221Chapter Leaving the Lu Family

221Chapter Leaving the Lu Family

Lu Tian Fang slowly walk through the long basement corridor, finally came to the basement, at this time the basement is also dark, but like a lot of things look like, Lu Tian Fang flashlight light to the basement, but can only see the tip of the iceberg of things in the basement.

So Lu Tian Fang walked to the wall, want to open the basement lights, so dark basement should be impossible without lights, so he touched the wall, looking for the switch, soon, he touched the switch, he pressed the switch.

The lights in the basement instantly all lit up, for a while some blinding, but Lu Tian Fang adapted to a little bit has been able to open his eyes normally, he opened his eyes and saw the full picture of the basement.

At this time, the basement is not too many things, also very neatly arranged, Lu Tian Fang can clearly see the full picture of the basement, there is a huge operating table, and before Lu Tian Fang in the office of the secret room to see the same, Lu Tian Fang can recognize at a glance, it is the day in the secret room operating table.

Next to the operating table, the basement also placed a lot of bottles and jars, that is something Lu Tian had not seen, he approached the jar on the ground, carefully look at the contents of the jar, his pupils tightened, the expression of horror crept onto his face, this thing is exactly what he had not seen.

In front of him, it is the girl’s various organs, although Chu Tian has previously burned the chamber to ashes, because the jars are water, so there are many jars broken, but still will be a few jars left. These jars were also taken back by the cattle housekeeper, placed in the basement collection.

“This…” Lu Tian Fang picked up one of the jars, looking at the not much decay, and even very bright red organs, he could not stop trembling, now he really saw the evidence of Lu Jiu Ling’s crime. Before coming to this basement, he will still have some fluke, thinking that Tian and divine Eagle is lying to him, Lu Jiu-ling simply no girl, but now he really saw the jar, he is finally sure that the crime of Lu Jiu-ling.

Lu Tian Fang viciously threw the jar to the ground, the water in the jar spilled to the ground, the bright red organs also fell to the ground, Lu Tian Fang looked at the jar fell to the ground, is also calm, he gently picked up the other jars, after slowly sent all the jars to the outside of the villa, and secretly in the villa area of a forest to bury them.

Lu Tianfang kneeled on the ground and gently apologized to the jars in front of him, they all belonged to the girls who were brutally killed by Lu Jiuling, Lu Tianfang trembled and could not stop the tears, at this time his mind was made up, he could not stand Lu Jiuling’s atrocities anymore.

He suddenly thought, during the day Lu Jiuling also take the cattle housekeeper to catch the girl, so he did not go back, waiting for the cattle housekeeper out in the vicinity of the villa, soon, the day was almost dawn, did not see the cattle housekeeper back, but saw the cattle housekeeper with a team of people came back in the dust, they limped, have a lot of bruises on their bodies.

It looks like they returned empty-handed, Lu Tianfang saw this situation, also smiled a little, did not stay in the villa, but returned to his own residence.

At this time Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai have not yet woken up, so Lu Tian Fang is also back to the room to rest, after all, busy all night has been, Lu Tian Fang at this time sleepy already very deep.

Soon, the sun rose, Lu Tianfang is also finally woke up, he was in a bit of a depressed mood, this time he got up and remembered what happened last night.

He staggered out of the room, feeling a little dizzy and unsure of where he was headed afterwards.

“You are up young master, how do you feel today?” Just walked out of the room, Xiao Ai greeted out and asked, she is also dressed beautifully today.

“It’s better.” Lu Tianfang said softly, he was a little unsure of what to say to the two girls.

Xiao Ting was preparing breakfast for Lu Tian Fang at this time, she heard Lu Tian Fang get up also greeted.

Chu Tian and Ai sat down together on the sofa, they are in the habit of eating breakfast on the sofa.

“Have you heard?” Xiao Ting brought the breakfast over, and the two said to each other.

“What is it?” Lu Tian Fang took a bite of Xiao Ting’s buns and asked in passing.

It is said that “the big villa where the master lives was infiltrated again last night, and this is the third time recently.” Xiao Ting said mysteriously, also picked up a bun and took a bite, “Who do you think it is? What exactly is hidden in the master’s villa?”


“But the people of the master’s villa said they did not lose anything, but the cattle housekeeper and the master are very angry look, feel that they are going to eat people!” Xiao Ai said in response, also picked up a bun.

Lu Tianfang was listening to the conversation between the two of them without saying a word, it seems that the news has spread throughout the Lu family.

Soon, the three of them finished eating breakfast, Lu Tianfang was ready to go out again, but this time he had a serious expression before he went out, a seriousness that Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai had not seen before.

“Xiao Ting, Xiao Ai, you guys pack up today, we may have to leave the Lu family recently.” Lu Tian Fang left such a sentence, and walked out the door. Leaving behind some feelings of Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai.


Although the two are at a loss, but still in accordance with Lu Tian Fang’s intention to do, they have always been Chu Tian where they are in the principle, they were precisely because of Lu Tian Fang to stay in the Lu family, so Lu Tian Fang left the Lu family, the Lu family is naturally no place for them to stay.

“What do you think is wrong with the young master?” Xiao Ai asked Xiao Ting as she packed her things.

“I don’t know, but what the young master says is what it is, the young master is a little too upright, Niu Butler and the old master are not such people.” Xiao Ting is very thorough, when they were captured back is exactly the Niu housekeeper, if not Lu Tian Fang, they do not know what Lu Jiuling will do to them.

“Yes, when I went to ask for something today, the cow butler even looked at me with strange eyes! “Ai said.

“It’s good that we leave here!” Xiao-ting said, usually she was not seldom looked at by the Niu housekeeper with strange eyes.

While the two of them were talking and packing, Lu Tian Fang was walking straight towards Lu Jiuling’s office, he had something he had to do today.

He arrived at the door of Lu Jiuling’s villa and walked in gently, at this time Lu Jiuling should also be up. The people around him were greeting him, but he ignored them completely and came to his office in front of Lu Jiuling.

Without knocking, he pushed open the door of the office directly. The door was open,

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