211Chapter Trying on wedding dresses

211Chapter Trying on wedding dresses

In this way, after Ling Hua told her story of the past, Tian and she walked slowly downstairs for a long time, before going upstairs and going to bed.

I can clearly feel that after sharing her experience with Tian, Ling Hua’s mood is very good, she looks happy, her face is also full of smiles, really restored her little girl’s appearance.

But her other and the little girl some different, her body is very good, the skin is also very white temporary, but is the kind of tragic white, like white jade like white, looks like a sick person.

However, Chu Tian believes that after staying in the Su family for a long time, Ling Hua will definitely become better, her character has recently recovered very well, and sometimes also mischievously joking with others, and the various girls in the Su family get along for a long time, since – naturally will also become better.

Chu Tian for Ling Hua’s future feel very confident, he can also put his heart down, but Chu Tian suddenly thought of another thing, since Lu Jiu Ling from so long ago he began his sinful behavior, then it means that this is his fetish can not be broken, so in these days, he will not be able to resist – looking for girls to abuse and kill?

Chu Tian’s eyes lit up, if we can find clues to Lu Jiuling’s capture of the girl, it will certainly be able to prove his crime! He could not help himself surprised by this idea, that Lu Jiuling even if it is bold, it would not dare to grab the girl at this time!

But the more he thought about it, the more plausible he felt that his idea, such a pervert, how could it be tolerated. The previous time there were legal constraints he dared to buy and sell, forcibly grabbing girls, not to mention that there is no constraint now!

The more Chu Tian thought about it, the more terrible he felt, suddenly he jumped out of bed, knocked on the door of the room next to him, called out in the room still awake in the coconut Mengade, she has not been the habit of going to bed early.

“What is it, master?” Dream opened the door, whispered, the room Baru beast and Kidoula is sleeping, so she spoke very little voice.

“Come out with me. ” Naturally, Chu Tian knew what Coconut Mungad meant by whispering, so he also lowered his voice and spoke in a whisper.

“Yes! Do you want to wear the clothes from last time?” Liu Menggaade asked, because Chu Tian last time to give him night clothes said night clothes is the clothes to wear when going out at night, so coconut Menggaade today asked so.

“No, just go out! ” Chu Tian took Liu Mengade’s hand out of the house, at this time Mengade is wearing pink pajamas, the clothes are printed on the rabbit pattern, and the clothes on the cap there are two long rabbit ears, looks very cute, this clothing also can not cover the perfect figure of coconut Mengade, but rather to add a little unique charm to her.

The two came to the courtyard, each stretching out their wings, Liumengarde’s wings do not cause damage to the clothes, Chu Tian does not know what the principle, as if the wings are growing on the clothes.

However, Chu Tian’s wings are roughly topped his back clothes, he helplessly listened to the sound of broken clothes coming from behind, this time he could only envy the wings of the coconut Mongaard.

“What are we going to do, master?” Liu Mengjia asked, blinking with big eyes, wondering why Chu Tian had called her out so late.

“Patrol. ” Chu Tian but gently spit out these two words that made the coconut dream add even more miserable.

“But isn’t there a patrol in the base city?” Liu Mengjia asked in disbelief, of course she knew that there were patrols in the base city.

“That group of losers can not be counted on, we fly around the base city, you see if anyone is catching girls, the recent period of the night we may have to do this thing.

“Hey, hey, yeah!” Liu Mengga De grinned, every night to play out, is the most happy thing she!

Chu Tian smiled, with the eyesight of Coconut Mangald, see clearly the dark city is very easy, so Chu Tian does not worry about what will be left behind.

So the two flew slowly around the base city, but in addition to the base city security team, they did not find anything.

Two people patrolled a circle, because flying very slowly, so it did not take long for them to return to the Su family.

Patrol a circle, Chu Tian just put down his heart, but can not confirm that Lu Jiu Ling will not have come out or not out, absolutely can not let another girl by Ling Hua that aggravation, this is Chu Tian’s biggest idea at present.

……… is asking for flowers…

The next day, Chu Tian got up and ate, then went straight to the residence of the divine Eagle, he raised his concerns to the divine Eagle, and proposed to increase the number of security teams patrolling at night, preferably divided into two teams, or even three teams, it is best to have people patrolling the streets during the day.

God Eagle also accepted Chu Tian’s proposal, the number of security forces is certainly enough, but the recent period, his brothers will have to be busy. But in order to maintain the order of the base city, they will do whatever they are asked to do willingly.

Chu Tian and the divine eagle after talking back to the Su family, after a few days nothing happened, Chu Tian and Liu Meng Gade will go out every night patrol, they did not find anything.


This today Ling Hua but more and more into the Su family, she is very happy every day, the smile on her face more and more.

On this day, Chu Tian was sitting on the sofa on the second floor watching the discs he had picked up from outside with Coconut Mongaard a few days ago. They were lucky enough to find an old video store outside the city walls with a large number of discs, so Chu Tian “moved” the whole store back to Su’s house, and for this reason, specially built A large cabinet was placed next to the TV, which was filled with all kinds of DVDs.

We’re “back! “A sudden shout came from the stairs, it was Su Yu’s voice.

Chu Tian immediately walked over, he knew that today was the day the wedding dress was ready, the girls of the family went together to get back the wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses.

“Look! What is this! “Su Mei shook the wedding dress in his hand, the wedding dress looks big, it takes two people to hold it together.

Haha”, go and try it on!” Chu Tian is also very happy, and quickly let Su Mei to try on the wedding dress, after all, this is a girl can only wear once in a lifetime clothes ah.

Su Mei is also impatient, she immediately took the clothes and went to her room, accompanied by Su Yu, because this wedding dress is not a person can wear the clothes.

Chu Tian waited patiently outside the door, looking forward to seeing the woman he was about to marry in her wedding dress.

Wearing a wedding dress takes a long time, Su Mei and Su Yu two together also wear a ten minutes.

Finally, the door to Su Mei’s room opened! The door was opened,

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