207Chapter Lu Tianfang

207Chapter Lu Tianfang

In the peaceful atmosphere of the Su family, Chu Tian looked at Ling Hua, who also happened to look up at Chu Tian, their eyes collided, Ling Hua’s face immediately climbed into a blush, she blushed and looked away, not daring to look Chu Tian in the eye, she has always been like this, even when talking to Chu Tian, she did not look Chu Tian in the eye. She was always like this, even when she was talking to Chu Tian, she didn’t look Chu Tian in the eye.

Chu Tian also did not say anything, turned back to continue eating, he knows, recently Ling Hua more and more friendly to him, her closed heart of the door should also be spread a little, so Chu Tian feel that in a short time, Ling Hua should be able to integrate with the Su family, and get rid of the shadow of the previous, these two days God should not contact Chu Tian, Chu Tian know, This means that the Lu family has not moved yet.

wedding” how about the preparation? “Su” zero six seven “Ren smiling at this room of people, but also very happy, can see the Su family from the previous cold and quiet, into the current situation, really let this old man have become cheerful up.

“I’ve already listed the things I need, just wait and take your time to find them afterwards.” Su Yu smiled and said, “Today Chu Tian also took the wedding dress materials back, tomorrow I will go to have people do!” Su Yu a few words, they did today’s things all clear.

“Good!” Su Ren also stroked his beard next to him and laughed, he is old, do not want to care so many things, just want to let Sister Su and Chu Tian have a lively wedding is good.

The people said some more ideas about the wedding, Su Ren also listened very happy, Su Juan also smiled and listened, the atmosphere is once again warm, as if everyone is looking forward to the wedding.

In the Su family gathered, a team of people are entering the city, they passed through the city gates being built, now this is said to be the city gates, in fact, is a pile of iron frame blockers, only to block the low level of intelligence zombies, so there are always people on guard here, watching the situation, because the night is very quiet, so you can still hear the sound of the lower side.

“Who!” Hearing a loud noise from the door, the guard shouted in the direction of the door.

“Base City Adventure Team!” The voice came from under the city gate, this is the name that no one in the base city will not know, and the base city security team on par with the base city organization, base city adventure team.

“So it’s the brothers from the adventure team back, come on in!” The guard shouted from above, and then he pulled open the simple small wooden door, which was narrow and short, and only one person could pass through it at a time.

“What’s wrong with this base city?” The man leading the adventure team asked, he was the leader of the adventure team, the third son of Lu Jiuling, Lu Tianfang.

“Don’t mention it, a few days ago suddenly a bunch of zombies surrounded the base city, there is a kind of flying zombies, not to mention how difficult it is, but fortunately the new son-in-law of the Su family, he took care of all the zombies in the air The guard began to talk eloquently as soon as he talked about the thrilling zombie siege of the city, he could hardly contain his excited mood

The first time I saw him, he was one of the people who watched the zombies disappear in the air on the ground.

“The new son-in-law of the Su family? Is Su Yu’s husband? “Lu Tianfang heard here expression obviously changed, can feel that he began to become angry, there is a kind of shuddering feeling.

“Not this new son-in-law of the Lu family, is the husband of Master Su’s daughter Su Mei.” The guard explained, he looked up to be a nervous person, completely did not see the change in atmosphere of Lu Tian Fang.

“Late, wait, zombie siege?” Lu Tianfang’s second point of attention is only on the zombie siege.

“Yes, the gates of the base city were destroyed by the zombies and are still being repaired, if it wasn’t for Chu Tian, the city would not have been saved,” the guard began to chatter again, his words full of admiration for Chu Tian.

“Hurry! Quickly back to the Lu family!” Lu Tianfang at this time as if he realized something, he immediately raised his hand and shouted to the members of the adventure team behind him.

At this point the guards were still chattering away, but the adventuring party had all left.

“Send! This brothers and sisters why did not finish before leaving ah!” The guard shouted, his face forced to look at the back of the adventure team members, do not know what happened.

Adventure team also did not have a few members know what happened, they are also a face confused with Lu Tian put away, originally wanted to listen to the guard to talk about the recent events in the base city for a while, especially they have a very deep interest in Chu Tian…

The first thing that came to his mind was the mysterious emerald that was shipped back from outside the other day, he always knew that his father liked to collect strange and exotic things, he knew that the emerald could attract zombies, but he didn’t think much about it, he just sent people back.

I didn’t expect such a small thing almost destroyed the base city, which can make Lu Tianfang some panic, so he quickly rushed back to the Lu family, want to dispose of that emerald.

Lu Tianfang’s person in the base city is quite upright, especially in the Lu family, his uprightness is different from the Lu family, that’s why he was sent to the adventure team by Lu Jiu Ling, all day outside the city born to die, but he not only did not resent Lu Jiu Ling, and also found all kinds of strange and exotic things outside to give Lu Jiu Ling, to show filial piety.

And he is very fond of Su Yu of the Su family, which is a matter known to many people in the city, although he is often away from the base city, but every time he returns will bring some gifts to Su Yu, the reputation in the city is also very good.

Soon, Lu Tian Fang returned to the Lu family, stepped into the door of the Lu family the moment he felt a little 1.9wrong, because the surrounding iron railing now added a layer of protection, the upper side of the wrapped around the energized cable, if someone touches the iron railing will certainly die.

This makes Lu Tianfang feel a little uncomfortable, if the pedestrian how to do, and the Lu family has a lot of children, if they touched the iron railing, will certainly be injured and life.

And Lu Jia Duo’s gate has been fully armed at this time, a variety of protective devices, the police patrol seems to have increased, all of which makes Lu Tian Fang very strange.

He quickly walked to the ground to the large villa of the Lu family, which is not the residence of Lu Tianfang, but he will still come to visit Lu Jiuling first.

“Housekeeper Niu, has father rested?” Lu Tian Fang walked into the door of the villa with a grave face and asked the butler Niu who was in the hall.

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