197Chapter Lu family shock

197Chapter Lu family shock

Lu Jiuling looked at the wrecked office and the secret room, he suddenly realized that the other side seems to be looking for something, the side of the Niu butler is also blue, the existence of this secret room in the Lu family only he and Lu Jiuling know, belong to the Lu family’s secrets, although he is very uncomfortable with Lu Jiuling’s special fetish, but after all, Lu Jiuling is his master, he can not oppose, so he can only listen to it, The office and most of the furnishings in the secret room are also his layout!

“Where is the girl in the chamber?” Lu Jiu-ling suddenly asked, the girl is his most satisfied girl, but also to stay and slowly enjoy it, but the chamber apparently after the fire, Lu Jiu-ling thought here, rushed into the chamber, he moved the box on the ground and a meal of burnt flesh and organs, trying to find the “zero five zero” girl’s remains.

Butler Niu was standing at the door of the secret room, looking at some crazy Lu Jiuling, whispered: “Report master, the girl may be taken away ….by the person who set the fire!

“What do you say?” Lu Jiuling came over and fiercely held the collar of the Niu butler, his face he was hideous, as if he wanted to eat him, “How do you watch the villa, you can’t even defend yourselves!”

“Old, old master! Last night, I don’t know what happened, the police and the subordinates all somehow fell asleep, it should be the person who set the fire.” He waved his hands in panic, very panic, he knows Lu Jiuling’s methods, one mistake may not even have a whole body.

Useless” thing!” Lu Jiuling fiercely threw the Niu housekeeper on the ground, he is now angry, but has not lost his mind, he has seen a lot of big wind and waves, is very calm.

Lu Jiuling looked ahead of the chaos of the chamber, he suddenly realized that the other party may not only come to save Ling Hua, the girl has no family and no friends, no one even knows she is still alive, just one of the many girls raised by Lu Jiuling, surely no one will break into the Lu family for her.

Suddenly, Lu Jiuling remembered the day yesterday they visited the divine eagle, divine eagle party has guessed what can attract zombies, and then look at the wretched office, the other party is obviously to find that can attract zombies of the emerald.

“Quick! The basement! What is the situation in the basement?” Lu Jiu-ling forehead covered with cold sweat, he shouted loudly, at this time he could no longer make himself calm, he ran out of the office like crazy, and ran downstairs, the subordinates outside saw Lu Jiu-ling still want to greet as before, but see Lu Jiu-ling such madness, they immediately swallowed back the words to the mouth.

“The basement? “Niu butler heard Lu Jiuling’s words, instantly did not also react, but soon, he slapped his head, yes! The secret on this even if people know it is nothing, after all, in the last days, killing is also a very normal thing.

But the secret of the basement is the same! If the zombies in the basement are seen by others, maybe their family will be jointly crushed and expelled from the base city!

Even if the Lu family’s power is strong, there is no way to survive without the protection of the city walls of the base city!

The thought of this, cattle butler back chills, he rose from the ground, trembling, ran downstairs, and prayed that the basement was not discovered.

But it was too late, the cattle housekeeper ran to the room before the hidden entrance to the basement, and fell into complete despair, the door that was gently shaking in the air, the lock on the top was completely broken, and the lock on the door of the office upstairs was broken in exactly the same way.

But he still ran in, this may be the spirit of “do not see the Yellow River will not die” it, he ran, the trembling is more and more intense, he fiercely with his fists into his legs, so that they no longer tremble, but this is something that can not be done.

Finally, came to the end of his basement stairs, the front of a dark, completely unable to see the inside of things, cattle housekeeper can only see Lu Jiu Ling sitting on the stairs, hanging head, like a bereaved dog. At this time, there is no need to see the situation inside, as long as you can not hear the girl’s violent gasping and zombies roar, you already know everything.

But the bull butler is still not dead, he ran to the wall, touch the switch on the wall.

“The basement was instantly filled with light, the light was as blinding as ever, the cattle butler put his hand in front of his eyes to block the light, while also closing his eyes, this is the emergency system of the eyes…..

At this time how he hopes, open his eyes can still see the girl in the basement, can still see those zombies, if these are still there, he will definitely beg Lu Jiu-ling to release the girl, so that she can live safely, he will also beg Lu Jiu-ling to put all these zombies outside the base city, the damn jewel thrown away!

But now these things he can not do, he opened his eyes, he hoped to see everything has disappeared, only a puddle of green liquid on the ground, and the body of the girl with a white cloth over her face.

“This,” Niu Butler’s legs went limp and he sat down on the ground, a look of despair appeared on his face, he crawled to Lu Jiuling who was sitting on the steps, kneeling down and asking, “Old, old master, what should we do now?”

Lu Jiuling is worthy of the head of the family, after a while of thinking, he has calmed down, at this time is also thinking about countermeasures.

He stood up, patting the dust on his body, and said with a cold expression to housekeeper Niu: “Get someone to clean up this place and the top side, if there is no evidence, no one can find the handle of our Lu family.”

Niu butler listened to Lu Jiuling words, wiped the sweat on his forehead, quickly nodded, “Yes, I immediately find someone to do!” He said he ran19 out of the basement, at this time already do not care whether these secrets will be known by the Lu family, known by their own family is also known by the entire base of people to be better.

Look at the Niu butler left, Lu Jiuling again sitting on the ground, at this time he did not have the heart to think about who infiltrated the Lu family, to find that person is also waiting for these things to be finished.

And, he must get the emerald back too!

Lu Jiuling has an almost paranoid love for the human body, especially the girl’s body, and after the disaster, he has a new hobby, that is, the study of those zombies, when the Lu family’s adventure team found the emerald, he can not mention how happy, at the cost of several names of the adventure team, before the emerald back to the Lu family.

How can this be easily given to others! ,

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