196Chapter Lu Jiuling’s anger

196Chapter Lu Jiuling’s anger

Su Mei soon fell into a deep sleep, Chu Tian is not very sleepy, with the experience of the vigil, a night without sleep, but now he is very spirited, do not feel any impact.

Chu Tian saw Su Mei, came to another room on this floor, looked at the Kidola and Balu beast.

Master”!” When the Balu beast saw Chu Tian, she immediately waved her hand excitedly and shouted, she immediately jumped off the bed, climbed sensitively onto Chu Tian’s shoulder, and sat down well.

“Shh–” Chu Tian immediately put his finger in front of his mouth and made a quiet gesture to the Balu beast. This room is not just the two of them, at this time, Kidola is still sleeping.

Chu Tian recently found that the rest of the Kedora seems to be the same as normal people, now this kind of time can not be the time she woke up, and she will not be as worried about Chu Tian as Su Yu and Su Juan, after all, Chu Tian and coconut dream to go together, the whole base city people all on the estimate there is no way to stop them.

Chu Tian looked at Kidola sleeping so well, it is not good to disturb him, so immediately withdrew from the room, and closed the door.

“Here! Eat it!” Chu Tian handed Balu a crystal nucleus, Balu beast has to eat a crystal nucleus in the morning, so Chu Tian would give him one every morning.

Then Tian Tian took the Balu beast to the restaurant, at this time Ling Hua had already eaten, she touched her stomach, contentedly leaned back in the chair.

“Are you done eating? ” Chu Tian- asked with a smile.

“Well, in return Ling Hua replied in a whisper,” Thank you Ling Hua said while also blushing, she has not dared to look at Chu Tian’s eyes.

“Master! Who is this sister!” This time Balu beast asked with his little hand raised.

“She is called Ling Hua, you can call her sister Ling Hua!” Chu Tian said to the Balu beast, his tone to the Balu beast is very gentle, more gentle than usual, after all, in the face of this little guy, no one can be fierce.

This time Ling Hua also finally looked back, she looked at Chu Tian, this time saw her Chu Tian body of small Balu beast, her eyes instantly frozen, although still timid, but Chu Tian can see from her eyes called “eager” light.

“Would you ..like to hold her? This little one is called Baloo.” Chu Tian asked tentatively, he didn’t know Ling Hua very well either, so he didn’t know what she was thinking right now.

“Well,” Ling Hua answered in a small voice, her face was a little red, and her hands were clutching the corners of her clothes, she probably felt that it would be a little too much to make a request just after arriving here, and this might be related to her previous experience in the Lu family.

“Here you go.” Chu Tian hugged the Balu beast and placed it gently in Ling Hua’s arms, and the Balu beast opened her arms to meet Ling Hua’s embrace, and she didn’t seem to hate Ling Hua.

The girl was happy to receive the balu beast and put her in her arms and gently gave her a gift. The Balu beast also smiled and gave Ling Hua’s head a gift.

“Cough–” At this time, the sound of Su Ren’s coughing sounded outside the restaurant, and it seemed that Su Ren had woken up.

After Su Ren woke up, he came to the restaurant and everyone ate together, Chu Tian also told everyone in the restaurant about what he saw last night in the Lu family, everyone listening was surprised and indignant, especially about Lu Jiuling raising girls and cruelly dissected them.

“I have long known that Lu Jiuling is not a good person, but I did not expect him to be such a person!” Su Ren angrily slapped the dining table, the table made a loud noise, it seems that the old man is also furious.

“Yes.” Chu Tian responded, and continued, “There’s more!”

Next, Chu Tian told everyone about what happened in the basement of the Lu family, that is, about the things that happened in the basement, that scene is still fresh in Chu Tian’s mind, especially the girl was eaten by the zombies.

The people listening to this thing has begun to shiver with anger, the Lu family even used the girl as bait, let the zombies gnaw her, that can really be said to be a heartless thing.

“I’m going to propose with the divine Eagle, Lu Jiuling’s behavior, must be punished!” Su Ren said, his eyes wide, today he is really angry.

“Su Lao don’t be too angry, angry with the body is not worth it. ” Chu Tian hurriedly comforted, he did not expect Su Ren maintain Su family so many years a big family, have seen so much darkness, but will still feel angry about such things, this can be a rare first heart ah, this also instantly let Chu Tian on Su Ren’s good feeling to enhance a lot.

…… .7E………

“Yes, Master, don’t be too angry, there is no need to be so angry over other people’s affairs.” Su Yu also hurriedly stood next to Su Ren, to calm him down.

“I will go to the divine Eagle this afternoon, I will mention this matter to him.” Chu Tian said, then Chu Tian looked next to Ling Hua, “This girl is still placed in our Su family, this world is still too dangerous. Chu Tian said, then Chu Tian looked at the next Ling Hua, “This girl should be placed in our Su family, this world is still too dangerous.” Chu Tian took the opportunity to propose a plan for the placement of Ling Hua.

“Well.” Su Ren looked at the Ling Hua in front of him, also nodded, smiled and responded, the older people are, the more they can not see such young girls suffer.

In this way, the Su family at this time for Lu Jiu Ling’s goodwill has also dropped to the bottom.


At this time, the Lu family.

Lu Jiuling is still holding his wife asleep, the Lu family generally get up late, plus the effect of yesterday’s paralyzing toxin, so today is also up extra late.

“Old, old master!” Soon, a knock on the door woke up the sleeping Lu Jiuling, and it was the voice of Butler Niu who came in a rare panic.

“What is it? “In the sleep was woken up Lu Jiu Ling obviously some upset, he impatiently asked, by the way rolled out of bed, open the door, look outside the Niu housekeeper panic face, I do not know if it is Lu Jiu Ling’s illusion, he seems to instantly aged some.

“The door door was opened! “Butler Niu’s voice couldn’t help but tremble, his legs began to go soft, their master’s brutality he knew a few points.

“What door? “Instantly, an ominous premonition gripped Jiuling’s heart.

“The office door!” Niu Butler said, his voice getting smaller and smaller, and his expression became frightened.

“What? “Lu Jiuling’s face appeared momentarily shocked expression, after which it turned to anger, he immediately rushed out of the room, came to the door of the office, found that the door of the office was open at this time, the lights inside were still off, and all his collections were piled up on the ground in a mess.

Most importantly, his favorite anatomical chamber, the door was also open at this time, and all his precious collection inside, those bottles and jars were broken all over the place. The jars were broken.

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