198Chapter Settlement of Lu Family Combat

198Chapter Solving the Lu Family Combat

“What! There is still such a thing?” Divine Eagle angrily slapped the office table, and it was obvious that an additional crack could be seen on the office table.

While the Lu family was preparing to eliminate the secrets in their secret room and basement, Chu Tian came to God Eagle’s residence and told him what he had seen in the Lu family and also showed him the emerald he had brought from the Su family, and naturally, God Eagle kept his promise and gave Chu Tian the emerald.

“I was also surprised when I saw it before, I didn’t expect that Lu Jiuling was so heartless.” Chu Tian nodded and said, even now, his anger at Lu Jiuling has not been eliminated in the slightest.

“How about the girls in the secret room of the Lu family?” Divine Eagle asked, now he is concerned about the problem and this, the two poor girls of the Lu family, who would be very heartbroken.

“Already placed in the Su family, the Su family should be able to guarantee her safety, and I see that she also like our girl, so let her live in the Su family for the time being.” Chu Tian said, Su family is indeed the base city in his most assured 25place, with him in, Ling Hua’s safety will definitely not have any problems.

“That’s good, have trouble Chu Tian brother, this love allow me to repay in the future. “Divine Eagle nodded, then clasped his fist and said to Chu Tian, without Chu Tian’s help, it would have been very difficult for him to handle the Lu family’s affairs.

“It’s okay, besides, I got this emerald.” Chu Tian scratched his head and said, this divine eagle is sometimes too polite, also let him some embarrassment.

“As for the matter of the Lu family, let me think about how to deal with it. “Divine Eagle frowned, a deep sigh, this Lu’s matter is now really not easy to deal with, the Lu family is the first big family in the base city, it is also very difficult to use strong means to deal with the Lu family.

“This Lu Jiuling lost his conscience, heavenly justice, even now such a chaotic time, I can not tolerate such a person!” Chu Tian look divine eagle seems to be some hesitation, then is also some disappointment, he lowered his head, the eyes of the cold light flashed, coldly said.

God Eagle heard Chu Tian this word, himself is also some shame, he sighed, now he really is very difficult to do ah! The Lu family is a large family, there are a lot of base city resources, and there is a strong police force, if you really want to use strong measures against the Lu family, it may be infinite consequences ah!

“If senior divine Eagle finds it difficult, I can solve this matter for you, I will bring the Su family’s people to kill the Lu family, and capture Lu Jiuling, it will be fine.” Chu Tian said with a smile, although he knew that the divine Eagle would not agree with him on this request, but if he was allowed to do so, he was able to do it.

With two people, Kidola and Coconut Mongaard, no family in the base city can resist Chu Tian.

“This thing is too dangerous, or we must think long and hard, ah, the strength of the Lu family Lu Jiuling is not weak than me, their police force is also well-equipped, strong, and the strength of his three sons is also very strong, at least is also the base city famous strong, even I take the security team to go also very difficult to attack ah,” God Eagle face difficult, he At this moment is really difficult, the face of the Lu family can not be defeated with any certainty, or to be cautious again cautious ah.

“I’m not afraid of their Lu family, senior divine Eagle rest assured to leave it to me.” Chu Tian once again pressed a step, he just wanted to let the divine Eagle to make this decision to crusade against the Su family.

“Then in that case, we will go to the Lu family again to investigate and find out their armed and defense situation. “When Divine Eagle heard Chu Tian say this, he naturally knew that Chu Tian’s words were for him to make up his mind to crush the Lu family, he also smiled and agreed to Chu Tian’s request.

“Yes, after you can send your security team to investigate.” Chu Tian saw the divine eagle agreed, is also smiled, this divine eagle always so loose mouth, attacking the Lu family is now his most wanted thing, after he can cooperate with the security team, after all, he is also considered to represent the Su family, naturally can not let others know is the Su family against the Lu family, at least the surface can not let others look like this.

“Also, we have to find a reason to make the people of the base city are deeply disgusted with the Lu family, but also let us have a legitimate reason to attack the Lu family.” God Eagle said, this is currently he felt the most difficult thing to do, to Lu Jiuling’s cunning, at this time naturally have to do human experimentation and captive zombies to deal with the matter, they do not have any evidence, at this time naturally to find another reason.

“This reason, we naturally have, that is this.” Chu Tian pointed to the emerald on the table of the divine Eagle, “as long as we can prove that this thing can attract zombies, then we have physical evidence.” Chu Tian said with a smile.

God Eagle nodded, indeed, before he momentarily forgot, the best physical evidence in front of them!

“But you this physical evidence, seems to be of unknown origin. “Divine Eagle said, this emerald is stolen from the Lu family, which is not good to hear out.

“This is not to worry, we just need to spread the crime of the Lu family first, and then finally take out this emerald, no one will suspect the origin of this emerald.” Divine Eagle immediately replied, divine Eagle thought of the problem he had thought about before.

“The evidence, naturally, is also easy, that I was brought out of the Lu family Ling Hua and I went to the base city with Xiao Meng can prove the crimes of the Lu 050family. ” Chu Tian said, “I just don’t know if Ling Hua now has the courage to face Lu Jiuling, her psychological trauma has been a lot…” Chu Tian suddenly thought of Ling Hua that pitiful expression, he did not know if he would bear to let such a poor girl to face hell again.

“Then we’ll wait a few more days, wait for Ling Hua’s emotions to calm down some more, and then announce the Lu family’s crime to all the major clans and residents of the base city.” The divine Eagle thought for a while and said, although he did not have any feelings for Ling Hua, nor did he care much if she had any psychological trauma. But the person leading the whole plan is Chu Tian, so let’s listen to Chu Tian’s arrangements.

And get rid of the Lu family also has a lot of benefits for the god eagle, he is hoping that the base city of the big families can balance each other, but the Lu family at this time clearly has a momentum, which will let the base city balance is broken, so get rid of the Lu family, for the god should also be a good thing.

“Good, then I’ll go back first, I’m going to check on Ling Hua’s situation, make sure to pay more attention to the Lu family’s movements these days, I’m counting on Senior Divine Eagle.” Chu Tian clasped his fist, then got up and left the divine Eagle’s residence, incidentally also took away the corpse heart emerald.

Chu Tian asked to get rid of the Lu family, but also has his personal feelings.

Not to get rid of the Lu family, the Su family how to grow! ,

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