222Chapter Father and son break up

222Chapter Father and son break up

Lu Tian Fang pushed open the door of the office, Lu Jiuling is sitting behind the big desk, at this time his mood is not particularly good, he lived in the surprising double once again was broken into, and his last collection was also taken away, and the cattle housekeeper yesterday was surprisingly caught when the Su family Chu Tian found, was beaten back.

This series of things led to his mood is very bad, so now he is basically a little on the explosive barrel, this time no one dares to touch his head.

But this time someone did not knock on the door directly in, and came in or Lu Jiu-ling most do not want to see Lu Tian-fang, which makes him in a very bad mood, Jiu-ling has never liked Lu Tian-fang, Lu Tian-fang’s mother is just an ordinary dancer, “zero-six-seven” Lu Jiu-ling that time also drunk and promiscuous, but did not expect that on that night, The son, the son’s appearance not only let his reputation was affected, but also let the dancer said away Lu Tianfang a sum of money.

And Lu Tianfang and Lu Jiuling look not very similar, look at his eyebrows and face shape should be more like his mother. This is even more disgusting to Lu Jiuling, so Lu Jiuling does not like this son at all, and can even be said to hate. So he has not seen Tian Fang from before to now.

What Lu Jiuling does not like is that this Lu Tianfang’s character is very straightforward, not smooth at all, and Lu Jiuling is completely different, and sometimes even make things that harm Lu Jiuling’s interests, which makes Lu Jiuling disgusted, what he hates most is this kind of upright to the death of the guy.

This time Lu Tianfang brought back the emerald to Lu Jiuling, which made Lu Jiuling also slightly changed his view of Lu Tianfang, so Lu Tianfang in Lu Jiuling also smooth some, but did not expect the emerald to bring so much trouble to Lu Jiuling and the Lu family, which makes Lu Jiuling hate Lu Tianfang even more, he even put all the trouble brought by the emerald during this period of time are blamed on Lu Tianfang.

Now when he sees Lu Tianliang come in, he is angry.

“What are you doing here?” Lu Jiuling said coldly, his voice was low, and could hear the displeasure and anger attached to his voice.

“There is something to ask you.” Lu Tian Fang also said coldly, today he does not want to respect Lu Jiuling like before.

“I’m not in the mood to answer your questions right now. ” Lu Jiuling waved his hand and turned to the side, indicating Lu Jiuling to leave the place, he did not want to see Lu Tianfang’s face.

“Are you secretly letting the cattle housekeeper catch the girl?” Lu Tianfang asked loudly, he couldn’t control his emotions at this time.

“No.” Lu Jiuling heard Lu Tianfang’s words, although a little shocked, but still did not move, and even tentatively asked: “Who said these things to you?”

“You don’t care, then how do you explain the organs in those jars in the basement?” Lu Tianfang heard that Lu Jiuling still did not admit, he was even more angry, he could not control his emotions, his father, whom he respected for more than ten years, was such a person, he trembled, his eyes were red.

“You used the emerald to secretly feed the walkers, didn’t you? You let the zombie bite the girl! And you did the cruel act of killing the girl yourself! You tell me! You tell me right now! These things are not your doing!” Lu Tian Fang roared loudly, he looked like a wild beast that was about to eat Lu Jiuling.

Lu Jiuling then revealed a bizarre smile, his smile slowly fierce, said softly to Lu Tianfang in front of him: “That’s right, the things you said are all I did, I enjoy all this, these are what I should do! This is the mission given to me by heaven, I want to collect those beautiful well, they are all my things!” Lu Jiu-ling stood up, raised his arms, said softly, behind the window outside the sunlight, the sunlight makes Lu Jiu-ling look so holy, but he said the words are so evil.

“Bullshit! What the hell is the Mandate of Heaven! That’s just a sadistic act to satisfy your fetish! You’re a brutal pervert! I won’t let you kill another girl, I won’t let you insult those lives anymore!” Lu Tian Fang heard Lu Jiu Ling’s words, more atmosphere, he did not expect Lu Jiu Ling has reached such a degree, surprisingly the abuse and killing as a matter of course.

“It seems that the two days into my villa are you? No wonder, with your ability, it is normal to enter my villa Lu ….Jiu Ling naturally knows Lu Tian Fang’s ability, although he hates Lu Tian Fang, but still very much recognized Lu Tian Fang’s strength.

“That’s right, I just want to confirm your crime with my own eyes, I really can’t believe that my father is such a person. “Lu Tianfang’s eyes were a little red, he was a little overwhelmed in front of his own father.

“So, the person who entered my villa for the first time and stole something from our Lu family, should be someone from the Divine Eagle, no, someone from the Divine Eagle does not have such ability, and he himself will certainly not come, so it should be that kid from the Su family, right? These things should also be they told you, right?” Lu Jiuling asked, he was not infected by Lu Tianfang’s emotions, he is a person who has experienced a lot of storms, naturally will not be intimidated by Lu Tianfang this kind of aura.

“Cut the crap, your crime will surely be condemned by God, from today onwards I will leave the Lu family, from now on there is no relationship with you! You are no longer my father!” Lu Tian Fang gritted his teeth and said, although he did not reveal the news of the divine Eagle and Chu Tian, but just a moment of weakness of the expression has betrayed him, he threw down these words and then turned to leave.

“Lu family is you want to come and go?” Lu Jiuling’s grim words drifted slowly behind Lu Tianfang, how1.9 could he let Lu Tianfang leave.

“When your old dancer mother sent you here, I do not know if it is my child, I still left you, and now you want to leave?” Lu Jiu Ling continued to say, the voice is getting colder and colder, so Lu Tian Fang felt a cold behind.

“Then you want me to” Lu Tian Fang turned around, but the words have not finished, Lu Jiu Ling’s a class has hit his chest, he was hit by Lu Jiu Ling to the wall, the wall was hit a trace, the wall of stones also fell down a lot.

“Want to leave, leave your life!” Lu Jiu Ling face grim, standing in front of Lu Tian Fang coldly said, his voice is very wolf hostile, let people see can not stop shivering.

Lu Tian Fang from the wall slowly fell to the ground, the corners of the mouth spilled blood, looks miserable.

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