, Chu Tian appeared in front of him, he grinned, raised his hand, using his maximum strength towards Chu Tian, this attack has played his maximum strength, it seems that even the air was torn open by his five fingers.

Chu Tian is sweating in place, he did not dodge, because he knows that it is too late to dodge, although the ice wall has just slowed down the speed of Lu Jiuying, but at this time Chu Tian is already too late to dodge.

However, Chu Tian had no idea of dodging, he smiled and stood in place, his hand hanging in the ground with the glacier rift sword, slowly raised his head and spat a mouthful of green gas towards Lu Jiuying.

It is the poisonous gas of Yemengarde, this poisonous gas has a very strong toxicity, the moment it touches Lu Jiuying, Lu Jiuying’s body hair began to wither, Lu Jiuying’s speed also became slow, the power of his claw also became much smaller.

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