225Chapter Escape from the Lu family

225Chapter Escape from the Lu family

“Hey–” after listening to Chu Tian’s words, next to the coconut Menggaade let out a snicker, I have to say, Chu Tian’s words are really too Yin Yang, opposite Lu Jiu Ling angry face are a little purple.

“You ….brat! “Lu Jiuling yelled, he is now very angry, who is he Lu Jiuling? The first family of the base city family head, the base city no one dares to disobey his words, and no one dares to so play him, even the security team leader of the divine Eagle dare not have any disrespect to him.

Looking at the snicker of the beautiful woman next to Tian, Lu Jiuling only felt ashamed of himself, and next to the servant who just came down to watch, looked at the blood on his shoulder, Lu Jiuling felt that he had been insulted like never before, his emotions at this time are also very complex, shame, anger.

Lu Jiu-ling body burst out a powerful qi, the qi is strong enough to be visible to the naked eye, the qi presents white, white with a little black, like ink like color.

“Here it comes!” Chu Tian said softly, gripping the heart in his hand, it seems that this Lu Jiuling can also transform like a divine eagle, Chu Tian is still the first time to see a strong person who has broken the sixth genetic lock transform, Chu Tian looked at the Lu Jiuling in front of him with interest.

067Soon, Lu Jiuling’s hands began to swell, growing white fur, fingers also became sharp claws, his feet also began to change, gradually becoming a leopard-like claws.

In Lu Jiuling change at the same time, people in this room also heard a long whistle, which reminded Chu Tian that day in front of the base city gate heard the sound of the eagle alas, it seems that the transformation will still have the animal cry.

It didn’t take long for Lu Jiuling’s transformation to be complete, his limbs all turned white and leopard-like, he also turned into a crawler, and the wound on his shoulder healed quickly.

He screamed and rushed towards Chu Tian, who still used the same method as before, clenching his heart and chopping at Lu Jiuling in front of him.

But this time Lu Jiuling did not dodge, he rushed straight towards Chu Tian and resisted Chu Tian’s knife.

Chu Tian’s quenched heart cut in the shoulder of Lu Jiuling, at the same time Lu Jiuling is also a swing out, looking to catch Chu Tian’s body, Chu Tian did not expect Lu Jiuling so fierce, even hard against his heart, so he is dodging at this time, looking to be (cfbj) this claw to catch.

At this time, the two flashed a red figure in front of their eyes, it is Liu Meng Gade, Coconut Dream Gade stretched out her slender arm, blocking the claws of Lu Jiu Ling, this arm and claw contrast is very obvious, Lu Jiu Ling’s arm is almost equivalent to Coconut Dream Gade three or four times thicker, but at this time it is Liu Meng Gade dead against, completely unable to advance a point.

Chu Tian pulled out the quenched heart cut in Lu Jiu-ling, the broken heart is no blood, quenched heart pulled out, Lu Jiu-ling’s wounds recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon recovered as before, as if the quenched heart did not cut on the same.

“You little ninny!” Lu Jiuling yelled in anger, his arm was held by Liu Mengjia, his arm is no longer able to move half a point, he transformed after the power has also increased, but at this time but still can not resist the woman in front of him.

“Master, do you want me to kill this man?” Liu Mengga asked, her eyes have turned red at this time, just Lu Jiuling nearly hurt Chu Tian, which made her very angry, Lu Jiuling in this instant has been included in her must-kill list.

“You… Lu Jiuling heard the words of the coconut Mongaard, which is undoubtedly a huge insult to him, this girl in front of him does not look as big as his son to kill him!

So Lu Jiu Ling once again waved a claw, this claw is as powerful as a rainbow, it seems that he is moving to kill Liu Mengjia.

However, both the speed and strength of the coconut dream of Gad can be much faster than him, his hand naturally can not escape the eyes of the coconut dream of Gad, Coconut dream of Gad immediately extended another hand, accurately grabbed the claws swinging over, her hands hold the two arms of Lu Jiu Ling, Lu Jiu Ling is now completely immobile.

“No, no, leave him a life first. ” Chu Tian waved his hand and said, now Lu Jiuling can not die.

“Dad, what’s happening?” At this time, two figures also rushed over, looking at the appearance of Jiu Ling’s eldest son and second son. They saw that Lu Jiu-ling was caught by a little girl, directly flabbergasted, but soon they came to Lu Jiu-ling’s side.

“Ming, reinforcements are coming. Let’s withdraw then!” Chu Tian said lightly, as if he had had enough of playing to withdraw.

“You are in the Lu family wild, and still want to leave easily? “Although Lu Jiuling could not move, but still gritted his teeth and put fierce words, if today let these two people escape, their Lu family can really be disgraced.

“We can come and go when we want, you can’t control us! ” Chu Tian provoked another sentence, disgusting people began again.

“You!” Lu Jiu Ling felt like he was going to vomit blood from anger.

Let’s go” Little Dream! ” Chu Tian came behind Lu Tian Fang, his back slowly stretched out the wings of calamity, he grabbed Lu Tian Fang’s shoulders, behind the wings of calamity slowly flapping, the two instantly floating up, along the ceiling of the big hole flew out, and at this time, the ceiling of the third floor also has a big hole, it is Chu Tian and Coconut Dream plus the place to come.

“Good!” Liu Menggaade also answered, then lifted his leg, kicked on Lu Jiuling’s shoulder, while releasing his hands, Lu Jiuling was immediately kicked back into his office, and eventually fell on the wall, his desk also lying on his body.

Then the coconut Menggaade also went to the hole, stretching out their three pairs of wings, wings gently flapping, floating up, and so, both left the Lu family, Lu Jiuling’s eldest son and second son immediately ran downstairs, at this time Chu Tian and Coconut Menggaade’s figure has long flown away.

Goodbye” you – “the air echoed Chu Tian’s voice, this voice is quite penetrating, naturally, can also pass through the window of Lu Jiuling’s office, reached Lu Jiuling’s ears.

“Poof–” Lu JiuLing only felt a sweet throat, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, he has never been so angry, this is simply being Chu Tian play to some!

“Call back all the people outside, I will make this kid pay! Our Lu family from now on and Chu Tian and Su family will not share the same fate!” Lu Jiuling shouted, the voice was so loud that it echoed in the sky of the Lu family.

Of course, it was also heard by Chu Tian and Liu Mengjia, who were hovering over the Lu family at this time.

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