248Chapter against Lu Jiuying

248Chapter against Lu Jiuying

Lu Jiuying’s blood and Chu Tian’s heart against each other, the two are at a standstill, but it is obvious to see that the sword between them is slowly deviating in the direction of Lu Jiuying, which means that Chu Tian’s power is stronger than Lu Jiuying’s, which also proves that the system brings Chu Tian’s powerful gain.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey! “Lu Jiu Ying wryly laughed, the inferior situation in front of him did not let him have a trace of panic, but let him more spirit, the enemy’s strength makes him very happy, he is now excited, he is in the base city, in addition to Lu Jiu Ling, he is the first time to meet the enemy who can make him evenly matched.

“System, look at his abilities.” Chu Tian shouted to the system in his heart, he needed to know Lu Jiuying’s abilities to avoid losing his temper when he fought with Lu Jiuling last time.

“In the process of analysis, please wait for the host. “The long-lost voice of the system came out, Chu Tian has not used the system recently for a long time, at this time to hear the voice of the system, but let him some peace of mind.

But in the system analysis at the same time Lu ,25Jiuying is also two hands holding the blood, tightly forward a swing, knocked away Chu Tian’s hand quenching heart, and then again wielded the sword towards Chu Tian cut.

Chu Tian dodged sideways, so that the sword of Lu Jiuying fell short. If the heart hit the body of Lu Jiuying, there is a high probability that Lu Jiuying will be cut off at the waist, but Lu Jiuying is not some idle person, he has a wealth of combat ability, his combat ability is even much richer than Chu Tian, and at this time he is using his combat ability to suppress Chu Tian.

At this moment, the system’s analysis results are also out, and Chu Tian’s guess, Lu Jiuying is also a person who has broken the sixth genetic lock, and in his “genes” entry, the animal shown is a black panther, exactly the same as Lu Jiuling some similar but not quite the same black panther.

Chu Tian took a quick glance at Lu Jiuying’s four-dimensional data and found that his data was almost the same as Lu Jiuling’s, both of which were on the speed side and lacking in strength, but he was a bit more balanced than Lu Jiuling, meaning that his speed was not as fast as Lu Jiuling’s, but his strength was stronger than Lu Jiuling’s. Looking at this data, but said that the two of them are comparable.

But Lu Jiuying’s strength is still smaller than Chu Tian’s, and his speed is faster than Chu Tian’s. Chu Tian is a very standard balance, speed and strength are balanced, and developed very comprehensively, Chu Tian is confident that if he also breaks the sixth genetic lock at this time, then his speed and strength will exceed Lu Jiuying and Lu Jiuling, and is comprehensively crushing them both.

But now he does not, so look at the four-dimensional data, Chu Tian and Lu Jiuying should be evenly matched.

But Chu Tian is slightly inferior to Lu Jiuying in one aspect, that is, combat experience, Chu Tian has the system of enrichment, although also experienced a lot of combat, but not as much as Lu Jiuying love fighting, so his combat experience is not rich, which is also his disadvantage against Lu Jiuying, but he also has his own advantage, that is, his special ability is very strong, and all from the monster girl inherited, so almost can be said to be a magic technique, which allows Chu Tian to have a lot of unexpected means, which is also the biggest advantage of Chu Tian. The monster girl inherited from, so it can be said that almost all of them are divine skills, which allows Chu Tian to have a lot of unexpected means, which is also Chu Tian’s greatest asset.

Just a moment, Chu Tian will be their own advantages and disadvantages of the total analysis of a pass, the next battle he naturally have a number of heart.

While thinking about these things, he also dodged many times Lu Jiuying’s attacks, as the battle progressed, Lu Jiuying’s attack frequency seemed to be getting faster and faster, and his speed was getting faster and faster, Chu Tian would even be a little tired of dodging, but he was still quietly defending, looking for opportunities for Lu Jiuying to break down.

Now fighting speed Chu Tian is unable to fight Lu Jiuying, he can only defend his body, completely unable to launch an attack.

But he still has to look for opportunities, he yelled, and then waved the heart, his swing is his full strength, Lu Jiuying’s strength is not enough, so his hands of blood did not resist the heart of this sudden attack.

The bathing blood was temporarily knocked back behind, so that Lu Jiuying’s body appeared in front of a gap that would appear when he took the bathing blood back. In this instant, a sense of foreboding instantly surged on the heart of Lu Jiuying.

In a battle between two people, such a gap is the biggest opportunity for the opponent.

Chu Tian was naturally able to seize this gap, he stretched out his left hand, his hand instantly appeared fierce cold, the glacier rift sword also appeared in his hand along with this burst of cold air, at this time he became a double blade stream.

He instantly put the glacier rift sword on the ground in front of his body, his forehead emitted an ice blue light, the light is very dazzling, but with the light outbreak of cold air is cold to the bone.

And at the same time as the cold burst out, Lu Jiuying’s blood bath has swung to Chu Tian’s neck, and now the distance to Chu Tian’s neck seems to be only the distance of the thin sheet of paper, but no longer can advance.

Because Tian Tian’s blood in front of his body has been half of Lu Jiuying’s arm, are in Lu Jiuying stunned eyes, covered by cold, ice crystals appear on the arm, the arm frozen, Lu Jiuying at this moment has not felt that this arm belongs to his own, and the cold is still gradually457 spreading to his body.

At this moment also can not allow Lu Jiuying hesitation, immediately he gritted his teeth, his left hand into a knife, towards the right arm slashed over.

“Ah–” Lu Jiuying’s miserable scream rang out, his right arm fell to the ground along with the bathing blood, and at that moment, his shoulder was no longer without his right arm, only a bloody wound remained. Just now, he split his right arm off.

Lu Jiuying face pale, he quickly jumped backwards, the pain in his right arm made him no way to continue fighting.

Chu Tian was trying to follow and catch Lu Jiuying when a leopard roared in front of him, and Chu Tian knew that it was the same annoying change.

Sure enough, at the same time as the roar appeared, Lu Jiuying’s arms and legs began to swell up, his face also appeared strange patterns, hands and feet also became the feet of a leopard, that is precisely the upper side of the growth of black hair.

What is more amazing is that while the body appears to change, the location of the arm that was just cut off by Lu Jiuying, is also slowly giving birth to a new arm, which makes Chu Tian a little surprised that the other party was able to reborn with a severed limb.

Immediately he slashed towards the Lu Jiu Ying in front of him, he did not want to let his opponent full blood, but at this time Lu Jiu Ying is also stretched out his hand into the claws, with his own claws blocked the slash of Ping Xin!

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