237Chapter Black clouds overwhelm the city

237Chapter Black clouds overwhelm the city

“Yes! This kid is too much, so I can’t swallow this anger, and I heard that God Eagle actually want to lend the security team to this kid! With the security team, we have a much smaller chance of taking down the Su family!” Lu Jiuling gritted his teeth and said, he had previously contacted the divine Eagle, if the divine Eagle’s help, the Su family’s chances of winning are almost zero, but with the help of the security team, it is likely to bring the Su family back from the dead.

“God should actually lend the security team to the Su family? He’s crazy?” Lu Jiuying was also surprised to hear this news, his eyes widened and he asked, knowing that God Ying was also forever neutral.

“Yes! All crazy! So this is also our Lu family’s opportunity, take this opportunity, we just defeat the security team and Su family, and then annexed their remaining forces, will certainly be able to zero eight “zero” rule the base city! “Lu Jiuling said with a smile, eyes full of greedy light.

“Indeed, if there is no more security team, then our Lu family will have no obstacle. “Lu Jiuying held his chin, thinking carefully and said, although the form of the base city he is not very clear, but this matter he can still analyze.

“Exactly, so I contacted the Wang family and Hu family, they also agreed to help us, so this time is a sure thing! So this time call you back, is to let you for me to play a head, you have been across the battlefield for a long time, this time rely on you.” Lu Jiuling whispered, the tone of voice with a little complacency, his brother’s strength and he did not want to go up and down, and combat experience than he is still much richer, so Lu Jiuling is still very relieved.

“Okay, don’t worry brother, this time I will definitely help our Lu family get rid of the security team and Su family! “Lu Jiuying drank the wine in the cup, said with a smile.

“I’m relieved to have you here, this time our Lu family will be able to unify the base city! “Lu Jiuling said with a smile, then he raised his glass and walked to the members of the collection team who were eating.

“Brothers! ” he said in an uplifting voice, raising his glass high, “Someone has been bullying our Lu family recently! Do you promise?”

“What? Dare to bully our Lu family?”

“Of course not!”

“Fuck his grandmother! How dare you spill your guts in our Lu family!”

The collection team members below shouted, they are happy to eat at this time, naturally will remember the kindness of the Lu family.

“Good! Since you all do not agree, then we will destroy the people who bullied our Lu family! I, Lu Jiuling, will drink a toast to the brothers here today! I hope the brothers can be the safeguard of our Lu family!” Then Lu Jiuling drank the wine in the cup, once again revealing a smile, “Brothers today let loose to eat! In a few days we will fight into the Su family, teach a lesson to bully our Lu family!

“Good! All at the command of the master of the Lu family!” The members of the collection team below also drank the wine in their hands, they are all bloodthirsty young men, hearing such a mobilization, naturally their blood will boil.

In addition to the “adventure team and the police force are called, I want to feast today these three teams of people!” Lu Jiuling is also really happy, and called the adventure team and the police force, the adventure team and the police force have been staying in the Lu family recently, but also have the opportunity to eat such a good meal, so they are also flattered at the moment, but they have heard about the recent war with the Su family. So it’s not too much of a surprise.

“Receive the child, the adventure team will be left to your responsibility!” Lu Jiuling said to his second son, Lu Tianhui, beside him, at this time, Lu Tianfang left the Lu family, the adventure team can not be without a leader, so the adventure team will be temporarily given to Lu Tianhui gift.

Don’t worry, father, I will teach that traitor of the Lu family a good lesson!” He and Lu Jiuling’s eldest son, Lu Tianshun, are from the same mother, so they have always seen Lu Tianfang as a foreigner, so they used to bully Lu Tianfang, but that day when they saw Lu Tianfang defy Lu Jiuling and let his friend beat him, it made them very angry, so they classified Lu Tianfang as a traitor of the Lu family, and they must teach Lu Tianfang a lesson to avenge his death. They must teach Lu Tian Fang a lesson and take revenge for Lu Jiuling!

“Well. You grew up together, do not be merciful when you see Fang Qi.” Lu Jiuling reminded again, he has now completely do not treat Lu Tianfang as his own son, all those who resist him he will drive to kill.

“Don’t worry father, I’ll definitely take that guy’s head and give it to you!” Lu Tianshui licked his lips and made a ruthless expression….

“That’s good! “Lu Jiuling took another sip of wine, said to his eldest son Lu Tianshun beside him: “The chief commander of these three teams is you, make sure to investigate the Su family’s armament and the movement of the security team, and try to take them in one fell swoop:” Lu Jiuling said coldly, although he will follow the Lu family’s people when the time comes The first time I saw you, I was in charge of the command, which shows the style of the Lu family, the head of the family does not need to personally go to battle.

Don’t worry, Father! This kind of thing big brother is most good at!” Lu Tianshun said with a smile, and filled with charming Lu Tianshun smiled, he grew up as Lu Tianshun’s little follower.

“Hmm.” Lu Tianshun on the side did not say anything, just nodded and responded. He has never been good with words, but his ability is first class.

“Right Shun’er, tomorrow the army of the Wang and Hu families will also come over, you see their numbers, and the commanders sent by the Wang and Hu families to command their two armies together. “Lu Jiuling once again reminded.

“Good.” Lu Tianshun also just gently responded, he also knew in his heart, although it is said to be joint command, but as the chief commander of the Lu family, he will certainly have a greater say.

“It’s all up to you guys, make sure you give me a triumphant return! “Lu Jiuling raised his glass, motivating the three people in front of him!

“This time we must destroy the Su family and that brat! 1.9” then he said in a low, fierce voice with clenched teeth, that expression looked like it was going to kill.

Time soon came to the next day, the Su family’s siren has been set up, the Wang family and the Hu family’s police force has arrived at the Lu family, the three teams soon gathered together, together with the drill.

“Drip, drip, drip–” The alarm had just been installed, and Chu Tian was about to try out the capabilities of the siren. The siren went off before he could get to the range of the siren himself.

Chu Tian was happy, did not expect the fish to be hooked so quickly, he immediately stretched out his wings, came to the Su’s iron fence, at this time just set off the alarm also disappeared, here as if nothing had happened.

But this can not hide from Chu Tian’s eyes, he flew to the next piece of broken wall, and grabbed a young man hiding in the broken wall.

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