202Chapter Calamity Wings

202Chapter Calamity Wings

After gaining the power of lightning, the sky has also been dark, the house servants have come to shout Chu Tian and others to eat, at this time Su Mei is also awake from sleep, so a few people talk and laugh to the ground restaurant.

Ling Hua today has not and Chu Tian they eat together, she wore Su Yu’s beautiful clothes, smiling and brought up the food, it seems that she and everyone in the Su family get along very well, but it is understandable, the Su family are very gentle and friendly, treating people very well, there is no other big family those dogs fighting for the attitude of people.

This is also the reason why Tian has a very good impression of the Su family, the master of the Su family is kind, the people are also very good, is a very good atmosphere of the family, Su Ren although usually look stern, but the reality is very big master style, treat the people are also very good, everywhere for their sake, I do not know is not “zero five zero” because of the loss of two The relationship of the word “child”, treating the subordinates like family, do not want to lose a subordinate.

So everyone loves Su Ren, the elders, everything is also for Su Ren, after this disaster, Su family people are more and more like a family, very united, if the Su family is in trouble, the underlings will certainly try to help.

At this time Ling Hua was happily sitting with the underlings, eating at the small table next to the large dining table, and seemed to have completely integrated into the atmosphere of the Su family underlings.

“Did you sleep well?” Chu Tian asked to Ling Hua, who looked fine, but Chu Tian knew that Ling Hua still needed more of the atmosphere to be infected.

“Great!” Ling Hua replied with a smile, she smiled with beautiful eyes, the eyebrows and a half of the feeling of the coconut Mengade, but not as sultry as the coconut Mengade.

“That’s good.” Chu Tian smiled, and then put down the dishes, he just needed to let Ling Hua know that the Su family had been caring for her, and she needed to be cared for now until she could calmly say what she had gone through before.

“Right, Chu Tian, the two of you marriage is time to put on the agenda. “Su Ren took a sip of tea, smiled and said to Chu Tian,” the other day because out looking for Meier and the zombie siege, there has been no time to mention this matter, the recent base city is also peaceful, the Lu family’s affairs will take a few days to carry out, why not these days, your wedding to do 7!

“That’s great! Chu Tian has been the son-in-law of our Su family for a long time, it’s time to give him a name! ” Su Yu laughed and catered next to him.

“Yes, yes, yes!” The people on the side also echoed, they all already treat Chu Tian as their own family, so the wedding they will also naturally prepare with all their heart.

“Hahaha, Mei’er, what do you think? ” Chu Tian laughed and asked to Su Mei next to him.

“All listen to you!” Su Mei’s face is also already a blush creeping up, she can not afford everyone so teasing, so can only say in a small voice.

“That’s good, then all listen to Su Lao’s arrangement!” Chu Tian stood up, and toasted a cup of tea to Su Ren, today he toasted Su Ren with tea instead of wine.

“Hahahaha, then leave it to Yu’er, she works with the most confidence! I’m old and can’t keep up with your young people’s trends! “Su Ren also stood up, smiled and drank the tea in the cup. He was very happy today, finally he could still see his daughter’s wedding day with his own eyes.

He imagined the scene of that day since Su Mei was born, he must give the best in the world to his Mei’er, to find her the best husband in the world, and send her to get married, but did not expect to see this day with his own eyes, only the next Su Yu and him.

This disaster, his wife was scattered, and finally only left with such a daughter, and like a daughter Su Yu, think about it is really a bit poor.

But looking at Tian, such a nice young man, he felt that his heart still had a touch of comfort.

“Then, thanks a lot Su Lao! ” Chu Tian said with a smile.

Soon, this wedding thing is set, everything is waiting for tomorrow Su Yu to arrange, the wedding needs a lot of preparation, so it’s okay.

Chu Tian and Su Juan back to the room, make out a bit on the sleep, after all, he has not slept last night, Su Mei is also very powerful, sleep so long during the day, the night can still sleep! This may be the god of sleep!

Soon came the next day, Chu Tian opened his eyes, there were several lightning flashes in his eyes, he could clearly feel that after absorbing the lightning crystal core, his strength has increased a lot, the specific manifestation is his four-dimensional data also rose a lot….

But the power of lightning is a more important ability than the sixth genetic lock! With the power of lightning, even if the sixth genetic lock is broken, Chu Tian has the confidence to defeat him one-on-one.

Even when he encountered a strong person who broke the seventh genetic lock, Chu Tian was able to delay for a while, and was able to challenge beyond the level, Chu Tian’s confidence naturally comes from the powerful attack ability brought by the power of lightning.

“Then, it’s time to try that thing! ” Chu Tian whispered, at this time Su Mei has gone out with Su Yu to prepare the wedding materials, the three monster girls also followed, they all love to get together, and they are also very longing for the bride.

Chu Tian took out the blue wings he got last time, which were removed from the fifth-ranked zombie.

This also means that this wing is different from the wings of other fifth-order zombies, which also makes Chu Tian feel amazing about the blue wings.

However, Chu Tian can only get the name of the wings from the system, the wings are called “Wings of Calamity”, but there is no 1.9hint about its usage, which also makes Chu Tian very distressed, no hint how to start!

He looked at the blue pattern on the wings, stretched out his finger, the fingertips appeared a tiny lightning, then he put his finger on the wings, the lightning slid along the pattern on the wings, but did not leave any trace.

Chu Tian sighed, lightning is also useless, then he used fire, ice. But nothing worked, the wings did not respond at all, Chu Tian some despair.

“It seems that the wings can only be used as a shield! ” Chu Tian said with a sad face, said to be a shield, the wings are not able to hold the place, can only be installed on the back of the wings a handle, in order to be used as a shield, but so hold not only ugly, but also very bulky.

At this time, Chu Tian suddenly had a flash of light, he had a new idea!

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