218Chapter Lu Tianfang’s apology

218Chapter Lu Tianfang’s apology

“Young Master Lu, let’s talk inside, it’s not convenient to talk outside.” Chu Tian looked at the two people in front of him, smiled helplessly, these two people really ah..

“Fine. Then I’m sorry.” Lu Tian Fang bowed his head and thanked him, then walked with Chu Tian to the Su family’s villa, they sat down in the parlor in the hall, Ling Hua also sat timidly next to Chu Tian, still looking very afraid of Lu Tian Fang next to her.

This time the Su family’s servants also took out tea, the quality of this tea is not as good as the Lu family’s, but it is still great, Lu Tian Fang and Chu Tian both took a sip of tea, want to ease the embarrassing situation.

At this time, Lu Tianfang suddenly took a deep breath, then drank the cup of tea, walked to the front of Ling Hua, eyes firm, but the body is still some trembling.

“Ling Hua Lu Tian Fang gently bent his knees, slowly kneeling down, “I represent the Lu family, on behalf of my 25father Lu Jiuling, to you sincere apologies, I’m sorry,” Lu Tian Fang said softly, Chu Tian can clearly feel his embarrassment, but still nothing happened The whole hall instantly quieted down, everyone knew that this man was doing his best to atone for his family and father, and probably for himself, for the sake of his own atonement for being born in this family but still feeling honored.

Of course no one would blame or laugh at such a heavenly release.

“You don’t have to do this, young master Lu Ling Hua’s tears are already in her eyes, I don’t know if she is frightened by this scene in front of her, or because of this belated apology moved a lot, Chu Tian can’t speculate, but he knows, Ling Hua will certainly not let Lu Tian Fang kneel for so long.

“No, let me apologize.” Lu Tianfang lowered his head and insisted. This is his decision to redeem himself, so it will not change, today he must kneel here.

“Enough young master Lu, this matter is not your doing, to kneel should let master Lu to it. ” Chu Tian said, and stood up to pull up the kneeling Lu Tianfang.

“I will have my family father come to thank me afterwards.” Lu Tianfang said with conviction.

Thank you” thank you young master Lu, but no need, I do not want to see master Lu, and do not need to apologize. “Ling Hua whispered, while looking at Chu Tian, as if Chu Tian could give her strength.

“This ..Lu Tianfang looks very difficult, Ling Hua speaks like this as if it is not to give him face, but he can not make any rebuttal.

“Since this is the case, young master Lu does not need to force it. Ling Hua is now living a good life in the Su family, there is no need to worry, so I also do not want to involve her in the previous matters. ” Chu Tian stood up and said, his answer is very decent, also let Lu Tian Fang can not refute.

“Well, then, in that case, I’ll take my leave.” Lu Tianfang was a little embarrassed at this point, so he could only withdraw first.

“Good, then, forgive me for not seeing you off, about the Lu family, please young master Lu. ” Chu Tian stood up and sent Lu Tian Fang to the door, said to him at the door, and extended his hand.

Lu Tianfang naturally also extended his hand, and Chu Tian’s hand shook together, and showed a sincere smile.

Don’t worry”.” Lu Tianfang replied.

Then he left the Su family, he could hardly stay in this place where Ling Hua was, it would make him very ashamed.

After today’s talk, Chu Tian is nothing again, although he recently wanted to go to Lu Tian Fang said that the discovery of the corpse heart emerald place to see, but there will probably be trouble, so everything or wait for the end of things in the base city to do it again.

“Or go look for other discs …so Chu Tian decided to go out to look for discs, after all, the storage of discs at home is still not too much, and there are many duplicates and unclear.

And find a gas station can also go to get some gasoline back, so as to reduce the consumption of the Su family gasoline reserves.

At this time, Lu Tian Fang also returned to the Lu family, he came directly to Lu Jiuling’s office, at this time, Lu Jiuling is also furious.

“I thought I told you to be prepared! How can this still happen!” Lu Tian Fang walked to the stairs leading to the second floor, Lu Jiuling’s roar came out. Lu Tian Fang also did not go up, just stand on the stairs and listen to them talk.

“This one does not really know why anyone would come …either.” Butler Niu’s voice also came over.

“Did you get rid of the stuff in the secret room this time?” Lu Jiuling asked.

“Absolutely clean! All the things were moved to the basement, and the original entrance to the basement was also carpeted by me, now it is an ordinary room, even if someone comes to search, there is absolutely no problem.” Niu housekeeper’s reply also came over.

“That’s good, the secret chamber of the organ also quickly destroyed it, can no longer let people know this secret chamber.” Lu Jiuling said.

“Yes, Master, I’ll send someone to do it. “Butler Niu answered.

“Also, we must find out who took the emerald, our Lu family and the person who stole it are incompatible!” Lu Jiuling gritted his teeth and said, it was clear that he was very angry.

“Understand, the investigation is underway, but the other party is certainly a master, so there is a certain degree of difficulty,” said the bull butler in a low voice.

“No matter what method you use, you have to investigate it for me!” Lu Jiuling shouted again067, his own office was broken into twice, the office of the secret room was also found twice, this is really too let him lose face.

“Yes Master!” Niu Butler replied.

Recently “have to go back to find a few more girls, ah, since they were found not played!” Then Lu Jiuling’s voice became unorthodox, it seems to carry out abnormal hookups.

“Recently it may be difficult the security team of the …local city has recently increased the intensity of patrols a lot, they are divided into three teams in the base city constantly patrolling, it is difficult for our people to make a move. “The cattle butler once again raised his difficulties.

“What are you guys doing? Just kidnap a few young girls and you can’t even do it? Are you trash?” Lu Jiuling shouted loudly reprimanded, his voice is particularly loud, echoed throughout the office, fortunately, the office is very good sound insulation, the first floor can not hear.

But the stairs of Lu Tianfang but heard clearly, heard here, he was angry shaking, he even wanted to run directly up to Lu Jiu Ling a punch, his own bastard father is still thinking of dissecting the girl, which can no longer be described as a pervert!

Lu Tian Fang took a deep breath, left the stairs, returned to his villa, now he has no way to communicate properly with Lu Jiu Ling.

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