209Chapter captive girl

209Chapter captive girl

“Mom left home, but she did not take me with her,” Ling Hua’s tears in the eyes, from this sentence can be seen, how desperate she is, dad gambling, and love to drink, mom left home, but did not take her with her, it is simply that both parents abandoned her.

“How old were you at that time? ” Chu Tian asked, he had only thought that Ling Hua’s nightmare began after arriving at the Lu family, but what he did not expect was that her disaster had begun so early. But if it hadn’t been so met with this kind of thing, it wouldn’t have fallen into the hands of Lu Jiu Ling.

About “nine years old.” Ling Hua thought for a moment and replied, her nose red, looking like she was about to cry.

“So young… Chu Tian sighed, but did not say what he wanted to say afterwards, after these two days of understanding, we all know that Ling Hua is now only nineteen years old, probably because of the experience, so that her age is a few years older than it actually is. But her character is still like a little girl, as if she has been stuck in the year of nine.

“Well, after that, Dad is not much home, I’m at home by myself, hungry, there is nothing I can do, but the neighbor grandmother often bring me something to eat, I do not know how she is now mentioned that often help her neighbor grandmother, Ling Hua still showed a smile, which makes Chu Tian had to sigh, this girl is really kind-hearted ah, and there is a big heart The heart.

But after thinking about it, Chu Tian was relieved, if there is no such optimism, it is difficult to persist until now.

“And then what? ” Chu Tian continued to ask, the girl’s experience, simply can make a step about the girl’s life movie, is Chu Tian can not imagine the bizarre and twisted.

“One day, Dad suddenly came back, with several people in black suits behind him, they all had weapons, looked fierce and fierce, and came up and kept staring at me.” Ling Hua closed her eyes, her memory seems to go back to that day, back to their little home.

“Who are these people, Daddy? “Nine-year-old Ling Hua said in her tender voice to her father in front of her, her big eyes full of doubts, her whole body is thin and bony, her calves are not nearly half as thick as the arms of those people in black suits, she also inexplicably felt fear of those people, so some panic.

“They are dad’s friends, it’s okay.” Ling Hua’s father changed his usual fierce, his voice became gentle, he did not dare to look Ling Hua in the eye, but also some panic, when talking also carefully with the afterglow to look at the people in black suits behind him.

“Is this the girl old Ling? “Behind the people in black came out of a thin man, his face looks but very soft, like the grandfather next door, able to let down Ling Hua wariness.

“Yes, yes, butler Niu,” Ling Hua’s father whispered, his face pale and disheveled, looking very chagrined, his hair in disarray, his clothes full of stains, as if he had not rested for a long time.

“Not bad. “Niu Butler stroked a moustache on his mouth, his expression also became hideous, and the expression he looked at Ling Hua also became obscene.

“Then take it away.” Niu Butler whispered to the people in black suits behind him, and then the group of strong men in black suits came over and pulled Ling Hua’s arm to take her away by force.

“I’m not leaving! What are you doing! Dad! “Ling Hua cried out loudly, resisting the strong men to death, but the strength of those strong men made her strength had no effect.

“This little girl is quite stubborn!” One of the strong men said with a smile, his face full of beard, look at the face is very fierce, scary.

“Dad! “Ling Hua has been shouting her father, but her father most did not respond a little, just quietly kneeling on the ground, not a word, and did not look back to Ling Hua.

“You guys move fast! ” said Butler Niu, standing at the door, coldly to the people behind him.

“Yes!” The group of strong men answered loudly, and then no longer cared about Ling Hua’s resistance, forcibly pulled her out of the door, Ling Hua cried out loudly, but no one helped her.

After Ling Hua was taken away, the niu butler threw Ling Hua’s father a bank card, “The money you want is all here.” The Niu housekeeper coldly said to Ling Hua’s father behind him.

The father did not say anything, but just kowtowed to the cattle steward.

After Ling Hua was brought to the Lu family inside the city walls, and she came with a lot of girls, their ages are not the same, some are almost 20 years old, some are only about the same age as Ling Hua.

The girls were kept here afterwards, like domestic animals, only it didn’t take long before the biggest girls were taken away and never came back afterwards.

The girls together told Ling Hua that they might have been let go. This is the only expectation of these girls, and strangely enough, after Ling Hua, no new girls were brought over.

Ling Hua and these girls together like being raised in the Lu family, after a rigorous training, they have to exercise and be abused every day, in order to maintain a perfect body, they also often do not eat enough food.

They are kept in cages, like livestock to be slaughtered, can not see the future, but also can not see the direction, every day in fear of living, but fortunately they have hope, that hope is to grow up, they have always believed that when they grow up will be released to fly.

But until one day, even this hope was dashed, Ling Hua and a few girls together escaped from the basement where they were kept, sneaked out, they came to the villa of the Lu family, ran from the villa (of Wang Zhao) out, but they were soon discovered by the security team of the Lu family, when the disaster had not yet arrived, the villa area of the Lu family is not yet called the police force, just called the security team, the weapons are only It’s just a few batons.

But even they have no problem dealing with these little girls.

The little girls started to run away from the security team, they were barefoot, it was difficult to escape on the roads of the villa, they were about to be caught up by the security team.

So they had to run towards a darker place, but it was this darker place that gave them even more terrible memories.

Because they saw in front of them, the cattle housekeeper is with a person’s remains, the remains of the body flowing horrific blood, the stomach was cut open, looks terrifying.

From the birthmark on the body can be seen, the body is the sister who was taken away a few days ago.

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