238Chapter Intelligence War

238Chapter Intelligence War

You’re a spy sent by the Lu family, aren’t you?” Chu Tian asked, his face with a smile, but this smile is like a smiling tiger, if the other party’s answer does not let him be satisfied, he will certainly have to pick up the brat in front of him a meal.

“Yes…,” said the man sitting on the ground in front of him, his expression was like seeing a ghost, he knew that Chu Tian was the one who had annoyed Lu Jiuling, and was able to break into the Lu family and get out in one piece, Chu Tian’s ability was undeniable.

“What’s your name?” Chu Tian did not press for other news, instead, he asked an irrelevant question first.

“Lu …Lu Fei. “He looked scared, knowing that the person in front of him could kill him with a single slap, and he was now in the hands of the other side, and if Chu Tian shouted at this time, this Lu Fei might be scared to piss.

Sure enough, “It’s someone from the Lu family. Who sent you here? Lu Jiuling?” Chu Tian asked with a smile, did not expect the alarm just installed, came to such an interesting person.

“Not the head of the family, is the young master Lu Tianshun.” Lu Fei whispered to 25,see Chu Tian a moment, he previously those who vowed not to defect, even if caught will not say anything about the spirit, instantly dissipated.

“Lu Tianshun? Why did he send you here?” Chu Tian was a little confused, obviously this kind of thing should be done by Lu Jiuling is right.

“Because. ..Because the young master is now the commander-in-chief of the team, so he asked me to spy on the Su family news.” Lu Fei still warily said, he was afraid that which sentence is not right, the man in front of him will get him killed.

“So, it seems that this Lu Jiuling is very confident that only his son will be the commander-in-chief.” Chu Tian said to himself, he did not know the ability of this Lu Tianshun, but certainly is not as strong as Lu Jiuling right.

“Can you let me go now? “Lu Fei eyes with a longing, a small voice asked.

“Of course… Chu Tian looked at Lu Fei’s eyes that gradually brightened up, smiled wryly, “No!” After saying no, it is obvious to see that the light in his eyes disappeared.

“I will not tell what happened today, please let me go!” Lu Fei’s tears are already in his eyes, he seems to be certain to die here today, how did not expect to fall in Chu Tian’s hands once out.

“That can not be, there are still a lot of things to ask you, I ask you, the Wang family and Hu family agreed to cooperate with your Lu family?” Chu Tian asked again, this is also very important information at present.

“The Wang family and the Hu family’s police force has been trained in the Lu family, so I advise you Su family or hurry to escape, this is the base city’s three largest families united, you can not defeat. “Lu Fei trembling advice, his words at this time is not to kill Chu Tian’s prestige, but to let Chu Tian understand his loyalty at this time, so that he can let him go.

“That is really quite troublesome, but I still can not let you go, our Su family will not escape.” Chu Tian said with a smile, he listened to the sincere words of Lu Fei in front of him, feel that this person seems to be not a bad guy, just a little timid it is.

“These days you stay in the Su family, you did not get any information, back to the Lu family may not be good to do it. ” Chu Tian said with a smile, then a punch in the stomach of Lu Fei, brought him back to the Su family.

“Brother, you’re back!” Ling Hua was talking to her little flower in the courtyard at this time, and when she saw that Chu Tian had returned, she immediately welcomed him.

“Yes, there is a big harvest today! ” Chu Tian smiled and shook the Lu Fei in his hand, such an adult, he was able to pick up with one hand. He is in a very good mood today, caught the Lu family’s intelligence officers, the alarm also played its role.

“Who is this person?” Ling Hua blinked her big eyes and asked softly, staring at the person in Chu Tian’s hand, looking puzzled.

“It’s a guest sent by the Lu family, you go and call Su Yu! ” Chu Tian said softly to Ling Hua, everyone in the Su family was so gentle to Ling Hua.

“Good!” Ling Hua answered and ran back to the Su family’s villa. She was naturally very happy to be able to help Chu Tian.

It didn’t take long, so they came over.

“What is it Chu Tian, who is this person you are carrying?” Su Yu walked over and saw Chu Tian standing in the same place with a man in his arms, and she asked in confusion.

“The Lu family sent to ask for information. You find a place to lock this kid up, after this war, if he is willing to stay in the Su family, let him stay here.” First of all, the hand of Lu Fei thrown to the ground, smiling to the Su Yu said.

“Ah, good, that the alarm works so quickly! “Su Yu eyes bright, said with a smile.

“Yes, I guess there will be many more people coming, so let’s wait for the big fish!” Chu Tian also smiled.

Soon, Lu Fei was tied up and thrown into a small unused house next to the Su family villa. He was Chu Tian punched, temporarily is not wake up.

At this time, the Lu family.

“Go to spy on the news of people back?” Lu Tianshun stood in the Lu family villa temporarily acting as a command room said, he sent people to spy early this morning, this is almost afternoon, people have not returned, Su family and Lu family, although080 in the two sides of the base city, but not so far, the base city is not big, soon to be able to go back and forth.

“Did not come back, I do not know if there is a problem.” Lu Tianshun beside Lu Tianshui said, this sent intelligence officers, is their adventure team, adventure team is very good at hiding and hiding, so is the best choice to spy information.

“Send a few more people, and by the way, send a few people to the Divine Eagle side as well! I must know how far these guys have deployed!” Lu Tianshun said, they are the attacking side, the most afraid of other people’s ambush, so must find out the other side’s deployment, so as to better launch the attack.

“Good!” Lu Tian collect should say, then out of the command room, and went to the adventure team ran out of a few adventure team people, respectively to the divine Eagle and Su family.

“It is said that the Su family has established a fence around their villa far away, where a very tight defense is formed, it is estimated that it is very difficult to infiltrate inside.” Lu Tianzhi said, he had sent people to see around the Su family, but the few people did not go deep into the Su family, the fence thing they still know.

“What the hell is this brat playing at!” Lu Tianshun said, he did not quite understand, Su family only a villa, why do you need to build a defense in such a far away place. ,

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