201Chapter Lightning Crystal Core

201Chapter Lightning Crystal Core

Watching the emerald turned into its original form, Chu Tian is also relieved, finally did not add anything to the mess, but today’s research is not over, since the zombie siege, Chu Tian has not had a day as free as today, so he took out the day he got two fifth-order crystal nuclei, he will absorb the fifth-order crystal nuclei today!

The other three monster girls are not interested in the two attributes of the crystal nuclei, these nuclei and their abilities are also very mismatched, so they do not need these nuclei.

Since the girl doesn’t need it, let Chu Tian do it! Chu Tian is a complete omnivore, no matter what he can absorb!

Chu Tian first put the cold ice crystal nucleus in front of his mouth, the crystal nucleus soon turned into energy flowing into Chu Tian’s mouth, Chu Tian has not absorbed such high-level goods as fifth-order crystal nucleus, the previous crystal nucleus are like monsters, he has not absorbed, thinking about this, Chu Tian could not help but sigh, alas, raising a family – not easy ah!

After absorbing the cold ice crystal nucleus, Chu Tian’s forehead ice blue crystal immediately appeared, the crystal around the palpitating cold air, the cold air makes the room around the cold a few points.

“Master! Stealing food! “Balu beast saw Chu Tian’s action, raised his hands and said to Chu Tian, small mouth also beamed, looks a little unhappy.

Chu Tian looked at this little guy’s appearance, also some want to laugh, he held the Balu beast to sit next to her, handed her a third-order crystal nucleus, Balu beast get crystal nucleus, immediately changed face, the crystal nucleus raised to the mouth happily eat up.

Chu Tian laughed and looked at the balu beast, this little guy will even cheat to eat this hand!

After absorbing the fifth-order cold ice crystal core, Chu Tian immediately felt the changes in his body, his body’s cold ice ability seems to have become stronger, and the control of cold Qi is more comfortable.

Glacier Rift suddenly sword appeared in his hand, he head of cold air along the arm came to the Glacier Rift sword above, that cold air instantly Glacier Rift sword enveloped.

After being enveloped by the cold air, the blue of the glacier rift sword is also brighter and brighter, emitting blue fluorescence from the top, reflecting the walls of this room.

After the glacier rift sword is also a change, its blade has become sharper, the pattern on the top also has some changes, from the original plain, become very gorgeous, looks very beautiful, it is as if it is no longer a sword, but a gorgeous artwork.

Chu Tian gently waved the Glacier Rift Sword, immediately from the sword emitted a sharp cold, that cold cut to the wall, immediately formed a piece of frost on the wall, the frost slowly spread, and finally covered the entire wall.

“Uh …. Chu Tian opened his eyes wide and looked at the wall, which was just a gentle wave ah!

Chu Tian raised his hands, his hands appeared a flame, the flame sprayed into the wall, the wall of frost melted away.

Chu Tian felt the changes in his body, it is true that this time is much stronger, it seems to be able to touch the threshold of the sixth genetic lock, if the sixth genetic lock is broken, even if only Chu Tian himself, this base city is no longer his opponent.

After the cold ice crystal nucleus is absorbed, Chu Tian took out the light gray lightning crystal nucleus, before he did not observe carefully, this observation only found that the crystal nucleus not only has a light gray fluorescence, but in the crystal nucleus there is a faint lightning flash, the lightning is like a small snake, in the crystal nucleus back and forth shuttle.

Next, “This is it! ” Chu Tian whispered, took the lightning crystal nucleus to his mouth, the lightning crystal nucleus quickly turned into liquid, flowed into Chu Tian’s mouth.

The energy of the lightning crystal core flowed along Chu Tian’s internal organs, and Chu Tian could clearly feel that his body was being transformed by the energy of the lightning crystal core, and gradually, the abundant lightning energy filled Chu Tian’s body.

Chu Tian Tian closed his eyes, and obediently crossed his legs and meditated on the bed, this is his first time absorbing lightning nucleus, and also the first time receiving lightning energy, so it still needs some time to adapt, he can feel his organs are paralyzed by lightning, like a fire, he slowly suffered the pain of the organs being scorched by lightning.

Soon, the five organs were burnt by lightning, Chu Tian also screamed in pain, his skin surface began to appear black smoke, the smoke seeped out from the skin, as if he was profoundly suffering from the pain of lightning striking the sky.

……… request flowers ………

“Sins!” Chu Tian shouted, this is the way to increase strength, so it is also something he must endure, he has no complaints, just that this is too painful, even if he is strong-willed, he is about to hold on.

Soon, Chu Tian’s hair also stood up, forming an explosive head, Chu Tian has not cut his hair for a long time, and his hair is naturally long, so this explosive head is even more exaggerated.

The three monster girls at the side watched Chu Tian’s change and their eyes widened in surprise. Although they were worried about Chu Tian, there was still something funny about Chu Tian’s look, but they could only hold back now and watch Chu Tian’s next change.

In this way, until the sun went down, Chu Tian’s skin was completely black, and there was constant smoke, and his hair stood up, and he looked like a brother from Africa.


But the expression on Chu Tian’s face was gradually soothed, without the painful look just now.

Because in this process, his organs experienced by lightning blast scorched, and slowly recovered, as if reborn, now his five organs have become new, although the outside wretched, but the body has been compared to the previous do not know how many times stronger.

Each beat of his heart carries a tiny electric light.

Soon, Chu Tian opened his eyes, his eyes also have lightning flashed, he clenched his fist, his fist immediately covered with lightning, the lightning in the fist twisted, dancing.

The next moment, Chu Tian’s skin returned to normal, even more rosy and healthy than before. His erected hair also fell down and changed back to his previous hairstyle.

Chu Tian stretched out his hand, a thunderbolt immediately shot out of his hand, shot towards the wall of the room, the process of traveling also constantly jumping, looks powerful!

This time Coconut Monga appeared in front of Chu Tian, she punched a thunderbolt, the thunderbolt immediately exploded, forming a heat wave in the room.

“Haha, fortunately the reaction you quick ah little dream! ” Chu Tian scratched his head and laughed, just now he just wanted to try the power of the new ability, so did not choose the location.

“Really! Master don’t ruin our room!” Lyumonga got angry. Up ,

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