220Chapter Visiting the basement

220Chapter Visiting the basement

Lu Tianfang walked from house to house, in each house you can hear the sound of light breathing.

Finally, outside the innermost room, Lu Tian Fang did not hear breathing, he gently pushed the door, the door is locked, he knew there was really a problem, usually the room is not locked at night, Lu Tian Fang did not have the key, the door although he can open with one foot, but that will produce a lot of noise, Lu Tian Fang certainly will not choose to do that, so he walked out the door, around the villa outside, I want to see if there is a window to get in, but sure enough, the window outside the door is also sealed with iron plates, airtight.

Lu Tianfang now is also a little helpless, he does not have the skills to open the lock, at this time can only stand in front of the door and watch, at this time, he thought of his own adventure team members, we all call him shell. Usually they go out on adventures, they will also meet some locked doors, they usually choose violence to open the door, but when there are zombies around, they will let the tiger open the lock, his skills are not bad, even the safe can open.

So this time Lu Tianfang can only go to find their own team members, for the adventure team members he is still very assured, these brothers and he was born to die, certainly will not betray him, is also considered his only force067 in the Lu family.

He walked slowly in the shadows of the villa area of the Lu family, avoiding the patrols of the surrounding police force, came to the villa where the tiger, he was living in a small villa with three other members of the adventure team, the adventure team in the Lu family is considered an important organization, so the treatment of members is relatively preferable, to live in the villa, the adventure team has more than a dozen people

They all live in the four villas in the neighborhood, and the action is all together.

Lu Tianfang knocked on the door of the villa, the villa of the adventurers is no underlings, only the team members and their women, but Lu Tianfang knows that now there will be no one sleeping, are young and strong young man, and a long time to come back once, at this time everyone must be doing what should be done.

Lu Tianfang knew it might not be a good idea to come and disturb at this time, but he had no choice but to say sorry to Tiger in his heart.

Who is it”! It’s the middle of the night!” An impatient voice came from inside the door.

“I Lu Tianfang, open the door! “Lu Tianfang whispered, the sound is too loud then will invite the adventurous team.

“Ming, captain, how did you come, this night,” the team member who opened the door scratched his head awkwardly, he was bare-chested, the lower half of the body wore a large pants, the body also carries a dense bead of sweat, the face is also some red stars, a look was interrupted in the middle.

“I’m looking for Tiger, something!” Lu Tianfang said, he looked at the team members in front of him, some want to laugh, but still act very serious.

“Then you wait, I’ll go up and call him for you!” The team member said in a low voice, he did not want Lu Tian Fang to hear the sound of the jumping upstairs.

“Tiger, come down!” He shouted from the stairs.

“You’re having a stroke in the middle of the night?” Tiger’s voice came over quickly, and sounded impatient.

“You’re the one who’s jerking off! Come on down! The captain is looking for you!” The team member is shouting again, we all know, the villa is probably not sleeping, so there is nothing to take into account.

“Don’t you bullshit! What is the captain looking for me so late.” Tiger did not believe it at all, it seems to have had experience before.

Really”, not lying to you!” The team member was a little embarrassed, this kid learned to be clever today, but this cleverness is not useful now ah!

“Tiger, I really need to talk to you! You come down for a moment! “Lu Tianfang smiled at this time and walked over, really took these two living treasure can not help.

“Good doo captain, I’ll come down now.” Tiger only then knew that Lu Tianfang really came, he answered, and soon came down, he was confused, obviously did not know why Lu Tianfang so late to find himself.

“Go! And I do something to go! Bring your lock picking tool with you” Lu Tian Fang pulled the tiger on (cfbj) to go outside.

“To work? Then wait ah captain, I talk to my family that mouth!” The tiger is still confused, but Lu Tianfang’s order, he will certainly comply. So he immediately went upstairs, said and put on a piece of clothing, and only then came down.

Let’s go “Young master! “Tiger said, he was carrying a small box, Lu Tianfang knew, this is the Tiger’s lock picking tools.

So the two set off, still walking gently in the shadows, avoiding the police force, Tiger is also an old hand at hiding from the zombies outside the walls, hiding from the police force is also a breeze.

Soon came to Lu Jiuling’s villa, according to the route just gently walked in, walked to the innermost room of the first floor, it is just Lu Tianfang scouted the unoccupied room.

“Open this door!” Lu Tianfang pointed to the door of the room in front of him, and said to Tiger.

Although the tiger is very slow, but also in accordance with the instructions of Lu Tian Fang act, he took out tools from the small box, a few stabbed open the door, his movements are very light, almost no sound occurred.

“Can ah!” Lu Tianfang whispered, this tiger’s technology is really powerful, “Well, you can go back! This thing do not give others to say!” He said with satisfaction, he knew the tiger at this time but homecoming is like an arrow.

Tiger scratched his head, did not understand what happened, but he was also willing to think more, so he went straight back. His strength is not weak, so it is still very easy to avoid the police force, back to their own residence.

Lu Tianfang gently opened the door, glanced inside, sure enough, this room is not lived in, not even a bed, and the room’s carpet is very new, as if just paved, and other things in this room are a little old, the walls are covered with ash, the carpet in this room is somewhat incongruous. And the other rooms are very clean, only this room looks worn out, which is also very strange place.

Lu Tianfang quietly into the room, gently touching the carpet, indeed, there is a less obvious bump on the floor, invisible to the naked eye, if not Lu Tianfang touched, it is estimated that can not be found.

He pulled open the carpet, and indeed revealed a clear trace of the door, it is the door of the basement, which makes Lu Tianfang mood is very complicated, it seems that Chu Tian said things are really right.

He gently pulled open the door of the basement, took out the flashlight and walked in, the light of the flashlight straight into the dark stairs, he gently walked down, the corridor of the basement is very long, so Lu Tian Fang felt like walking through a century, he both wanted to know what was in the basement, but also did not want to see the things in the basement.

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