251Chapter capture Lu Jiuying alive

251Chapter capture Lu Jiuying alive

After the power of Lu Jiuying’s claw was reduced by Chu Tian’s poison gas, Chu Tian was able to catch his claw without any problem. Chu Tian raised the quenching heart in his hand and caught Lu Jiuying’s attack without much effort.

Lu Jiuying’s attack was caught, immediately he jumped away, he pointed to the hair on his body, widened his eyes and stared at Chu Tian, he really can not imagine that the other party has this ability, the green poison gas, so Lu Jiuying is very scandalous, he also did not want to get closer to Chu Tian after this, but if not close to Chu Tian, he will not be able to touch Chu Tian what The ability to touch Chu Tian.

He is standing in place, staggering, hands and shoulders of black hair have withered, fallen off, he felt that the whole body is not a little vitality, even the ability to move has almost disappeared.

“You kid” Lu Jiuying said through clenched teeth, his face is now more hideous, almost can not see the original face, he hissed, but at this time can only stand in place, because he can feel, the body’s recovery ability in the body and the poisonous gas stalemate, by the poisonous gas will slowly decay, but the body’s recovery ability and The two forces are at each other’s throats, and Lu Jiuying’s body is in a cycle of decay and recovery, and his body is now in a very bad condition.

Chu Tian looked at Lu Jiuying in front of him, his body’s physical strength is also overdrawn at this time, he just used almost all of his energy to build a trap of ice wall, but this ice wall is only to let Lu Jiuying put down some defenses, and eventually let his poison gas blow – to the other side of the face.

This is the poisonous gas of Yemengarde, even if Lu Jiuying’s recovery ability is strong, it is difficult to resist the erosion of this poisonous gas, this is the terror of this gas.

So when Lu Jiuying broke through the ice wall and came to Chu Tian, Chu Tian knew that his plan had succeeded, because in the past when Lu Jiuying came to Chu Tian, his speed had reached his peak and he was able to quickly dodge the poisonous gas Chu Tian spat out, but after the erosion of the cold gas just now, Lu Jiuying’s speed had slowed down a lot, so Lu Jiuying is difficult to dodge the attack of poison gas.

In other words, all of Chu Tian’s previous attacks were pavement for this gas attack to be successful.

However, the gas is not the ultimate goal of Chu Tian, because the gas can do is just let Lu Jiuying lost the ability to recover and the ability to move, really let him zombie fighting ability, and not the gas.

It’s a laser!

Chu Tian raised his hands, a laser from his body sent out, the laser is very hot, with the breath of death shot towards the legs of Lu Jiu Ying, at this time there is nothing can resist the laser.

Although Lu Jiuying would like to dodge, but on the one hand, the speed of the laser is very fast, on the other hand, he is now deeply poisonous gas erosion, slow movement, so even if you see the devastating laser, he has no way to dodge away.

Puff flavor-

The laser penetrated the muscle of Lu Jiuying’s thigh, the muscle next to the black hairs were scorched by the laser, like the dry grass burned by fire, the thigh also appeared a hole flowing with blood, the hole is still smoking black, looks very appalling, look carefully, the bones inside his thigh also seems to be penetrated by the laser, leaving a small black hole.

“Ah…” Lu Jiuying screamed loudly, the feeling of his thigh being penetrated by the hot laser was really very painful, but he still gritted his teeth and held on, not immediately collapsing.

But through his performance, the discerning eye can see that he is at the end of the road.

Finally, his deformation gradually dissipated, black hair faded, what remained was a pale humanoid Lu Jiuying, he was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, no blood on his face, looked very weak, and the hole in his leg has not disappeared.

So, after the deformation dissipated, he was also completely on his knees, the pain in his legs was too intense, and could not hold up his body, so he finally collapsed.

Chu Tian at this time dragged his tired body, walked to the side of Lu Jiuying, put the quenched heart in his hand on Lu Jiuying’s neck, looking at Lu Jiuying from a high position, this look proved that he achieved victory in today’s battle.

“Do not move, if you move again, your body will be eroded by the poisonous gas, and finally completely rotten.” Chu Tian coldly said, a pair of eyes stared straight into the eyes of Lu Jiuying, the eyes of the infinite chill, so Lu Jiuying shuddered, at this time he finally understood this young man’s terrifying place, but also finally understand, why Lu Jiuling will be so afraid of him.

…… request flowers ………

Lu Jiuying looked at Chu Tian standing beside him, he lowered his head in chagrin, the poisonous gas in his body was raging at that moment, which proved Chu Tian’s words true, it was the first time he received such humiliation, it was also the first time he was coerced like this.

“Everyone -! Everyone stop! “Chu Tian took a deep breath and shouted loudly, the voice was so loud that almost everyone in the battlefield heard Chu Tian’s voice, and everyone who heard his voice unconsciously stopped their actions, whether it was the members of the security team on Chu Tian’s side or the collection team of the Lu family, everyone stopped in their tracks, They have looked in the direction of Chu Tian and Lu Jiuying.

After the security team members saw Chu Tian’s action, the expressions on their faces were stretched out, revealing a smile, they knew that the battle was theirs to win.

And the collection team members see the scene in front of them, all are pupils constricted, eyes wide open, they are the first time to see the defeat of the captain Lu Jiuying, Lu Jiuying in their hearts is undoubtedly as powerful as God, this image for all the players are too impactful, so much so that they have lost the desire to fight in this moment.

And at this time, Liu Mengade and Kidola also came to Chu Tian’s side, Kidola’s hand also carried a sturdy man, a somewhat delicate woman antelope a strong and sturdy man, the impact of this picture is not small.

“Second young master!” At this time the people of the collection team has recognized the man in the hands of the Kidola, it is the second young master of the Lu family, Lu Tian collection, Lu Tian collection has been standing in the rear of the team, and the rear is the destination of the Kidola and Coconut Dream Gad, so the two of them did not bother to catch Lu Tian collection, Lu Tian collection is slightly stronger than Lu Tian Fang, but also is not the opponent of the Kidola and Coconut Dream Gad. The two of them are not effortless to capture Lu Tian Cai,

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