239Chapter Recruiting

239Chapter Recruiting

In the afternoon of the day when they caught Lu Fei, Chu Tian caught another person sent by the Lu family to spy on them. I have to say, these people infiltrated the Su family in exactly the same way, and even after being discovered, the hiding places were exactly the same, so Chu Tian felt a little funny, but they could not help it, after all, no one has brought information back.

This new infiltrator into the Su family, and Lu Fei, and Lu Fei know the information is similar, so Tian did not ask what useful information.

But first of all, this time more than one question, “You are the Lu family which team of people?” Chu Tian could not help but ask, the three teams of the Lu family base people know, if the other party is the adventure team, then you can let Lu Tian release the horse, so that for the Su family after the formation of the adventure team is also a good thing.

“Adventure team… in Chu Tian asked, he was which team of people, the other party’s eyes obviously disgusted up, his tone also became less irritable, no longer so warily.

“Ah, is not that your Lu family’s third young master’s team? ” Chu Tian said with a smile, this Lu Tianshun really gave him a big gift.

“That’s right! What exactly did you do to our captain! The revenge for the murder of the captain, our adventure team will never forget! “The man gritted his teeth and said, it seems that he really think Chu Tian put Lu Tian to take away.

“Huh? What does your captain have that I should mutilate?” Chu Tian said with a smile, did not expect that the person in front of him was quite loyal, and also like Lu Tian Fang, with a straight flavor.

“So what did you do to our captain?” The man in front of him heard Chu Tian say this, his tone immediately softened down, the captain did not die for him is a very good thing.

“Of course it’s good food and drink, Lu Tian Fang is our Su family’s big shot!” Chu Tian cried and laughed, it seems the entire Lu family thinks he took the open air away to abuse.

“Later you will take you to meet your captain, then you will know,||” Chu Tian said, his heart suddenly gave birth to a more brilliant idea. It seems that the people of the adventure team are very loyal to Lu Tian Fang, he wants to let the Lu family disintegrate from within!

Soon, yesterday, with Lu Fei and just captured intelligence officers came to Lu Tianfang’s villa, Xiao Ting opened the door, at this time the three of them are watching a horror movie, because the war has not yet been fought, so Lu Tianfang is still very free now.

” Young Master Chu Tian, what’s the matter?” Xiao-ting saw Chu Tian and immediately showed a bright smile, these days she and the Su family is also considered to be acquainted, all the Su family has a very good impression of Chu Tian, Chu Tian in the Su family can be said to have a good reputation, which makes Xiao-ting and Xiao-ai also become very good impression of Chu Tian, plus Chu Tian has already helped the three of them, Therefore, Xiao-ting and Xiao-ai also think Chu Tian is very good now.

“Where is Brother Tian Fang, I have brought him two big gifts! ” Chu Tian smiled as he walked into Lu Tian Fang’s villa, followed by Lu Fei and the adventurous team members he had just captured.

” Brother Chu Tian, what’s the matter?” Lu Tian Fang heard Chu Tian’s voice and came over.

“Brother Tian Fang, look who it is! ” Chu Tian moved aside, the faces of the two adventurers behind him were revealed, and Lu Tian Fang looked at each other.

“Lu Fei Wang …Chang ….” Lu Tianfang said excitedly, did not expect to see his brothers of the adventure team here.

“The captain…. in front of Lu Fei and Wang Chang is also very excited, before the Lu family has been rumored that Lu Tianfang in danger, the adventure team is also fearful, but today they saw Lu Tianfang standing here unharmed, that rumor can be said to be not broken.

“How did you two come here?” Lu Tianfang went up and hugged the two people in front of him, and then said, they thought they would meet again with the brothers of the adventure team is in the battlefield, did not expect to see them in the Su family.

“Our…. young master sent us to spy on the news!” Lu Fei whispered, they always know, the young master and the second young master are not dealing with Lu Tian Fang, they are now under the command of the young master and the second young master, so they subconsciously will think that this is a betrayal of Lu Tian Fang.

“So, but it’s true, spying is a very normal thing, our adventure team brothers are also most suitable for spying news…” Lu Tianfang held his chin, said in a low voice.

“But Captain, why are you here? Weren’t you captured by this guy?” Lu Fei pointed to Chu Tian in front of him and asked to Lu Tian Fang.

“No, it was me who wanted to leave the Lu family, my father wouldn’t let me leave, so he killed me, it was Brother Chu Tian who saved me.” Lu Tian Fang explained simply.

Then he greeted the three in front of him to sit down, on the sofa and told again the crime of Lu Jiuling, and the reason he left the Lu family, the two heard such things, but also hate to gnash their teeth, instantly on the Lu family completely no good feeling yuan.

“”Captain, we do not want to go back to the Lu family, we will help you in the Su family! “Wang Chang said, Lu Jiu Ling actually made such a thing to his captain, even if he is the head of the Lu family can not be forgiven.

“Two, you stay in the Su family, we naturally welcome, but right now there is an important thing waiting for you to do.” Chu Tian said with a smile, his plan has succeeded halfway to now.

“What is it?” Lu Tianfang three people asked, even he did not know what Chu Tian’s plan was at this time.

“There must still be many brothers in the Lu family’s adventure team who do not know about the matter of Brother Tian Fang, they will naturally resent our Su family, so I want you to go back and tell the brothers in the adventure team what really happened. So that they can come to our Su family, our Su family all accept.” Chu Tian said seriously, (of the money) if the Lu family’s adventure team can be accepted, then the Su family will not have to waste a lot of effort to recruit people to establish.

“You mean, let’s go back to the Lu family to recruit the brothers of the adventure team?” Wang Chang asked, he heard Chu Tian’s words, naturally, he also understood his plan.

“That’s right, the adventure team can become our Su family’s fighting force, so our Su family’s chances of winning will also be greater. ” Chu Tian said with a smile, if there is the support of the adventure team, the Su family’s chances of winning will be even greater.

“Good, then the two of us will go back and tell all the brothers of the adventure team about Lu Jiuling’s crime, the brothers of the adventure team will definitely come out with us!” Lu Fei stood up and clenched his fist and said, he is today understand Lu Tianfang’s previous actions.

“Good! As for the information of the Su family, will also let you have some, so that you can go back to deliver! ” Chu Tian said.

Be sure to pay attention to safety!” Lu Tianfang instructed.

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