249Chapter Dilemma

249Chapter Dilemma

Looking at the monster in front of Lu Jiuying, Chu Tian frowned, I have to say, this guy into this state can be really ugly, compared to the divine eagle and Lu Jiuling is to ugly on a lot. The divine eagle is a dashing eagle, looks incomparably light, and the body feathers wings will appear to him more mysterious and powerful.

The snow leopard form of Lu Jiuling is also very light, white fur so that he has a little taste of holiness, the snow leopard is a beautiful beast of the exotic, so after the transformation of Lu Jiuling become better looking is also a normal thing, Lu Jiuling’s snow leopard form not only makes him look good, the strong limbs are very well proportioned, is both beautiful and a sense of strength of the perfect form.

Only after seeing Lu Jiuying’s deformation did Chu Tian realize that not everyone’s deformation was so good-looking. Lu Jiuying’s black panther form not only did not make him more mysterious and full of power, but also looked a bit bulky, his limbs were too swollen and not so proportional, and there was a feeling that his limbs were big and his body was small, so it didn’t look good at all. The black hair also gives people a dirty feeling, a black mass, really let Chu Tian see this the first reaction is “ugly” this word.

“You’re a transformer. … Chu Tian whispered, he knows now should not talk about this topic, but he just can not help it, this is too unexpected, okay!

“What’s wrong?” Lu Jiuying asked, at this critical moment, the other party even and to talk to him.

“It’s too ugly, okay! You can’t compare with your brother at all! ” Chu Tian shouted loudly, although he had not seen many transformations, but this is so ugly that he could not help spitting.

“Ugly?” Lu Jiuying repeated the side, Chu Tian’s sentence is a bit out of his expectation, he has not been said so, and in this kind of life and death struggle, the other party is still concerned about his appearance, this is simply an insult to this battle.

“Yes, big brother! You’re too ugly, too! ” Chu Tian repeated once again, he just took another careful look at the shape of Lu Jiu Ying, and finally felt that he really did not have eyes, so he turned his head away, never look at the Lu Jiu Ying in front of him, before turning his head is also full of disgust, just like looking at garbage eyes.

“Ugly? How dare you call me ugly?” Lu Jiuying repeated over and over again, his expression also became more and more hideous, the black streaks on that face became distorted, it really looked like he was very angry.

“Yes big brother! ” Chu Tian now not only turned his head away, but also covered his eyes with his hands, a look that does not want to care about Lu Jiuying at all.

“You brat” Lu Jiuying said in a low voice, he gnashed his teeth fiercely, the black stripes could not stop the veins on his face, his two tiger teeth have become longer, and become similar to a real leopard, the two sharp teeth are like two sharp knives, it feels like they can directly bite the human bone.

“Die for me! “Lu Jiuying was furious and roared loudly at Chu Tian in front of him, and from his roar even rose a violent wind that blew Chu Tian’s clothes up. He was really angry at the moment, he felt like he wanted to eat Chu Tian alive, he was angry not because the other party taunted him, but Chu Tian’s insult to the fight, the other party actually so not serious to fight him, this is something he had not experienced before.

Lu Jiuying leap, towards the Chu Tian in front of him, due to the impact of jumping up, the ground beneath his feet sunk in, producing a huge pit.

Chu Tian although just laughing at Lu Jiuying, but the face of the other side, he did not dare to take lightly, because the other side in the transformation of speed and strength is also soaring, so Chu Tian at this time has completely fallen behind, he did not dare to have a little light. In fact, if it is Mengga De and Kidola here, Lu Jiuying certainly will not even have the opportunity to transform, will be solved directly, but Chu Tian still chose to face the other side of the strongest enemy at this time, not for other reasons, because he is the man of the Su family, can not give the strongest enemy to the girls to solve ah.

Chu Tian sometimes feel that they are bored do not know what spirit is really quite meaningless, but he still can not change, after all, he is to protect the girls.

So Chu Tian at this time facing a much stronger enemy than himself, will not retreat half a step, Chu Tian gently pulled out in front of his body stuck in the ground ice river rift valley sword. His right hand is the heart of lust, the left hand of the glacier Rift Valley sword, both hands holding the sword, blocked Lu Jiuying rushed to swing a grab, at this time Lu Jiuying’s arm and his bathing blood is still covered with ice lying on the ground, although Lu Jiuying is now without his sword, but his transformation of the sharpness of a few sons is not much different from the bathing blood, and at this time it is equivalent to his body has four claws and the bathing blood sharpness is similar, And he is very flexible, extremely fast, which also makes Chu Tian difficult to react.

But Chu Tian also has its own advantage, that is the ice river rift valley sword, after strengthening the ice river rift valley sword all the time emitting cold, which will greatly slow down Lu Jiuying’s speed, Lu Jiuying just experienced the power of the cold, so he is now very afraid of Chu Tian’s cold.

After his claws and Chu Tian’s two swords came into contact, he immediately retreated, not to have a little stalemate with Chu Tian, precisely because he was afraid of Chu Tian’s cold air, if other opponents, he could have stalemated with him until he was physically exhausted, and then tore him apart completely.

Chu Tian also knows what Lu Jiuying is afraid of, but he is now in addition to the cold gas (? Li Zhao) but there are still two big killers, that is, the laser of Kidola and the poison gas of Yemengarde, these two big killers are likely to determine the direction of this battle, so Chu Tian did not use directly, but slowly waiting for the right time, he is very patient, because he knows, treat such an opponent, is a must have patience, a little impatience, may be sent out of life, Chu Tian is not in a hurry, because he is very patient.

“Come on!” Chu Tian laughed provocatively, he knew the other party had just gotten a little angry, so he had to provoke the other party even more at this point so that he could lose his ability to think calmly.

Chu Tian put the two swords in his hands, hold tightly, he did not dare to have the slightest relaxation, because from the blow just now, Chu Tian already know the power of Lu Juying at this time, the power is much stronger than just now, he must exert all his strength, in order to be able to resist!

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