219Chapter waste of Lu Tianfang

219Chapter Ruined Lu Tianfang

Lu Tian Fang did not care what Lu Jiuling and Niu Butler would say afterwards has been completely unconcerned, he went straight back to his villa, where he was most at ease. He knows too many things today, just feel exhausted, seems to have a thousand pounds of weight on his body, he just feel he can not breathe.

What’s more frightening is that today he is facing the collapse of his world view and outlook on life, his father, whom he had respected so much, has become a psychopathic murderer, and his home has become a place to hide the zombies. He no longer wants to live here, he feels he has no way to carry on in this home.

“Ah! Young master is back! “Lu Tian Fang opened the door and was greeted by his maid Xiao Ai, whose smile was always so healing that Chu Tian was able to forget the stress of the day.

“Ah~ Young master is back really early today~ Xiao-ting’s voice also came from the kitchen, and her voice was also very gentle and optimistic.

“Yeah, it’s all right this afternoon. “Tian Fang said, although he just had little strength to speak, see the two still barely squeezed out a smile.

“What’s wrong, young master? Are you tired?” Xiao Ai replaced Lu Tian Fang came over, Lu Tian Fang lying on the sofa, the TV program is playing exactly the film about the father and son, the Lu family is also using the disc to relieve boredom, the disc is not as convenient as the network, but the collection team every time they go out will bring back a large number of discs, these discs in the Lu family brother villa to pass, the Lu family people used up, will go to other families for exchange, and today this disc is exactly Xiao Ting went to the new back.

Because the Lu family has many people, so the rules and structure of the Su family are very different, all the resources of the Lu family are public resources, power generation is more than a dozen generators unified power generation, in addition to electricity, public resources, such as food, gas and discs like this, need to go to get, generally every month will be issued, each villa can get a ration of things, generally speaking Lu Jiuling’s large villa The most, the three young masters of the villa second, in terms of resources, Lu Jiuling or will not treat Lu Tian Fang son.

And Lu Tianfang is the captain of the adventure team, occasionally will bring back some rare things that are not reported, even if it is a gift to the two girls.

Chu Tian looked at the TV about the father and son movie, suddenly felt very annoyed, but he now has no strength to move, so he shouted to Xiao Ai, “turn off this TV,!” Lu Tianfang said loudly, a lot louder than the usual voice.

Xiao Ai was somewhat frightened, immediately she ran over to close the TV, said the subordinates, but usually their power and Lu Tian Fang almost, even when Lu Tian Fang look at the program they do not want to see, they will reprimand Lu Tian Fang change, like a sister to brother’s feelings, so she has not seen Lu Tian Fang such a look, naturally some fear.

After she turned off the TV, she stood there flabbergasted, looking at Lu Tian Fang with some fear.

Lu Tianfang also realized that he had just lost his temper, his tone immediately recorded down, “Sorry ah Xiao Ai, I’m just very annoyed today, I’m not at you.”

“It’s okay young master.” Xiao Ai’s tears were already welling up in her eyes, but she still smiled and answered Lu Tian Fang.

“Young master, do you have something on your mind?” Xiao Ai wiped the tears from her eyes and came over to ask.

“Xiao Ai ah, you say if your father did something that you have no way to forgive, then what to do? ” Chu Tian lying on the sofa, asked without thinking, he really felt very fretful, feel that they have no way.

“I ah, this little love also do not understand, but if there is no way to forgive things, there is no need to forgive. There is no need to force yourself.” Xiao Ai kneeling in front of the sofa, help Lu Tian Fang press the temples, this is Lu Tian Fang’s favorite way to relieve stress.

Lu Tianfang did not speak, just quietly feel Xiao Ai’s massage, listened to Xiao Ai’s words, let his mood some relief.

“Dinner’s ready!” At this time, Xiao Ting in the kitchen shouted out, she has prepared a table full of dishes.

“Young master! Let’s eat! ” said Ai gently.

“Ah, good.” Lu Tianfang replied, and came to the table with Xiao Ai, only at home, he could feel the warmth for a moment.

“Young master you are very strange today! “Xiao Ting said, today’s Lu Tianliang in her view is not much spirit, usually and completely different.

“Nothing, I’m a little tired today.” Lu Tian Fang said and took a big bite of food.

“”Young master should take care of his body, ah, tired to rest more!”” Xiao Ai echoed next to her, she also felt that today Lu Tian Fang is very abnormal.

“What do you think, how about we move out?” Lu Tian Fang ate his meal, suddenly said, he thought for a long time, still think it would be better not to stay in the Lu family.

“Young master go where we will follow!” Xiao Ting said, since Lu Tian Fang saved her from the beginning, she has been determined to follow Lu Tian Fang to fly.

“But why do we have to move?” Ai asked, not understanding why she had to move when she was living in a good place.

“Nothing, let me think about it again.” Lu Tian Fang said with a smile, it would be better to get the support of the two girls.

After eating, Lu Tianliang fell asleep on the sofa, he had a long sleep, he has not slept so long, which makes him feel very relaxed, get up when it is already night, a small love is also asleep on the sofa, Lu Tianliang smiled and covered himself with a thin quilt to the small Wang Zhao)Ai’s body.

Speaking of which, there’s one more thing he wants to confirm tonight, and that’s the matter of the basement!

It is said that there is a basement in Lu Jiuling’s villa, where the girls were previously held, and later filled with zombies. Today during the day in the conversation between Lu Jiuling and Niu housekeeper Lu Tianfang is also aware of the existence of the basement, so he now has to go to the basement to see if the basement is really there.

The first time I saw this, I had to go out and come to the door of Lu Jiuling’s villa. This time he couldn’t go in through the window like he did before, and he didn’t have the paralyzing toxin like Coconut Dream Plus, so I could only make sure that my footsteps were as light as possible, so as not to wake up the people in the villa.

The room in the basement should be an empty underling’s room, so he came near the underling’s room, and his hearing was good enough to hear the breathing inside the door.

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