215Chapter The discovery of the corpse heart emerald

215Chapter The discovery of the corpse heart emerald

“I know the reason for the zombie siege, this is not an ordinary wave of corpses!” Lu Tianfang said with a firm look in his eyes.

At this time aside Chu Tian and divine Eagle are a little embarrassed, after all, they have long known, and now they can not figure out what this Lu Tian Fang in the end to do, so they are not moving to sit there, watching Lu Tian Fang quietly perform.

“Then what is the reason?” Chu Tian asked, this guy, straightforward to some cute ah.

“…. Lu Tianfang was silent for some time, and it looked like he was still doing the final mental construction.

“It’s like this, a few days ago our adventure team found a green gem outside the wall that can attract zombies, the zombies will almost even ignore people when they see that gem.” Lu Tian Fang paused for a moment, he was a little surprised that the Chu Tian and divine Eagle in front of him were not too surprised to hear about this emerald.

“Then what… Chu Tian asked gently, he didn’t quite know why this Lu Tian Fang suddenly stopped. Chu Tian suddenly felt that the other party may want to see his surprised expression, thinking of this his whole person is also a little embarrassed.

“Because my father likes to collect some novelty treasures, so I sent this067 emerald back at that time, wanting to make my father happy.” Lu Tian Fang said righteously, this is also his initial thought, he just said it originally.

“I originally thought that the city walls of the base city can block the effect of the emerald, but I did not expect that this emerald can still function, so I guess the zombie siege is because of this emerald. ” Chu Tian Fang said seriously.

“So that emerald was actually brought back by the adventure team?” Chu Tian asked, suddenly curious about what place could give birth to such a treasure as the corpse heart emerald.

“Exactly, so I would like to ask you both to know that this emerald has nothing to do with my father, and the Lu family will be responsible for the loss of this zombie siege.” Lu Tianfang said, his voice is very upright, his expression is also very firm, looks as if he has made some major decision.

“But, I’m afraid Master Lu won’t hand over the emerald.” Chu Tian said quietly, before they went to the Lu family, if Lu Jiuling handed over the corpse heart emerald, there would be no afterwards.

This “aspect, I will naturally go back to talk to my father.” The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

The divine Eagle and Chu Tian exchanged a look, the two did not know whether to say to Lu Tian Fang that they had gotten the emerald, but since the other party was so sincere, it was not good for them not to say.

“Young Master Lu, I want to know where did you get this emerald? ” Chu Tian asked, he was still more concerned about this matter than what Lu Tian Fang said.

“That is a forest outside the base city, that forest and the nearby city almost no zombies, our adventure team saw this situation felt strange, so we went to the depths of the forest, found that there are a large number of zombies gathered, and zombies are marching in the same direction, so I went in to explore, those zombies are almost ignoring me, so also It is very easy to get in. “Lu Tian Fang slowly recounted, as if Chu Tian and the divine eagle brought to that forest.

That is another city next to the base city, the two cities are separated by a small mountain and forest, the state of the forest is well preserved, plus the crazy growth of trees after the disaster, almost equivalent to a primitive jungle, except that the jungle at this time there are a large number of zombies, almost all the gaps in the trees filled, those zombies are looking in the same direction, as if in worship of something.

Lu Tian Fang and the adventure team has almost walked around this time, but never found this situation, this time they have been outside for more than half a month, with a wealth of experience in adventure, but have not seen such a strange scene. This greatly aroused the curiosity of the adventure team members, after all, dare to participate in the adventure team, certainly want to pursue the excitement and truth of the bold people.

So Lu Tianfang took the top two people of the adventure team around him to go deeper into the jungle, they are very nervous, after all, to go deeper means to be surrounded by zombies, it is difficult to get out.

But these people are also high art people bold, and around the zombies are ignoring them, so they still smoothly walked past, not long, they walked to the front of the zombie group, this time they went to see the scene that made them very surprised.

Because the zombie group in front, there are two or three zombies are actually fighting for something, and there are dozens of zombie wreckage on the ground, arms, legs and viscera flying everywhere, it seems that the zombies are fighting, a moment of chaos, the scene is very spectacular.

Lu Tian Fang was curious about what those zombies were fighting for, so he went closer to see, and found that the zombies were fighting for a glowing green stone, it was the heart emerald, one zombie was biting off another zombie’s hand, hiding the emerald in his mouth, but soon, another zombie rushed over and punched the zombie’s head off, the zombie also fell to the ground, no more movement, his mouth naturally The emerald fell out.

The moment they fell out, many more zombies pounced on the ground and rushed in the direction of the emerald, all the zombies crashed into each other, they were frozen, no zombie could take a step forward, they all stretched out their hands wildly towards the emerald, their bones almost pressed into the bodies of other zombies.

And the emerald is there, no zombie can touch it.

Lu Tian Fang brightened up and realized that this was an opportunity, so he immediately ran over and picked up the emerald on the ground, he put it in his hand and felt the temperature of the emerald.

However, at this time, he also suddenly found that he became the target of all the zombies, all the zombies looked at him, roaring loudly towards him, the zombies in the back also suddenly rushed towards Lu Tian Fang side, stepping over the bodies of the zombies on the ground in front.

So he immediately ran backwards, wanting to return to the original way, but the back way has also been broken by the zombies, but Lu Tianfang is not a weak man, he is also a person who has broken the fifth genetic lock, so he pulled out his knife, in the zombie group to kill a blood road.

But the number of zombies is still too much, so kill down is not a solution, so he threw the emeralds to the two people who came with him, the position of the two people back, to transport out a little easier.

Those two took the emeralds and immediately ran backwards. ,

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