195Chapter Leaving the Lu Family

195Chapter Leaving the Lu Family

After Chu Tian received the corpse heart emerald into the system space, the zombies immediately quiet some, began to roar towards the coconut Mengjia and Ling Hua side, but not as crazy as just now, it seems that the system space and the ability to shield the corpse heart emerald, Chu Tian smiled.

After taking the corpse heart emeralds, the purpose of the day was achieved, so it was time for them to go, Chu Tian once again generated a wisp of fire on his finger and held it up to the steps leading up.

“Dream, take care of these zombies. ” Chu Tian said while walking, those zombies were roaring behind them, it was really hard to hear, Chu Tian did not want to see these things in the base city.

“Okay. “Yumengarde answered, stretched out his fingers, the tips of his fingers again green fluorescence, her fingers a burst of poison gas floating out, poison gas that seems to obey, around the basement a circle, the poison gas in the zombies around, then back to Yumengarde’s hand, soon, those zombies quiet, limp on the ground.

Not long after, the basement wall more puddles of green liquid.

“Chu Tian turned off the switch in the basement, and it was dark again, and very quiet, as if no one had come.

Chu Tian, Coconut Dream Plus and Ling Hua walked out of Lu Jiuling’s villa and walked down the path of the Lu family, it was just dawn, there was still some time before the paralyzing 050toxin would wear off, so they didn’t need to go over the wall anymore and were able to come out of the gate in a dignified manner.

This time, the residents of the base city is estimated to have not woken up, so at this time there must be no one on the street, Chu Tian they can walk out of the door of the Lu family in a big way.

Walking out of the door of the Lu family, Tian looked back at the Lu family, I wonder how Lu Jiuling will feel when he sees the scene like that in their home tomorrow.

“Let’s go back to Su’s house. ” Chu Tian said, and Liu Menggaard together with Ling Hua walking, the Lu family and Su family is not far apart, but not close, the three walk over or need some time, especially Ling Hua, she should not eat for a long time, now the body is very weak, the body is also cold, the skin is very pale, does not look much vitality.

(cfbj) Unfortunately, Chu Tian and Coconut Dream Plus did not come out with anything to eat, so you can only Sujia to find some food for Ling Hua, to say Chu Tian is also quite embarrassed, every time you go out to Sujia will bring a new girl, which is simply a disguised way to add to the burden of Sujia, Sujia is not very prosperous, so there will still be some trouble, so these girls eat The burden is not that heavy.

Several people soon returned to the Su family, at this time, the sky has been half light, the Su family servants have been up and working, the quality of the Su family servants is still very high, they are old employees of the Su family, all kinds of affairs are handled very thoughtful.

“The aunt is back! “First, the old Zhang who sweeps the floor at the entrance saw Chu Tian, the old Zhang will sweep the floor at the entrance every day, and also deal with the vegetation in the yard.

“Hmm. Sweep the floor.” Chu Tian greeted him, now that everyone in the Su family was familiar with him, Chu Tian could feel that everyone in the Su family was treating him well, probably because he was filling in for the two sons the Su family had lost.

Then Tian Tian walked into the door of the villa, Su Yu was already up and was coming from downstairs.

“You’re back!” Su Yu rushed to welcome up, this night she also did not sleep well, but worried bad, from her eyes a little dark circles on the eyes can be seen.

“Well.” Chu Tian said, behind the coconut Mengga De also changed to support Ling Hua came in, Chu Tian immediately said: “quickly get her some food, this is brought back from the Lu family.”

“From the Lu family brought back?” Su Yu was surprised, Chu Tian went to the Lu family even harvested an extra girl, and looked at the girl’s appearance, in the base city can also be considered beautiful.

Although Su Yu was surprised, but still quickly took Chu Tian three people upstairs, they did not eat anything all night, so she ordered the back kitchen to do some food waiting for them to come back, now it seems that her move is very prescient.

“Yes, her name is Ling Hua. ” Chu Tian then followed Su Yu walked side replied, now or to get Ling Hua some food, other after Su Ren woke up and then together to explain to them.

Soon, the four people came to the dining room, the table has been put on the bread and milk, and fried just the right omelette, the food emits a tempting aroma, coconut dream plus a side of the Ling Hua mouth can not stop flowing outward, see these foods, her eyes are put out the light.

“Okay, eat up!” Su Yu saw Ling Hua this look, is also covered his mouth smiled a little, said to the three.

The three of them immediately took their seats and ate their bread.

“Slowly eat, do not choke, drink some milk. “Coconut dream plus to Ling Hua poured a cup of hot milk, said to the side of Ling Hua wolf swallowing.

“This bread is made by our chef in the back kitchen, so the sugar and softness are just right, how is it?” Su Yu took a small piece of bread, put it in his mouth and chewed it gently, smiled and said to Ling Hua.

“Good, good times! ” Ling Hua whispered, but her mouth was so full of bread that she couldn’t hear what she said. Chu Tian and Liu Mengjia also ate a piece of bread, and then watched Ling Hua eat the bread, Ling Hua ate very good, and also a rare smile.

“You guys eat first, I’m going to go check on Meier, I’ll tell you what we saw last night when the master wakes up.” Chu Tian said, and came upstairs to his room.

He gently pushed open the door, found Su Juan is sitting on the bed, closed eyes asleep, her head rhythmically little by little, her face is also a little pale, a look at it is known last night did not sleep.

Chu Tian opened the door, although the sound has been very small, but there is still a little sound, so Su Mei is also immediately opened his eyes.

When she saw Chu Tian in front of her, she smiled, got out of bed, came to Chu Tian’s body, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She said to Chu Tian, “Honey, you’re back!”

Chu Tian also smiled and hugged Su Mei, he whispered in her ear: “Back.

“Have you found what you want? “Su Mei asked, she naturally knew the purpose of Chu Tian went to the Lu family.

“Of course! Who do you think your husband is!” Chu Tian laughed with a self-absorbed smile.

“Haha, the husband is the best! “Su Mei jumped and said, although she sounded very excited, but also can she was very tired,

Chu Tian picked up Su Juan in a princess hug, put her gently on the bed, and whispered in her ear: “Okay, hurry up and rest.

Su Mei listened to Tian’s words and then responded, and closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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