210Chapter The only survivor

210Chapter The only survivor

Seeing the body discarded like garbage, a few girls were completely stumped, and their legs could not stop shaking, although they had been violently abused here, their bodies were full of scars, and they were often scolded fiercely, but they had never seen a dead person ah! And the dead body discarded in front of them was obviously living with them a few days ago, eating together

They slept together and even told them to “stay strong”, but now she was dumped here.

Seeing this, several girls completely desperate, they have sat down on the ground, gave up running, they know, they can never escape the clutches of the Lu family. Although they are still very afraid, but maybe this is their fate!

The girls were soon taken back, beaten up and separated from the other girls to be more severely guarded. And sometimes, the Niu housekeeper will bring the remains of the women dissected by Lu Jiuling to show them, used to scare them, the girls gradually numb, they become less talkative, exactly067 in accordance with the Lu family requirements of the way to do things, will not make a sound, let alone make any resistance.

Only Ling Hua, she does not seem to change, but also in the sight of the remains of the body was scared to tremble, do not dare to go over to see those things, always only shrink in the corner, shivering and hiding.

This also allows the girls she is locked up with to look down on her, and from time to time will bully her and laugh at her, but Ling Hua has not changed much.

Soon, the girls grew up, the girls were locked in the basement less and less, on the contrary, there are many girls who have grown into people were locked in, those girls who have grown into people, although they do not cultivate, but they already have their own ideas, so there are often escape or find a way to notify the outside world, but all of these are defused by the people of the Lu family.

These girls have grown up to be quite beautiful, the most beautiful is Ling Hua, Lu Jiu Ling often come down to the basement alone to give Ling Hua some food, or evil while laughing at her face, Ling Hua do not know why this is, because she has no concept of “beautiful”.

And those who wanted to escape, all but was pulled out, Ling Hua and the girls know, they were dissected. Of course, and Ling Hua grew up with the girls, there are not so good-looking girls, they were also taken away, this is the way the Lu family choose girls, disobedient girls, will be taken away first, not good-looking girls, will also be taken away first.

Of course, Ling Hua and the girls will sometimes be led outside to walk around a little, but most of them are at night, because this will not be found, the Lu family hides a large number of girls, in the time of going out, Ling Hua they also know the disaster, so they have no way to escape the Lu family, outside are full of zombie hell.

Gradually, the basement girls less and less, ten five three, finally only three girls left, these three girls are the most beautiful girls in the entire basement, in addition to Ling Hua, the remaining two are later captured back, they do not argue, just silently shed tears, Ling Hua came over, wipe their faces tears, did not make a sound.

In this way, the three of them snuggled in the basement, leaning together to spend the dark days, may be what Lu Jiu Ling is busy, or in the girls cherished, so a long time did not take the girls away.

In this way, the three girls spent a long time together in the basement, and suddenly, one day, the bull butler came and took away Ling Hua and another girl, leaving only one girl where she was.

(cfbj) Ling Hua and the girl was brought to the secret room in Lu Jiu Ling’s office, this is the first time Ling Hua came to this dissection room, her many sisters are left here forever, Ling Hua timidly looked at the various jars on the shelves, the other girl instantly cried out, but no one paid attention to her cries, the two were chained and fixed to the wall.

Soon, in a sunny afternoon, Lu Jiuling pulled up the girl next to Ling Hua, fixed her on the operating table, brutally cut her open, Ling Hua bracketed his eyes, hot tears fell from his eyes, she has not cried for a long time, and even forgot how it feels to shed tears. She used her hands to wipe her face tears, desperately trying not to make a sound.

The whole afternoon, the autopsy room is filled with the rich smell of blood and Lu Jiu Ling evil laughter, Ling Hua cried and cowered in the corner, not moving, and even the last people to move the girl’s body away, Ling Hua did not make a sound. She opened her eyes wide and looked at everything in front of her in despair.

When she saw the girl being dissected, she also understood her fate, which was the same as that girl’s, but she met Chu Tian, who saved her from there, and she became the only girl who survived there, probably because she was lucky, and probably because she was pretty.

As for the girl who was left behind, the girl Chu Tian saw that day was bitten to death by a zombie, the girl that stayed with a circle of zombies in the dark. Just thinking about it can feel her desperation, but unfortunately she was close, if Chu Tian they arrived a little earlier, maybe the girl could have been saved.

Speaking of which, Ling Hua is already full of tears, she found that after she came to the Su family, her feelings seem to have returned to her, she became able to cry and laugh, she was happy.

Chu Tian patted her shoulder, slowly soothing her emotions, listened to Ling Hua’s past, he knew what Ling Hua had experienced in the past, so he became more sympathetic to Ling Hua, the girl’s experience no one would listen to it would not be sad for her, especially looking at her pitiful eyes and petite body, it makes people feel more pitiful.

“So …therefore… I am willing to give everything for brother, please let me stay by brother’s side all the time! “Ling Hua took a deep breath and said loudly to Chu Tian, her little face turned red from shouting.

“Hmm. Will do.” Chu Tian replied with a smile, he swept Ling Hua into his arms and hugged her tightly, he was too heartbroken for this little girl.

“That’s good.” Ling Hua also close to Chu Tian’s ear, whispered, her face was full of smiles, she was able to feel warm from the heart.

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