199Chapter Blood Contract

199Chapter Blood Contract

Chu Tian came back from the divine eagle that specially looked at the flower, Su Yu temporarily let Ling Hua and her live together, because Ling Hua at this time the mental state has not recovered, completely can not stay alone in a room, just Su Yu let her own room to sleep, she immediately cried, it seems that if no one is around, it is easy to dream about the previous things in the Lu family.

It seems that Ling Hua’s experience in the Lu family has left a huge shadow on her psyche, and these, can only be dissolved with time, in the Su family let Ling Hua live a little better, so maybe she can get better faster, Chu Tian can only do here, after all, but now is the end of the world, there is no psychiatrist can see, the Su family people are helpless, Balu beast also seems to have no way to solve the trauma of Ling Hua such The physical trauma is very good to heal, but this psychological trauma is no way to heal.

Chu Tian came to Su Yu’s room, Su Yu’s room is very large, decorated very elegant, a variety of furnishings and appliances are minimalist style, a kind of cold wind feeling, this style will seem a little cold in the house, but a kind of modern feeling, the overall and Su Yu’s temperament is still very appropriate.

At this time Ling Hua has been lying in bed asleep, she is an ordinary person, last night she also did not sleep all night, so now must also be very tired, Su Yu accompanied her side, quietly watching her sleep, Ling Hua sleep is also very quiet, and her usual performance, she will be in the quilt shrink into a ball, and put themselves from head to foot all covered with the quilt, from her such habits can be seen before she The actual fact that she had been through something terrible.

“She is really too poor, you see when she sleeps, a little breathing sound can not be heard. “Su Yu gently touched Ling Hua’s hair, said softly.

“What is she going to do after that?” Su Yu asked, she knew that today Chu Tian went to the divine Eagle is to say about Ling Hua and last night the Lu family’s matter.

“After that, she has been in our house, you find something for her to do, there is no benefit to be idle all the time,” Chu Tian said, the Ai sisters have now done some work in the Su family, they follow the housekeeper Lao Wang to do some simple work, like watering flowers, help in the back kitchen such work, so that it is not too idle, in the The end of the world is that we must work together to live together.

“Good, then I will let the old Wang take her tomorrow to do something. “Su Yu said with a smile, in fact, there is not much work in the Su family now, said work, in fact, is to follow the old Wang to help, not at all to tired, mainly a little thing to do.

“Well, I’m counting on you.” Chu Tian said with a smile, Su Yu is reliable, and more than he will take care of people, he is sure to rest assured, but now the most difficult thing is to be able to communicate with Ling Hua more, so that Ling Hua recovery emotions are also useful, for Chu Tian after the matter is also useful, Ling Hua is now Chu Tian’s most critical ace, must be firmly grasped.

“It’s okay!” Su Yu waved her hand, she has always treated Chu Tian’s affairs as her own.

“Right, these days, don’t let Ling Hua go out, especially not let her be seen by the Lu family:” Chu Tian said with a serious face, now the strength of the Su family and the Lu family is too much difference, if the Lu family recklessly attacked the Su family, he was also worried that he could not protect everyone, after all, he can not always stay in the Su family There will definitely be times to go out.

“Understood.” Su Yu nodded, how could she not know about such things, she had been paying attention to such things, especially the protection of Ling Hua.

“Mm-hmm.” Chu Tian smiled and left the room, went back to Su Mei’s room, he has now returned from the divine Eagle, but Su Mei still did not wake up!

Chu Tian could not help but gently shake his head, sighed, this girl can still sleep.

Chu Tian did not want to disturb Su Mei, so he came to the room of Kidola and Liu Menggaade to come, Kidola and Liu Menggaade and Balu beast at this time and play cards in the room, they are not much work in the Su family, normal people’s work they can not do, and they have the duty to defend the Su family is enough.

“Master! You’re back! Come and teach me!” Liu Mengga De saw Chu Tian come in and immediately came over to pull Chu Tian.

Chu Tian looked at her like a little girl and her hot body, sometimes really feel not quite match it.

“I still have things to do, you guys play.” Chu Tian smiled and came to lie down on the bed of the three of them, he came here for the bed, Su Mei was asleep, he was afraid to wake her up on the bed.

The three of them sat on the floor and played happily, although they couldn’t even figure out the names of each pattern on the cards, but they still played happily.

Chu Tian sat on the bed and took out the corpse heart emerald, he looked at the stone carefully, the stone was very pure, crystal clear, there seemed to be no impurities in the middle, it looked beautiful.

“I just don’t know how to conclude this blood contract.” Chu Tian thought in his heart, although the system told him the role of the corpse heart emerald, but the use of the method but there is no clue and.

“Since it’s a blood contract” Chu Tian gritted his teeth and took out his heart, he thought of an ancient method, since it comes to blood contracts, it’s not enough to drop blood directly on the gem!

Chu Tian gently cut his finger with a quenching heart, and a small cut appeared on his finger immediately, with blood oozing out of it.

Chu Tian looked at the emerald expectantly, waiting for the reaction of the emerald, but an hour passed, and Chu Tian was falling asleep! The emerald still did not react at all, calmly like an ordinary gemstone.

“Ugh.” Chu Tian sighed, it is true that this blood contract can not be concluded casually, “it seems to need to find out the method ah.” Chu Tian is trying to put away the emerald, this gem can attract zombies, but can not be left outside for too long, before the base city gate is repaired, can not withstand the next wave of zombie attacks.

However, at this time, the emerald is emitting light, the light is getting brighter and brighter, and finally reflecting the room’s walls are, but the green light, and emitted a faint red light, red light little by little to replace the green light, and finally, the green light completely covered, the wall is left with red light, but the emerald is unchanged, only a small crack, the crack was filled with red. ,

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