241Chapter War Eve

241Chapter War Eve

Wang Chang went back, immediately organized the members of the Lu family adventure team, so that they do not cause trouble these days, to stabilize the situation. Adventure team members also executed very well, it seems that they follow Lu Tianfang’s emotions are very intense, can make them patient not to resist, this is the charisma of Lu Tianfang’s personality.

After a few days, every day can be caught one after another adventure team members, they are sent to investigate the situation of the Su family, and after being caught by Chu Tian, they voluntarily have to stay in the Su family, no longer back to the Lu family, so Chu Tian these days also took in a lot of adventure team members.

And these days Lu Tianshun live more miserable, they went out all the investigation Su family situation, did not come back.

“Well? This time to investigate the brothers back did not? “Lu Tianshun asked loudly, this is already the fifth adventure team members in the past few days, but still not return, the situation of the Su family did not investigate, their own instead of five people, which makes Lu Tianshun – very unhappy.

Lu Tianshun shook his head, gave Lu Tianshun a regretful expression.

” Damn it, this Su family has really become a bottomless pit? All the people can not come back?” Lu Tianshun said, he now has little patience and the Su family to fight the intelligence war, and the Lu family three team members have rested very well, the Wang family and Hu family members of the police force can also participate in the Lu family training, although in the tacit understanding is still somewhat lacking, but it is enough, this is already two or three times the strength of the security team and the Su family, even with the sea of people, Lu Tianshun is also confident of victory.

“I don’t know why, all the people sent to the Su family’s border, was caught.” Lu Tian said, he deliberately went to follow the team members sent out today, the team members are also to the Su family’s border, not even a few steps inside, Chu Tian flew out and caught him back.

“It seems that the Su family’s alarm system is doing very well, but this is really their strong point, our people can not enter, it is understandable.” Lu Tianshun lowered his head and pondered.

“Then what should we do now?” Lu Tianshui asked, right now in terms of the intelligence station, they obviously lost a chip to the Su family. It seems that this intelligence war is no way to fight.

“Since the information can not play them, then we will directly attack!” Lu Tianshun said, his expression looked a little upset, the other side gave him a kind of profound feeling, so he did not want to do these things with the Su family again, his troops obviously dominate, so at this time there is no need to hide and dodge!

“A direct strike? Brother’s meaning is?” Lu Tianhu marveled, although he had long known that this day would come, but when this moment came, there was still some excitement.

“Inform all our team members to get a good rest tonight! Tomorrow we will leave!” Lu Tianshun said loudly, since the decision to strike, it must be fast, accurate and fierce, there can no longer be the slightest hesitation.

“Good, I’m going to inform now! ” said Lu Tian collection, he was in a very excited mood at the moment, this was his first time to participate in a battle, he knew that with his strength, there could not be any danger, so in the eyes of the strong, war is just a game.

“Inform uncle again, tomorrow, ask his gathering team to take the lead! Your adventure team is located in the left flank of the gathering team, responsible for response, the guard team and the Wang Hu two guard team, in the right flank of the gathering team, responsible for defense.” Lu Tianshun ordered, he is now a mighty wind Ling Ling, looks really like a great marshal.

“Understood!” Lu Tianshun finished setting up, Lu Tianshun should be a sentence, and left the room, and began to notify the various ways of people, at this time, the commanders of the various teams are training their teams, heard the news to send troops, they are very excited, because they trained for so many days, waiting for this day!

Of course, the brothers of the adventure team to hear this news is also very excited, because they can finally get out of the sea of suffering of the Lu family, can finally get the command of Lu Tianfang again, they have long been fed up with the Lu Tian collection, he has no command skills, all the orders are blind command, if not for the Wang Chang in the stability of the army, the members of the adventure team is afraid to sit down.

In the adventure team, Wang Chang and Lu Fei heard the news, first exchanged glances, and then the two came together to discuss countermeasures in a hidden place.

“This Lu Tianshun is going to send troops tomorrow, we must go to inform young master Chu and them, so that they are well prepared.” Wang Chang said, Lu Tianshun ready to leave early tomorrow morning, so want to hit the Su family a surprise.

……… is asking for flowers…

Why not choose to send troops at night? It is because there is almost no light in the base city at night, fighting in the dark may cause confusion, which will be detrimental to the more people of the Lu family I’m afraid.

The early morning words will not have this concern, although some darkness in the early morning, but also be able to see the direction, and the early morning when the most dense sleep, the security team is difficult to assemble, which is more unfavorable for the Su family, the Lu family can take advantage of this attack, directly into the Su family.

“Well, if you really go over at dawn, I’m afraid it will be difficult for the security team to assemble.” Lu Fei nodded, he was also thinking the same thing when he heard the news of the troops.


“So tonight you go to the Su family overnight, notify young master Chu of this matter, and then you do not have to come back to avoid the danger. “Wang Chang said.

“Why didn’t you go yourself? You can obviously do more covert. “Lu Fei asked, in the remaining members of the adventure team, Wang Chang’s strength is the strongest, he will certainly be more stable if he goes.

“I am now the commander of the adventure team, if I suddenly disappear at such a critical moment, Lu Tianzui will definitely notice, which will put the other adventure team brothers in a disadvantageous position.” Wang Chang patiently explained, in fact, he had considered going himself, but if he went, the remaining brothers of the Lu family’s adventure team, may be in danger, so he must stay.

“Good, then I will leave this afternoon.” Lu Fei nodded and answered. The Lu family’s defense is easy to go out, but it is difficult to enter the Lu family, this is because not all the people in the Lu family live in the villa area, in the surrounding apartments, there are people from the Lu family, so from the villa area out, the guards at the door is not too care.

And this means that the degree of danger of going out in the afternoon is much lower than going out at night, because going out at night will inevitably be a little strange, so this afternoon, Lu Fei went out of the villa area of the Lu family. Came to the Su family’s villa area.

He told Chu Tian everything,

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