245Chapter indiscriminate bombardment

245Chapter indiscriminate bombardment

“Put that big guy in place!” Lu Jiuying’s face appeared frenzied, he shouted to the team members behind him, the expression like a madman, but everyone knows that this is exactly the normal expression of Lu Jiuying when the battle begins, he is the so-called “battle maniac”, no matter what the battle is, he will be very enthusiastic, and give his best, this is exactly why he volunteered to lead the gathering team. The reason why he volunteered to lead the collection team, collection team although the name should not be dangerous, but more dangerous than the work of the adventure team, because the collection team is responsible for collecting items outside the walls, so often deep into the place full of zombies, and these places, it is the most dangerous place in the world.

So the collection team members of all sizes experienced many battles, which largely exercised their ability, but also increased the casualty rate of the collection team, basically every battle, the collection team will lose a certain number of members, but after experiencing countless battles, the collection team’s combat power greatly enhanced, the remaining members of the team to deal with the zombie’s ability to become stronger, so the death and injury rate of the collection They also gradually have a better way to exercise newcomers, which allows the quality of the collection team members steadily rise, know that the collection 080team became the base city and the security team on par with the strong team, of course, all this, Lu Jiuying credit, the collection team is his single-handedly cultivated, so the collection team members than Lu Jiuling, but also more believe in Lu Jiuying.

This is exactly the drawback of the three teams of the Lu family, is also the drawback of the management model of the Lu family, that is, the power is not centralized, Lu Jiuling seems to have only hands to cover the sky, but many people trust are not Lu Jiuling, but the management of their people, but responsible for the management of these people are Lu Jiuling’s son or brother, or is the cattle butler such decades of old subordinates, they are also very convinced of Lu Jiuling, so if Without Lu Jiu-ling, the Lu family is bound to be a scattered sand, because Lu Jiu-ying is not a person who likes to talk about feelings to climb the relationship, he lunch to become the biggest leader of the Lu family, so Lu Jiu-ling is also considered the most critical person of the Lu family.

“Big guy, what is it?” Lu Tianshun asked suspiciously, he had never heard that the collection team had a secret weapon.

“It’s something I harvested out there this time, our gathering team’s secret weapon! Hey hey!” Lu Jiuying laughed maniacally, as long as a (cfbj) involved in the matter of combat, he will become this big villain like character, and the usual he is very different.

“What is it?” Lu Tianshun couldn’t help but ask, he didn’t quite know what kind of weapon could be called a “big guy”.

“You’ll see later!” Lu Jiuying licked his lips and said with a smile, it seems he was looking forward to the performance of the secret weapon.

“Captain! Loading is complete! ” came a voice from the rear of the collection team, and for some reason, there seemed to be a hint of frenzy in that voice as well.

“Good! Fire immediately! Aim at the Su family’s fence!” Lu Jiuying shouted loudly, at this time the Su family’s fence was already vaguely visible, so there was no problem with aiming.

“Boom–” in the eyes of everyone expecting, a loud sound came from behind, the sound rang through the sky, deafening, the originally very noisy team members of the conversation were perfectly drowned out.

After the loud noise, Lu Tianshun saw on a huge iron ball flew over their heads, quickly flying in the direction of the Su family, his pupils tightened, although he had never seen this thing, but there are still two words in her heart emerged.

“Cannon!” Lu Tianshun exclaimed, this is exactly the collection team’s secret weapon?

He never expected that the collection team could get back a cannon, and it was so well hidden that he didn’t even notice it.

“That’s right, it’s the cannon, this is something we found in an arsenal outside, that arsenal has a lot of equipment, with the power of the collection team there is no way to completely transport back, and the Lu family’s demand for arms is not so much, so we gave up part of the guns and took it far back.

The side of the adventure team members, see this huge iron ball, all are heart tight, you know, this in the base city, but with destructive weapons, they are very worried about the safety of Chu Tian and Su family people.

“So it is, there is such a secret weapon, uncle you should have told me!” Lu Tianshun said with a smile, the power of the cannon is obvious, it is estimated that even the Su family, there is no such weapon, the cannon is very powerful, killing power and strong, it must become the decisive factor in this war.

“Hey, hey, want to give you kid a surprise! “Lu Jiuying said with a smile.

“Haha.” Lu Tianshun awkwardly laughed twice, sighed, can’t help it, Lu Jiuying likes to make this kind of joke with some bad taste, the Lu family knows, he also has nothing to do. But this cannon is still enough to make him happy.

Meanwhile, at the fence of the Su family.

Chu Tian and the rest of the security team were standing by. They had seen the arrival of the Lu’s team early, but they stopped in place, which made Chu Tian smell a hint of conspiracy.

As expected, soon, a shell flew over, the speed of the shells is naturally needless to say, in the blink of an eye are overhead.

Behind the security team members subconsciously quiet down, quickly trying to run to the side to hide.

“Everyone on my command! Do not move! ” Chu Tian shouted at this time, the voice with an incomparably powerful aura, so that the security team members behind them have stopped hiding, they want to escape, but for some reason, Chu Tian’s words seem to carry a more shocking things, so they do not dare to move, they just stand in place, watching the shells closer and closer to They just stood there, watching the shells getting closer and closer to them, and they had to hold their heads.

Brother! That’s a cannonball, it’s not a joke! They have looked at Chu Tian with resentful eyes, if the eyes can kill, I believe that Chu Tian has now died not know how many times, after all, he just told the team not to move, it is equivalent to all the team members have been put to death. At this time, many players in the heart of this usually gentle and smooth guy painted on the “crazy” label.

But Chu Tian is not panic, he is waiting for the shells slowly approaching, behind the team members are almost scared piss, even Lu Tianfang is a little panic, Chu Tian and his side of the three girls but still Xiao Ran motionless, as if they simply can not see the shells.

Finally, the shells came over the heads of Chu Tian and the others!

“Xiao La! ” Chu Tian shouted!

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