Chapter 224Chapter against Lu Jiuling

Chapter 224Chapter against Lu Jiuling

“It seems that Master Lu not only likes to kill beautiful girls, but now he has already started to do it to his own son!” Chu Tian coldly said to Lu Jiuling, with a deep mockery in his tone.

“This is the family business of the Lu family, it’s not your turn to worry about this kid! You quickly change that rebellious son of mine back to me! “Lu Jiuling shouted loudly, before Lu Tianfang and him against, he was not a little angry, just throwing away a prop thing, but now this Chu Tian popped up again, save the person he wanted to kill, Chu Tian repeatedly against him, this makes Lu Jiuling very upset, he is very angry, he now wants to go straight up and kill the opposite This kid, but reason tells him that the time has not yet come.

“Ai, although this is the matter of your Lu family, but Lu Tian Fang is also my friend, I naturally have to protect him, and Lu Tian Fang is also our important witness, he knows all your crimes, so I can not let you kill him. ” Chu Tian said gently, his eyes look very provocative, which makes Lu Jiuling more upset.

“He’s my son, he can’t be yours! If you don’t give him to me today! All of you… will not leave!” Lu Jiuling’s voice became even louder, he was completely enraged by Chu Tian at this time, this kid was spreading wildness on his head repeatedly, although Lu Jiuling knew that just now Chu Tian was provoking him, but he still couldn’t help but be angry.

“Sorry, we still have to go today! ” Chu Tian said with a smile, “And, you’re right! You look like this to fit your perverted dog’s identity!” His words are becoming more and more vicious, each sentence is provoking Lu Jiuling.

” Chu Tian thank you for your kindness, but you are not his opponent, you guys go now!” Lu Tian Fang raised his head and said, he naturally knows Lu Jiuling’s ability, even if just now Lu Jiuling’s attack was not a sneak attack, the two of them face to face, he can not escape under Lu Jiuling five moves.

“It’s okay, you rest, I Chu Tian to protect the people, there is no security can not down! The two girls in your family, I also took care of! They are now very safe, you can rest assured,” Chu Tian turned his head, said with a smile to Lu Tian Fang, they came here before the Lu family Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai took out.

“…Thank you!” Lu Tian Fang heard Chu Tian’s words and was relieved to learn that Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai were safe, the only thing he couldn’t let go of now was the two of them, and he didn’t expect Chu Tian to be so thorough.

“Don’t be polite, we are friends, we should! ” Chu Tian waved his hand, said with a smile, he bought the hearts of the plan so well thought out, detailed, so he had to admire himself!

“You rebellious son, I have raised you for so many years, and you colluded with outsiders against my Lu family! None of you will leave today!” Lu Jiuling coldly stared at the three people in front of him, he had already made up his mind today, these three people, none of them can be let go!

“That will depend on, Master Lu’s ability! ” Chu Tian said with a smile, Lu Tian Fang is not Lu Jiuling’s opponent, he Chu Tian is not the same, not to mention, now there is a stronger coconut Mengga De here.

“Good! Then I’ll see how strong you are, the great hero of the base city!” Lu Jiu Ling shouted, then a punch came, his speed is extremely fast, instantly came to the front of Chu Tian.

Chu Tian saw Lu Jiuling rushing over, as if he saw a white leopard roaring and rushing towards him, while also extending his claws and grabbing towards Chu Tian.

Chu Tian thought of the “snow leopard” after Lu Jiuling’s genetic entry at this time, and it seems to be something like that.

Chu Tian took out his own quenching heart, ruthlessly chopped towards Lu Jiuling’s fist, Lu Jiuling is the person who broke the sixth genetic lock, to him, Chu Tian also can not be taken lightly. He does not care what mean or not, take the weapon or not take the weapon thing.

His heart is incredibly sharp, Lu Jiuling this punch on the heart, his fist will certainly not be able to save. Lu Jiuling saw this, immediately withdrew his fist, his left hand into a claw, towards Chu Tian grabbed the past.

Chu Tian’s speed is not as fast as Lu Jiu-ling, so he followed the heart of the back of the sword to resist Lu Jiu-ling’s grasp, at this time Lu Jiu-ling’s palm is as hard as steel, his claw and quenched heart met together, rubbing out sparks.

Then Lu Jiu Ling immediately raised his fist again and punched Chu Tian’s head. He had already tested Chu Tian’s strength, although Chu Tian had reached the ceiling of the fifth genetic lock, but after all, he had not earned the sixth genetic lock, so he was not considered strong in the eyes of Lu Jiu Ling.

Lu Jiuling was confident that this punch would blow Chu Tian’s head off, but Chu Tian gently took a step backward, avoiding his fist, his fist just crossed Chu Tian’s nose, the two sides only less than a centimeter away, this centimeter is out of reach.

After the punch crossed, Lu Jiuling’s fist turned in the direction of Chu Tian’s head again, Chu Tian’s speed was only half a minute slower than Lu Jiuling’s, now he was naturally able to block the punch, his hand grabbed Lu Jiuling’s arm, so that Lu Jiuling’s fist could not continue to advance.

Lu Jiu-ling’s speed is fast, relatively, his power is not so strong, at this time, Chu Tian after the monster girls’ enrichment, even stronger than Lu Jiu-ling on that point.

Lu Jiuling’s arm was tightly grasped by Chu Tian, he hated the feeling of being caught, so he pursued the ultimate speed, he did not want to be caught by anyone’s movements!

So he withdrew his grip on Chu Tian’s heart, stepped back (of Wang Zhao), naturally and Chu Tian pulled away, he stood in front of Chu Tian, staring closely at Chu Tian, it seems that just now he was wrong about Chu Tian’s strength, this kid in front of him is indeed much stronger than Lu Tian Fang.

At the same time, Chu Tian raised his finger, instantly, a laser shot at Lu Jiuling, Lu Jiuling did not expect Chu Tian to have such a long-range attack, did not react, the laser hit his shoulder, from his shoulder penetrated.

Lu Jiuling looked at the blood seeping out of his shoulder, he gritted his teeth fiercely, it seems that he still fell lightly, in his eyes, this kid is a little weird, let him feel dangerous.

“””Sorry, Master Lu, I didn’t stop for a moment.”” Before Lu Jiuling attack, Chu Tian Yin Yang mocked up, I have to say, he really has a hand in disgusting people.

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