243Chapter All out!

243Chapter All out!

After the people ate this meal, they went back to rest, or to rest early today, in order to get enough spirit to deal with tomorrow’s battle. After everyone has eaten, the security team members have also assembled to the Su family, the security team in large numbers, really give everyone a feeling of black clouds, they walk on the ground footsteps can attract the attention of the people in the Su villa.

The villa area of the Su family is not as big as the Lu family, but the team members squeeze, accommodating a hundred or so people or no relationship, so tonight the security team members do not have to work hard to keep watch, but to be able to have a good night’s rest in the villa, but at this time the war is imminent, it is estimated that no one can Sleep well.

Of course the night watch is still to be arranged, God Eagle arranged two security team responsible for the defense of the Su family, the two of them stood next to the iron fence, and in order to feed their spirits, every two hours someone will change25 shifts, so as to ensure that everyone gets a rest.

God Eagle did not stay in the Su family villa area, his previous agreement with Chu Tian is only to lend the security team to Chu Tian, he is not responsible for the defense of the Su family, so there is still no pressure, as long as the security team members do not lose much he can accept. Now he just has to go back to his place and wait for the end of the battle tomorrow.

Su family or the first time so many people moved in, so it is also very lively, the arrival of the security team members to the Su family added a lot of warm atmosphere, so that the original some cold Su family became full of life.

“Then, I’ll leave you now, just wish Chu Tian brother a good victory tomorrow! “Divine Eagle clasped his fist, said with a smile, he believes in Chu Tian’s ability, so there is not much concern, the news of the adventure team to join the Su family put his mind at ease a lot, at this time he has done all he can do, as for the results of the war is the introduction of your thing.

“Thank you, senior divine Eagle, this time also thanks to your help!” Chu Tian also clasped his fist, said to the divine Eagle back, he is a person who knows how to repay, the divine Eagle really helped him a lot, so these kindnesses he will remember, after the opportunity will be exchanged back, but this time the divine Eagle and his cooperation is a win-win, Chu Tian also do not need to think too much about this matter.

“It’s okay, I can’t get off since I’ve been in this thieving boat of yours, so naturally I have to do my best to help you! “Divine Eagle rare smile and joke.

Hahahaha”, there is an opportunity will definitely thank the grace of senior divine eagle, but, after this also please senior divine eagle also do not get off our Su family’s ship of thieves ah!” Chu Tian also said with a smile, his words are still very good.

“Hahahaha, you guys go for it! “The divine eagle finished this sentence, the air appeared a crisp call, the divine eagle also gave birth to wings behind, he quickly flew away from the Su family, back to his own residence.

At this time Chu Tian and others are also dispersed, he returned to his room, tomorrow is the start of the battle, before going to war, Chu Tian still want to make out with his wife Su Juan, so the two can not help but a flurry of rain.

Until Su Mei was lying on the bed covered in sweat, panting loudly.

“Honey, do you really want to go to war with the Lu family tomorrow? “Su Mei said softly, her tone is very light, like a small child who has been aggrieved, feeling pitiful.

“Yes, if I don’t go and fight them, then our Su family will not be able to keep. ” Chu Tian smiled and stroked Su Mei’s hair to calm her down, Chu Tian knew that she was worried about Chu Tian’s safety again.

“It’s okay if you can’t keep it, I just…” Su Mei’s tears were already in her eyes, and it was obvious that her eyes were red, as if she was about to cry.

“I know, wife, I know you are worried about me, but Su Lao gave me the Su family, I must protect the Su family, so tomorrow’s battle I must go, and you should believe in your husband’s strength, I will definitely not be in danger tomorrow, is the Lu family of those few stinky potatoes rotten bird eggs, or can not hurt me. ” Chu Tian patiently comforted, he knew Su Mei is for his own good, so at this moment he will try to remain patient.

“Hahaha, of course I believe in your strength, then you must come back on time for dinner tomorrow, I will be waiting for you at home!” Su Mei heard Chu Tian’s unique description, is also amused to break into tears, she playfully said to Chu Tian, in fact, he is not particularly worried about Chu Tian’s safety, after all, Chu Tian showed strength she had already seen.

But she will still somehow panic, this is a complex emotion she can not understand, as long as the thought of tomorrow Chu Tian will go to war, her heart will be very panic, but she also knows that she can not be so capricious, Chu Tian is to protect the Su family to fight.

Su Mei does not know the strength of the big families, so do not know the disparity between the number of Lu and Su families, she did not have any great pressure in her heart, she only felt that Chu Tian just to deal with an ordinary enemy, will soon be able to return in triumph, and can also eat a good celebration feast.

“Good, then you will be good at home and wait for the discs I brought back ,080last time have not finished watching it, you will be good at home and watch movies. When all these things are finished, we will hold a wedding, I also want to marry the most beautiful Meier!” Chu Tian said with a smile, his tone is very gentle, let Su Mei feel like spring.

“Hey, hey! “Su Mei said with a smile, then she closed her eyes and turned off the light to fall asleep, she pillowed Chu Tian’s arm, feeling Chu Tian’s breathing, it all made her feel at ease.

Chu Tian saw Su Mei sleep, he also closed his eyes and went to sleep, tomorrow is a hard battle, he has to get enough energy!

The moon rises quickly, and sets quickly, but at this time the moon has not set.

Chu Tian opened his eyes and glanced at the clock on the bedside table, it was 3:00 a.m. Chu Tian estimated that the Lu family should be arriving soon.

Sure enough, after more than twenty minutes of waiting, Chu Tian room alarm went off, he immediately went to knock on the door of the next monster girls, Kidola and Coconut Mungad immediately opened the door, out of the room, but the embarrassment is that at this time it is not light, so the Balu beast has not yet woken up, it seems that she is too late to participate in today’s battle.

Chu Tian immediately walked down the villa with the three monster girls, they walked out the door of the villa, and Lu Tian Fang was also coming out of the villa next to it.

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