216Chapter to tell the truth

216Chapter to tell the truth

The two adventure team members in the back received the emeralds and immediately ran backwards, just after the attention of the zombies were attracted, and the zombies did not seem to react at this time. They also have a lot of adventure experience, so they immediately ran backwards, want to transport the emerald out.

They also continue to cut and kill the zombies, they are still lucky, these zombies surprisingly there are no high level zombies, these two people can barely deal with, they took the emerald while killing.

This time Lu Tian Fang waved at them, just after the emeralds threw out of his hand, the zombies immediately ignored him, which allowed him to move forward quickly, he quickly came to the two not far ahead.

Those two people also understood instantly, they immediately raised their hands and threw the gems at Lu Tian Fang.

The zombies immediately ignored the two people in front of them and pounced in the direction of the jewels thrown.

The two people behind him also instantly understood Lu Tian Fang’s plan, they immediately ran towards the front, no zombie blocking, the speed will naturally be much faster.

Two people soon caught up with Lu Tianfang, came to the front of Lu Tianfang, waved towards Lu Tianfang.

After such a pass, the three are also quickly run out of the forest, the forest in front of the remaining members of the adventure team waiting, they saw Lu Tian Fang three such a group of zombies chased by the spectacular scene, shocked, they have experienced, but also the first time out, but such a scene they are the first time to see.

A few people slightly panicked, but immediately and quickly cheered up – the spirit.

“You guys! Defend the zombies!” Lu Tianfang shouted, the three of them also immediately ran to the back of the defense wall formed by the members of the adventure team, the members of the adventure team picked up their respective guns and formed a firepower network, temporarily – to hold off the zombies.

Lu Tianfang picked up the walkie-talkie and informed another team that it was the members of the helicopter team, who were responsible for flying the helicopter on standby.

Helicopter” team, the right border of the forest, come immediately. “Lu Tianfang quickly ordered.

“Roger!” A voice came over the intercom, and the helicopter located on the roof of one of the houses in the city immediately launched and took to the sky.

“Hold here!” Lu Tian Fang issued an order, as long as the guard until the helicopter came, the emerald is in hand! This may be their biggest harvest this time out! Lu Tianfang thought here is still a little excited.

But he soon found out that he overestimated the combat power of his team, although they have carried out many adventures, almost no loss of members, but before no head-on conflict with the loss, they almost always take the strategy of avoiding the zombies, so Lu Tianfang for the team members of the combat power estimate is some deviation.

This led to two members soon fell under the onslaught of zombies, it was the two newcomers, they are still the first time to the wall adventure, so for the zombie battle is also very rusty.

As their cooperation became slower, resulting in a decrease in the density of the fire network, the zombies immediately rushed up, and the two people just became the target of the zombies.

As two people were killed, the team’s fire network was further weakened and completely lost, and the zombies immediately rushed towards the direction of Lu Tian Fang.

“Retreat!” Lu Tianfang shouted, then and the stronger of the two ran to the rear of the squad members, to break the back, they ran not long, finally heard the sound of the helicopter, they know, the savior came!

The people immediately ran forward, they looked upward, the helicopter really quickly flew over, and put down the ladder, that ladder hanging to the ground, there are no winged zombies here, so the air is certainly safe.

The members of the adventure team immediately grabbed the ladder, climbing to the helicopter, after the last Lu Tian put on the ladder, the helicopter immediately took off, and everyone was completely away from the zombies, came to the helicopter.

The helicopter, everyone is relieved to finally escape the sea of zombies on the ground, but the zombies actually chased the helicopter on the ground, the uncountable number of zombies chasing the helicopter scene, is really very spectacular.

Lu Tianfang commanded the helicopter to drive away from here, flew to the distance, which finally opened the zombies, at this time, everyone is still in shock, Lu Tianfang looked at the hands of the emerald, think this thing is too mysterious, Lu Jiu Ling will certainly like, so he decided to let the helicopter to bring the emerald back to the base city, their adventure is not over, with the emerald is difficult to investigate, so it is better to send back.

Request flowers …………

In this way, the corpse heart emeralds were brought back to the base city and became part of Lu Jiu Ling’s collection.

“That’s it, that’s the whole process of finding that emerald. “Lu Jiuling said, as a conclusion to the story of what he saw.

So “it’s like this. ” Chu Tian nodded, the original Lu Tian Fang just accidentally found the solid emerald, not in some strange place to get this thing, it seems that after that place can go to see, this heart emerald is very magical, certainly not just the forest output of ordinary stones so simple, so Chu Tian feel very necessary to explore some.


“The emerald you mentioned, is it this one?” Chu Tian took out the corpse heart emerald that he had placed in the system’s inner space.

“Uh.. is this… why is it at your place?” After Lu Tian Fang saw the emerald, he was immediately flabbergasted, because he originally thought that the corpse heart emerald would be at Lu Jiu Ling’s place.

“It seems you don’t know what your father has done.” Chu Tian said quietly, he saw, with Lu Tian Fang’s character, if Lu Jiuling really did those things, Lu Tian Fang must not be allowed, maybe he will also “expose” his father like today, so Chu Tian speculated that Lu Tian Fang must not know what happened to the Lu family.

“Father, what did he… do? “Lu Tianfang suddenly remembered the secret room in the burnt office that day, and once again an ominous feeling rose up in his heart.

“It’s like this…” Chu Tian once again told Lu Tian Fang what he saw that night in the Lu family, this process also frequently with the divine eagle, the two sing a harmony, so Lu Tian Fang quickly understood what happened that night.

“This.. Lu Tianfang heard, widened his eyes, he knew his father sometimes do things will be a little out of line, but did not expect to go so far.

“If you don’t believe me, the girl I rescued that day is still in our house, you can come and see.” Chu Tian said. The girl is still here,

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