240Chapter Follow

240Chapter Follow

“Be sure to pay attention to safety ah!” Lu Tianfang instructed, after all, the Lu family is different from the Su family, and this is the eve of the war, if people are found to have encouraged the people, the organization of rebellion, in the Lu family will certainly be directly executed, this point, whether it is Lu Fei Wang Chang, or Lu Tianfang, they are aware of.

But want to push back the Lu family, want to absorb the personnel of the adventure team, it must do such a thing, and the adventure team has always been united, Lu Tianfang believe that the members of the adventure team will certainly not make such a snitch thing.

“Then things should not be late, let’s hurry up and go!” Wang Chang and Lu Fei said, go back late will certainly be suspected, and not good to deliver.

“Hey, you are careful, I give you an alarm here, if there is any danger, press the alarm, even if the Lu family is the net, I Chu Tian will definitely save you back. ” Chu Tian said with a smile, and handed Wang Chang a small box with a red button.

“This…” Wang Chang excitedly took the small box Chu Tian handed him, he did not expect that the other party could do this, Wang Chang and Lu Fei were touched by Chu Tian’s actions, Chu Tian saved Lu Tian Fang already very good feeling, did not expect that the other party is still concerned about their safety I have ,080to say, Chu Tian at this time, gave the two such hope, even The other side of Lu Tian Fang feel Chu Tian did a good job, the heart also silently remembered Chu Tian’s kindness.

“Thank you, Brother Chu Tian!” Lu Tian Fang said gratefully, he did not expect Chu Tian to go so far for him.

“It’s okay, after all, the adventure team came to expand the power of our Su family, so I will definitely protect the people of my Su family! ” Chu Tian said seriously, since the adventure team intends to join the Su family, then he will certainly also take the adventure team people as his brothers. So protect brothers is a very normal thing, he does not feel very strange, even if Wang Chang and Lu Fei’s plan failed, he will really go to the Lu family to save the two, after all, he has not been to the Lu family, all this has been lightly familiar with.

“Thank you, Master Chu Tian, the two of us are willing to work as cattle and horses to repay your kindness!” Wang Chang and Lu Fei said in unison, both of them had already been very grateful to Chu Tian.

“Go back, be safe!” Chu Tian said with a smile, if two more friends is also very good.

After that, Wang Chang and Lu Fei quickly rushed back to the Lu family, as they did not see any deployment of troops in the Su family, they told Lu Tianshun about the alarm.

At this time the adventurous team members who infiltrated into the residence of the divine Eagle also returned, according to his observation, the security team members are gathered in the residence of the divine Eagle, it seems that they are also conducting drills, it seems that they are preparing for war.

“Sure enough the security team has joined forces with the Su family …Lu Tianshun whispered, and then let the spying adventure team members go back, Lu Tianshun although not good with words, but the brothers of the Lu family is still very trustworthy, so he trusts the adventure team members.

And at this time, back to the residence of Wang Chang and Lu Fei two people, has begun to spread the situation of Lu Tian in the Su family, only half a day, almost all of the adventurous team members know that they were Lu Jiu Ling deception, Lu Tian Fang is not taken by Chu Tian as a hostage, but by Chu Tian rescued.

This made all the members of the adventuring team feel indignant, they already knew about Lu Jiuling’s crime, so naturally they would not stay at home anymore. So at the moment all of them have decided to contact Chu Tian and join the Su family.

“This is how things are…” The day after Wang Chang went back, he went back to the Su family and told the Chu Tian family, and also expressed that all the members of the adventure team were willing to join the Su family with Lu Tian Fang.

This news makes Chu Tian overjoyed, so that the Su family at once has the Lu family’s adventure team, which makes the Su family’s strength to a higher level, now even without the help of the security team, the Lu family is not necessarily able to destroy the Su family.

(cfbj) “Good, then you now immediately go back, waiting for my contact, you now adventure team so a large number of people, certainly not all out of the Lu family, so this time we wait until the Lu family to attack the Su family, and then the action it. You remember, must be calm, do not reveal your actions, or you may bring you a deadly disaster. ” Chu Tian carefully instructed, just a matter of great importance, absolutely can not be sloppy.

“You must be very careful, our a few temperamental brothers, you must see them, can not they let make what is too much to do. “Lu Tianfang said, rather he was on the battlefield and his brothers in arms, but not willing to let them die in confusion.

Don’t worry, Captain, we will definitely leave the Lu family and be with you again!” Wang Chang said loudly, he is the stronger adventure team, it is the day Lu Tian Fang from the zombie group to take the emerald when one of the two people with, in Lu Tian Fang left the Lu family, the adventure team has actually been his command, although on the surface of the adventure team is listening to Lu Tian collection words, but in fact the real command of the adventure team is precisely Wang Chang.

And Wang Chang calm character, know how to hold back, know the advance and retreat, is the best right hand of Lu Tianfang, so Lu Tianfang is still very trusting of him.

“Well, I believe in you guys!” Lu Tianfang said excitedly, at this time his mood can not be described, he never thought that the brothers of the Lu family adventure team, but they are willing to risk their lives to follow him, he now does not know how much virtue he has accumulated in his last life, to be able to have a group of such brothers.

“I Lu Tianfang, thank you brothers!” Lu Tianfang at this time tears have been playing in the eyes, but he is not the kind of people who can talk, so a thousand words, there is only a word of thanks.

“Don’t worry captain, we are all brothers, you have saved us when we went out on adventures, our brothers in the adventure team are not the kind of people who don’t return favors, you are our benefactor, naturally I will always follow you!” Wang Chang said calmly, ever since he was saved by Lu Tian Fang in an adventure, he decided that his own life was Lu Tian Fang’s.

So most of the members of the adventure team are of the same opinion, and they want to follow Lu Tian Fang’s footsteps no matter what.

“Hey, go back quickly, remember to improvise! “Lu Tianfang secretly wiped the tears in the corner of the eyes, once again instructed.

“Mm.” Wang Chang responded, and left the Su family, he came out secretly, so he could not stay here too long.

“Tian Fang brother, I really envy you, can have such a group of brothers born to die! ” Chu Tian looked at Wang Chang’s departing back, whispered.

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