Chapter 223Chapter – The Man Under the Palm

Chapter 223Chapter – The Man Under the Palm

Lu Tianfang lying on the ground, Lu Jiuling this palm came too suddenly, too vicious, he was too late to dodge, so was slapped to the wall.

Lu Jiuling walked to Lu Tian Fang, touched Lu Tian Fang’s face, and put Lu Tian Fang’s head up, smiled and looked at him, and said fiercely: “Today if you recognize me as your father, and promise me that you will not leave the Lu family, and do not disobey my orders afterwards, I will let you go, and you will still be my son afterwards, and can still live well in the Lu family, and we will fight together as a family against the Divine Eagle and the Su family. Su family of that little brat, how?”

Before Lu Tianfang replied, Lu Jiuling’s tone was milder, revealing the kind and generous expression in front of people, looking really like a kind old father.

“After that, we father and son will carry forward the Lu family together, fight against our enemies, and we will become the king of this base city together, okay?” This image is really like an old father admonishing his son who has taken the wrong path.

“No, ….no way, I have no relationship ….with you anymore…. Lu Tian Fang raised his hand, knocked over Lu Jiu Ling’s hand, he leaned against the wall slowly stood up, back against the wall, said to Lu Jiu Ling, his eyes are still so25 disgusted, as if he saw the flies he hated.

“I didn’t expect that after raising you for so many years, I would have raised such an ungrateful thing as you!” Lu Jiuling’s eyes also became fierce, he did not expect that his upright third son would betray himself, and also colluded with the divine Eagle and that boy from the Su family, so Lu Jiuling is now very upset, what he hates most is betrayal, Chu Tian that boy destroyed his secret room, took his girl, killed his zombie, and stole his emerald, and he actually only now knows who did it! The!

This is the most unpleasant thing for Lu Jiuling, he has been running for so many years, no one dares to be reckless in his home, this is simply the biggest insult to him!

“You don’t deserve to be my father! You are a heartless man who deserves to be punished for all the evil you have done! How do you sleep peacefully! Don’t you think of the faces of those girls! You will not remember their expressions before they were brutally killed by you! “Lu Tian Fang at this time the pain is slightly relieved, he shouted loudly to the front of Lu Jiu Ling, he said each sentence, will spit out a mouthful of blood, but he is more and more excited, at this time his hair is scattered, his eyes are red, teeth are still stained with blood, looks very appalling.

At this time the lower people have heard the noise upstairs, they came up and stood on the stairs to look at the two, but did not dare to approach, Lu Jiuling often fury, but also did not so beat people. And they have never seen this kind of look of Lu Tian Fang, so they are shocked, carefully looking at the two people in front of them, these two people randomly a palm can shoot them dead.

Hahahaha” haha!” Lu Jiuling heard the words of Lu Tianfang, not angry, but laughed, he tilted his head, laughing loudly, the people next to him do not know how he is so.

“Even if I have to suffer retribution, it is also before you, since you do not do my son, then you go to hell. “After Lu Jiu Ling laughed, said softly, his face is also no expression, back to the usual kind of somewhat cold look, but this in turn makes him now look more frightening.

“Come on–!!!” Lu Tian Fang closed his eyes and shouted with all his strength, his physical condition at this time has no strength to escape, let alone resist Lu Jiu Ling, he is not without regret, but now there is no way, he remembered the face of Xiao Ai and Xiao Ting, the two girls if he did not save, at this time may have become the collection of Lu Jiu Ling jar, but he saved them, but did not protect They.

Lu Tianfang did not dare to imagine the two girls’ expression when they got the news of his death, did not dare to imagine the future of the two girls. He has already lost his mother, he does not want to lose any one else. But now he can’t protect anything!…

But now regret what is useless, Lu Tianfang corner of the eyes out of a tear, he is tired of these days, no longer want to face the world, if you die today, it seems to be a good ending ah….

Lu Jiuling raised his palm, in the air condensed power, his expression cold, like beating some beast to death, he has no feelings for this son, but the Lu family lost a fighting force, let him feel regret.

In Lu Jiuling this palm to hit the time, but upstairs came a strange sound, that sound Lu Jiuling sounded familiar.

“Ahem, it’s here, right?” A male voice came, and he seemed to be talking to someone else.

Should “Yes.” Gentle and fine female voice also came out, this voice is good to hear.

“Oh.” The man replied, “Wait a minute, so our voices won’t have gotten out by now, right…? The man said with some embarrassment.

“It should be that the …woman’s voice has also become a few shades smaller.

“Well, say it anyway:” the man said.

“Stay under the hall!” The man yelled loudly, his voice echoing through the room.

“Get up there right now and see! Who is it! ” said Lu Jiuling fiercely to the subordinate next to him.

Immediately, the subordinates went upstairs,067 to find out who was talking.

And Lu Jiuling eyes cold light flashed, he heard the words of the people above, and knew that today must not leave this Lu Tianfang, so he quickly a palm towards the body of Lu Tianfang hit the past.

At this time, the ceiling above his head was cracked open, two figures fell from above, one grabbed Lu Jiuling’s arm, and one moved Lu Tianfang to the side.

“You are? ” asked Lu Jiu Ling coldly, as he stretched out his other palm and struck towards the man in front of him.

The person in front of him let go of his arm and jumped to the side of the man Lu Tianfang, standing quietly in place.

“Master Lu, I haven’t seen you for a few days, how are you doing?” A familiar voice came over, at this time, Lu Jiuling has seen the face of the person coming, it is Chu Tian.

Chu Tian’s side also stood wearing a red cheongsam, supporting Lu Tianfang’s coconut Menggaade, coconut Menggaade is a bright spot for Lu Jiuling, but now is not the time to think about this matter.

“It’s you? “Lu Jiuling said, he really could not imagine that Chu Tian had the courage to come to the Lu family.

“That’s right, it’s that Su family’s little brat. Chu Tian!” Chu Tian said with a smile, with a hint of mockery in his tone. “It seems that Master Lu not only likes to brutalize pretty girls, but now he has already started to take action against his own son!”

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