208Chapter Ling Hua’s past

208Chapter Ling Hua’s past

“Butler Niu, father is he asleep?” Lu Tianfang asked, the other two young masters of the Lu family are called Niu Butler as “Master Niu”, but Lu Tianfang never called that, because he grew up thinking that Niu Butler is very hypocritical, not the type he likes.

“Third Young Master is back.” Butler Niu smilingly walked over to look at Lu Tian Fang in front of him, he always had a kind face to anyone.

“The master has already gone to bed, and recently the master is not well, do not want to see people at this late hour, so the third young master has something to say tomorrow.” Butler Niu patiently explained.

“Butler Niu, then I am looking for you again to talk.” Lu Tian Fang pulled Butler Niu to the side and spoke in a low voice.

“What is it?” Butler Niu asked suspiciously, recently there are a lot of things, he is also a little low energy, only want to be able to quickly finish talking with Lu Tian Fang, so as to go to rest.

“Just now I saw that the Lu family recently seems to be more25 heavily guarded, what happened recently?” Lu Tian Fang asked without a trace, because just saw the strange things of the Lu family, and knew that this and the emerald can not be unrelated.

“Uh, nothing, it’s not the other day the zombies besieged the city, you came back when you did not see the base city gate are broken!” Niu housekeeper heard Lu Tianfang’s words, first froze for a moment, then awkwardly smiled, said a reason.

“So ah Lu ….Tianfang can certainly see that at this time the cattle housekeeper is telling lies, but he did not tear down the cattle housekeeper on the spot, which is something he can not do out.

“Yes.” Butler Niu nodded and went back to his room to sleep, he could see that the third young master was trying to get the word out of him.

“Wait. “Lu Tian Fang pulled the Niu housekeeper, smiled and asked: “Do you think this zombie siege has anything to do with the emerald I sent back a few days ago?”

“Young master, I’m just a subordinate, I don’t understand your affairs.” Butler Niu did not fall for Lu Tiandi’s trap, but obviously could feel that when mentioning the emerald Niu Butler was obviously stunned for a moment.

“Well, I’m sorry, butler Niu, I’ll come back tomorrow to find my father.” Lu Tian Fang let go of the Niu Butler, he knew that today in this old slick here can not ask out what, Niu Butler is smooth, do not say anything, no one offended.

Lu Tianfang left the villa after the question, that is not where he lives, his two brothers live here, but he does not live here, from this can be seen how unpopular he is in the Lu family.

In fact, there is another reason, because he was born to Lu Jiuling’s wife, he was originally the illegitimate son of Lu Jiuling, so not many people in the Lu family take him seriously.

He returned to where he lived, it was a small villa, although not popular, but the specifications of the young master will still have, his villa also has two or three underlings, responsible for maintaining the villa in his absence of hygiene and so on.

“Ah, you’re back, young master!” As soon as Lu Tian Fang opened the door, a subordinate greeted him, it was a young and beautiful girl, her face was not a little powdered, but she could still see her beauty.

“Mm-hmm.” Lu Tianfang said with a smile.

“Young master back ~ this time another subordinate also ran out from the outside, a downstairs live Lu Tianfang, her age looks a little smaller than that previous subordinate. High school student’s appearance.

“Recently seems to have grown taller ah Xiao Ai.” Lu Tianfang hugged her and said.

“Heh heh heh.” Ai laughed out loud.

“Ai-chan get down! Stop fooling around!” The older girl said with a smile.

“Don’t be so harsh, Sister Ting~” said Ai, with a mischievous expression on her face.

“Haha, it’s okay Tingting.” Lu Tianfang said with a smile.

At this time, the Su family’s dinner is also long over, Chu Tian and many girls sitting in the hall drinking tea, from time to time will look at the discs or something, but these discs they have seen several times.

The disk does not know when it has been out of sight, so this is still the Su family took a lot of effort to find the disk it.

“Let’s go out tomorrow and find some new discs!” Chu Tian suddenly proposed, the wedding thing he got back the wedding dress materials after he did not need to worry about, so he is also idle every day.

“Good send good send! “The girls have said yes, but Ling Hua did not speak, but nourished watching the content of the TV, she just came a few days, the disc is not tired of watching it!

“And just in time to practice my flying ability!” Chu Tian said in his mind.

Soon, as everyone finished their cups of tea, the movie on TV was over, and it was time to break up and go back to their houses.

Chu Tian and Su Juan were about to go back, when Ling Hua called him.

“Brother, I have something I want to say to you:” said Ling Hua, with a look of determination in her eyes.

“Good!” Chu Tian smiled, he knew that the day had finally come!

The two came to the courtyard outside the Su family villa, which is where Ling Hua most often stays, and even though it is now dark, it is still very brightly lit by the lights in the villa.

“Maybe these words brother is not interested at all, but I still want to say to you.” Ling Hua said with a red face, suddenly shouting people out to say inexplicable words, she did not feel good.

“It’s okay, I’m very interested, so what are you going to say about Ling Hua? ” Chu Tian said with a smile067, Ling Hua’s thing he is most interested in.

“It’s ….about my past!” Ling Hua whispered, she could not resist talking to Chu Tian now, because she felt that it would be difficult for her to face her new life without letting Chu Tian know.

“Okay, I will listen carefully. ” Chu Tian’s expression got serious, she knew Ling Hua’s past must not be too good a past.

“I originally lived in the city outside the base city, our family is very ordinary family, my father and my mother are just ordinary working people, we are not too rich, but also quite happy.” Ling Hua said with a smile, it seems that her childhood is still good, a good life.

Until “one day, my father became addicted to gambling. “She said here suddenly paused, the expression on her face also changed, I can see that she wants to start to remember some painful things.

“He soon lost all the money in our family, and often drank, and every time he got drunk, he would come home and beat his mother, so she left the house.” Ling Hua at this point has been with a crying voice.

Chu Tian patted her shoulder, easing her emotions and letting her speak slowly.

“Mom left home, but she didn’t take me with her Ling …Hua’s tears were already welling up in her eyes.

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