200Chapter Shield the zombies!

200Chapter Shield the zombies!

“Congratulations to the host, the conclusion of the blood contract is complete!” The moment the green light was replaced by red light, the system’s voice also came through.

“Holy shit, this contract is too easy to conclude. ” Chu Tian accidentally exploded a foul mouth, originally had no hope, but did not expect suddenly concluded successfully, but also scared Chu Tian a jump.

“So what does this gem do now? Does it still attract zombies?” Chu Tian asked, incidentally pointing to the green gem with a hint of blood red, with a hint of mapped out light on the top, looking strange and beautiful.

“There is no longer the ability to attract zombies, now this gem has the function of shielding the attention of zombies, within a certain range of this gem, will not attract the attention of zombies. It can also control the zombies. ” Chu Tian heard the system’s explanation, naturally is very happy, a fifth-order zombie destructive power is not weak, and the fifth-order zombie can also control other zombies, if you can control a fifth-order zombie, it is really not ordinary ah!

The most powerful thing is that after concluding the blood contract with this gem, the ability of this emerald to attract zombies has disappeared, so that Chu Tian put it on his body, it can always let the side of the safe to go to the world outside the wall.

Chu Tian put the gem050 in his hand, a little force, he could feel that he was pushing the power in the gem, soon, a circular energy shield appeared around the gem, quickly spread out, and gradually surrounded Chu Tian and the three monster girls next to him, and finally the whole room was under the energy shield, but how the energy shield could not be expanded.

“It seems that this is the limit size of the energy shield now.” Chu Tian whispered, this should be able to shield the zombie attention of the energy shield, but still need to go out and try to know!

Chu Tian was instantly intrigued, and he couldn’t wait to try out the effects of the emerald!

“Little Dream! Go! Let’s go out!” Chu Tian said, with a rare and excited smile on his face, like a child who saw a new toy with the same expression.

“Ah! Good master! “At this time the three girls are no longer playing cards, they are sitting on the ground smiling and drinking tea, this tea is the good tea of the Su family, every afternoon someone will be brewed to the girls to bring. Baru beast only acceptable human food is this tea, Baru beast although know they can not eat human food, but still tirelessly try, finally, drink this tea, she smiled happily.

After the Su family will always give the Balu beast such a tea, and now has become a tradition of the Su family and the three girls, at such a time can also drink afternoon tea, but also really some petty it.

Coconut Mongaard drank the tea from the cup in his hand, then stood up and left with Chu Tian.

The two so came to the base of the city walls, with coconut Mengga to the purpose is to be less attention, to be able to gently jump over the wall.

Sure enough, the coconut dream of adding to stretch out the wings, with Chu Tian a gentle leap, the two came to just outside the walls, here is the most unobtrusive place on the walls, the construction team is now in the gate there to repair the gate, the walls here is almost no damage, so generally no one will come here.

The two came to the outside of the city wall, at this time outside the wall is again three or two zombies wandering around, but they will not lie on the wall as before, because at this time outside the wall piled up a large number of zombie wreckage, they almost piled up a zombie mountain, so the zombies naturally will not notice the human in the wall, the smell of zombie wreckage around the wall to cover up the attention of the human in the wall.

“Come on, let’s try it!” Chu Tian smiled and said to Liu Mengga De, then pulled Liu Mengga De to the direction of the zombies, he held the emerald in his hand, the energy palm instantly opened, Chu Tian and the coconut Mengga De two enveloped within.

Two people slowly walk in front of the zombie, slowly approaching the ground zombie, and finally Chu Tian to the zombie that (cfbj) beckoned, but the zombie never a little reaction, as if they can not see them both.

“This is really useful! ” Chu Tian smiled and waved his hand in front of the walkers, but the walkers just acted as if they didn’t see him.

“So powerful, master!” Liu Mengjia also said with a smile, after today’s toss, she this emerald also has interest, she reached out to the zombies around gently waved, the zombies also did not have a little reaction, generally zombies as long as they see them will immediately gather over, but today has been out for so long, the zombies have not come to the meaning.

“Then try this. Chu Tian” smiled and stretched out his hand, gave a punch to the zombie in front of him, and sent the zombie flying, the zombie instantly flew to the side, and could obviously see that its right hand was broken, and it did not take long for it to get back up, but it did not run in the direction of Chu Tian and Coconut Mangald, but just wandered slowly around there.

Chu Tian saw the reaction of the zombies, his face showed a painful smile, this thing really useful, even so, those zombies did not notice them, that is, now do not know whether the effect on the high level zombies will have, which still need to be after the experiment, but can believe that the role of this emerald is very big.

After that, Chu Tian also tried to control the zombies with the emerald, but unfortunately, no matter how to do, can not control the zombies, it seems that this ability still needs to be developed, but can do to shield the attention of zombies this point, Chu Tian is already very satisfied.

Soon, Chu Tian and Coconut Mangald returned to Su’s house satisfied.

However, Tian suddenly realized one thing, that is, after the signing of the blood contract, the ability to attract zombies is gone, so there is no way to prove that the emerald stolen from the Lu family is the cause of the previous zombie siege.

So the physical evidence is gone!

Chu Tian lay on the bed, thinking sadly about what to do afterwards, now that the physical evidence is gone, then the only way to prove the Lu family’s crime is to rely on Ling Hua, a human witness, but if the old man Lu Jiu Ling does not admit, Chu Tian does not seem to have too good a solution.

“System, can I make this corpse heart emerald become attractive to zombies again, Chu Tian asked the system in his heart.

“Yes host, the emerald is now your thing, just control it according to your heart’s desire.” The system brought good news to Tian, if this thing becomes able to attract zombies again, then the physical evidence will be available again, so that it can prove the crime of the Lu family.

Chu Tian tried to hold the emerald in his hand and controlled it in his mind, letting it turn into its original shape, the blood on the stone soon withdrew from the stone and the emerald became translucent green again.

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