244Chapter blowing the war cry!

244Chapter blowing the war cry!

Chu Tian walked out of the villa with Kidola and Coconut Mongaard, and met Lu Tianfang, who also walked out, Lu Tianfang ran to them, and Chu Tian looked at each other, we all know that this moment is finally coming, they have so many days of planning and arrangement, waiting for this moment, after this battle, in this base city, the Lu family and Su family, can only exist one! Exist one!

This is the war between the two families, but at this time the most complicated mood is Lu Tianfang, he is the Lu family, is also the Su family, this war no matter who finally wins, he may not be too happy, but in any case, he still hope that the Su family can win a little more emotion, after all, he is now completely disgusted with Lu Jiuling, and like a family member of Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai, at this time also live in the Su family, from the Lu family From the moment of separation, Lu Tianfang knew that his relatives in this world is only Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai left, so he must let the Su family win this time, even if it is to put his life on the line!

Chu Tian, Kidola and Coconut Dreamer were not under any psychological pressure, but Kidola and Coconut Dreamer were ordered by Chu Tian not to use mass destruction skills such as lasers and poison gas, which made them very unhappy, it was easy to fight, but they could not have a good fight, but they could also understand Chu Tian, Chu Tian’s orders they would accept unconditionally. The first thing you need to do is to get the best out of it.

One, after the war Lu’s people will definitely fight with the security team, if the use of large-scale killing skills, the security team is likely to be in danger. The second reason is that, after the war, Chu Tian wants to receive the three teams of the Lu family, after all, the Lu family is gone, they still have to eat, then they can only depend on the Su family, so that Chu Tian effortlessly established the Su family’s police and collection team, this is exactly Chu Tian’s little scheme, and with these three teams, the Su family can certainly Of course, the Lu family still has many of its own population, and their lives afterwards are not Chu Tian’s responsibility, if they also want to join the Su family, Chu Tian will welcome them, but if they are not willing to join the Su family, then what happens to them afterwards is not Chu Tian’s concern. It’s not Chu Tian’s responsibility.

The three did not say anything more, immediately went to the fence of the Su family, Chu Tian and Liu Mengjia had to give birth to wings, with Lu Tian Fang and Kidola to this border, at this time three guards in black suits are holding guns, vigilantly looking ahead.

Chu Tian yesterday moved the alarm to a place slightly away from the fence, so as long as the Lu family is close to the Su family, the alarm will naturally sound, at this time the three guards are also heard the alarm, so immediately put up a gun in the fence behind the guard, the three of them are not slow, and soon concentrated on preparing for battle.

“Coming?” Kidola asked a question, now there is still no one ahead, but simply do not need to see any silhouette, only by this distant rumbling footsteps can be known, the Lu family people are rapidly rushing towards here.

“Almost there! “Get ready for battle! Chu Tian smiled and said to a few people beside him, they are a few people here to defend the Su family, there is really a kind of “lonely city” of the sad taste, but soon, this sense of sadness will disappear, because behind them, a large number of personnel are running with guns, they have stood in Chu Tian a few people Behind them, soon the entire fence was filled with people, which is quite spectacular.

At this time, in front of the Su family, the Lu family’s team is marching rapidly in the direction of the Su family, the leader of the team, it is Lu Jiuying. He also let the team speed up, because they are for the Lu family’s rapid march, so must still be every second.

“Report! At this time”, a man who came back from the front came to Lu Jiuying and shouted loudly.

“Say!” Lu Jiuying did not stop him, and the two began to walk and talk.

“The Su family’s fence is already full of security team people behind the fence, it seems that the Su family has found us!” The scout-like person said. His expression was a bit frightened, because this was bad news, and he would probably be scolded.

“Good, you go down first.” Lu Jiuying stunned a moment, quickly recovered, and did not say anything more, just let the scout go down, after all, he is not Lu Jiuling, if the one standing here is Lu Jiuling, only afraid that the scout’s face will be two more handprints.

“Tell them to stop!” Lu Jiuying waved his hand and said loudly to the people behind him.

Stop”!” People behind them is also one person a sentence backward to pass the message, soon, this well-trained team stopped, the two teams on both sides also quickly followed the collection team stopped.

“”Uncle, why do you want to stop!”” Lu Tianshun immediately came to the front, he was originally with a small team in the rear of the team, after all, he is the overall commander of this battle, it is impossible to let him in the front.

“The other side has already known our plan, at this time and then the rapid march is no longer necessary. On the contrary, it will consume our side’s physical strength, so next we walk slowly, let everyone rest for a while!” Lu Jiuying said, I have to say that his decision is really very wise, Lu Tianshun turned his head, looked around the panting team members, also understand the intention of Lu Jiuying, so he also nodded his head.

“Let everyone walk slowly, we need to recover our strength!” Lu Tianshun shouted to the team members behind him.

Next, soon the team moved again, we all began to slowly walk towards the Su family, at this time the distance from the Su family is also (of money) is not far away, recovering to regain strength is also good, after all, there is a battle next.

“You still do not go back to the rear?” Lu Jiuying looked at Lu Tianshun delayed in going back, opened his mouth and asked.

“No, or here for me.” Lu Tianshun looked ahead and replied firmly, he really is still suitable for playing forward, in the back is very boring.

“Hahahaha, good, then we will be together in the front! “Lu Jiuying laughed a few times and opened his mouth, his nephew’s character he still likes very much.

In the distance of about one thousand meters from the Su family, Lu Jiuying again let the team stop.

“Uncle, what’s wrong this time?” Lu Tianshun asked.

“This time, we’ll give the Su family group a big taste! ” Lu Jiuying said with a smile, then he turned his head and shouted to the people behind him.

“Set that big guy up!” Gen,

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