217Chapter and Lu Tianfang cooperation

217Chapter and Lu Tianfang cooperation

“Please do let me go!” Lu Tianfang said with a trembling body, he never thought that his father had done so many harmful things, and it was entirely in his own hobby, in order to meet his own special fetish.

An inexplicable emotion rushed into Lu Tianfang’s mind, he did not know what the complex of emotions are, is disappointed? Despair? Or anger? Lu Tianfang did not know, he only felt that he was afraid that he would not have any destiny with the Lu family in the future, Lu Jiuling’s approach so that he really could not call himself Lu Jiuling’s son.

“Let me go see that girl, I must personally apologize to that girl, this is what our Lu family owes her!” Lu Tianfang trembled violently, he almost looked like he was going to cry, he was truly sorry for what Lu Jiuling had done “zero-six-seven”.

“Good, then later we will go back to the Su family together. ” Chu Tian said, although the heart already had expectations, but Lu Tian Fang’s performance is still out of his expectations, did not expect this guy is so upright, Chu Tian are some want to pull him into their own side to.

“Many thanks!” Lu Tianfang stood up and bowed deeply, he still looked really sincere and not condescending.

“That’s good, after that is, between your father’s behavior, definitely should be punished, so I and the divine Eagle senior is thinking of ways to deal with your family matters. ” Chu Tian said.

On the side of the divine eagle hurriedly to Chu Tian to make eyes, how to say Lu Tianfang is also a person of the Lu family, to their plans are said so how to say seems to be a bit inappropriate.

However, Tian Tian would give the divine Eagle a look that put him at ease, his intuition told him that Lu Tian Fang would certainly not betray them.

“Yes, I have no complaints about my father being punished, this is what our Lu family should bear.” Lu Tian Fang lowered his head and said in a small voice, when he knew about Lu Jiuling’s crime, he had already accepted that the Lu family would be punished for such a thing.

“But for how to solve the matter of your family, our side is still very distressed, because your father does not seem to want to admit this matter, so we have no reason for the time being, there is no clue. So for the time being, we are still worried about this matter. ” Chu Tian said, said the current trouble.

“So, then I will definitely go back and persuade my father to admit his guilt.” Lu Tian Fang agreed, he felt that their family should be punished in this way, so even after this, the Lu family will weaken, that is the life of the Lu family.

“Then please, if the Lu family’s attitude is very good, we will also reduce the punishment for the Lu family, but this incident will certainly be very serious, so I also hope you can be psychologically prepared. ” Chu Tian quietly said, he still have to give Lu Tian Fang play a good amount of advance, otherwise if when Chu Tian fear may lose Lu Tian Fang this partner.

“Okay, then let’s do it. But this matter can not let other families know, I still want to do my best to protect my father’s reputation,” Lu Tianfang said in a small voice, he was a little blushing, this is already the maximum effort can be made.

“Okay, then our side will try to keep it a secret from other families, how about this? ” Chu Tian said with a smile, cooperation reached, now Lu Tianfang and they are already on the same rope grasshopper.

Thank you “two, so take care of our Lu family, once again on behalf of the Lu family to apologize to all of you.” Lu Tian Fang lowered his head and said, he really felt that Chu Tian and divine Eagle for the Lu family to provide a lot of help.

“Nothing, then I will go back, young master Lu want to go back to Su family with me?” Chu Tian stood up, gently asked, this is just Lu Tianfang raised things, he naturally have to ask at this time out of courtesy.

“Okay, then please! ” Lu Tian Fang bowed his head and thanked.

So the two of them went towards Su’s house, Lu Tianfang is also very familiar with Su’s road, even if he is not often in the base city, but his love for Su’s Su Yu is not a secret in the base city.

The two soon came to the Su family, at this time Ling Hua is in the yard to sort out her favorite plants, she usually likes to talk to the plants in the Su family yard, those plants can also be said to be her other friends in the Su family.

“Brother, you’re back!” As soon as Chu Tian came back, Ling Hua greeted her, her face full of smiles, she was very happy to see Chu Tian back. ….

“Ah! Ling Hua! I’m back! ” Chu Tian said with a wave of his hand and a smile on his face, happy to see Ling Hua in such good shape.

“You have guests today?” Ling Hua walked over and saw Lu Tian Fang beside Chu Tian.

“Ah! This is…” Chu Tian was flabbergasted and suddenly felt that it would not be good to let Ling Hua meet the Lu family like this. So he turned his head and gave a wink to Lu Tian Fang.

And said softly to Lu Tian Fang: “This is the little girl brought back from the Lu family.

“This is it?” Lu Tianfang pupils tightened, he looked at the beautiful little girl in front of him, the heart inexplicably sour, this little girl looks so kind, so cute, but Lu Tianfang know, this is to come to the Su family after the transformation of the look, he really do not dare to imagine that little girl in the Lu family was imprisoned when the look.

Lu Tian Fang hands trembling towards Ling Hua, the expression on his face also became a little strange, I do not know why, Chu Tian looked at Lu Tian Fang’s movements, feeling like he was a demented man…

“You,” Ling Hua just started backing up slowly, and finally she ran behind Chu Tian, looking at the strange man in front of her with some panic.

“What do you want to do?” Ling Hua whispered, her eyes even flooded with tears, looking pitiful.

“I am the Lu family’s Lu Tianfang Lu Tianfang walked to Chu Tian, to Chu Tian behind the Ling Hua forced 1.9a smile, looks a little strange, but also quite friendly.

“But you do not fear, I will not hurt you!” After introducing himself, Lu Tiandian hurriedly explained in a low voice, afraid that the loud voice would scare Ling Hua.

“It’s okay Ling Hua, I’m here, don’t be afraid, this young master Lu is here to apologize. ” Chu Tian touched Ling Hua’s hair, said softly, he was also afraid that Ling Hua’s emotions will be excited.

“Young master Lu?” Ling Hua shouted in a small voice, big eyes full of fear, it can’t be helped, the Lu family really left too big a shadow on him.

“Your name is Ling Hua is it? ” Lu Tianfang said in a small voice, looking very careful.

“It was Ling Hua who replied in a small voice.

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