194Chapter Corpse Heart Emerald

194Chapter Corpse Heart Emerald

“Ah–” Ling Hua took the lead in screaming, squatting on the ground, the body can not stop shaking, forehead also has a dense beads of sweat, he closed his eyes, did not dare to look at the scene in front of him, just squatting on the ground trembling.

At this time in the basement, the front side of the wall are locked zombies, those zombies have different properties, so the form is different, they ruthlessly forward, towards the direction of the center girl, they touched the body chains.

The zombie that was nailed to the wall by Chu Tian lost the ability to move also had a chain, but the chain was searched from the wall, looking at the traces of the chain falling off the wall, you can see that the original should belong to its location.

“Save …the girl on the ground, slowly crawling towards Chu Tian and them, the ground was dragged out of a blood-paved road, and finally she stopped in front of Chu Tian three, reaching out to the three, “Save me–” she whispered, from her voice can be heard, she now has little strength to shout. ” she said in a low voice, from her voice can be heard, she now has little strength to shout.

Chu Tian looked at the girl has rotten shoulders, and countless scratches on the body, he shook his head, the girl has been hopeless, if the Balu beast here, she has a way to save the girl, but the Balu beast did not come out, Chu Tian and Coconut Dream Plus have nothing to do.

Chu Tian stretched out his hand in the direction of the heart, the heart immediately trembled, then flew out from the wall, inserted in the girl, the girl that instantly lost her breath, a sword killed.

“Master” Liu Mengjia called out to Chu Tian, she couldn’t understand why Chu Tian would do that.

“She is already hopeless, this can reduce her pain a little. ” Chu Tian lowered his head, said coldly, he did not know whether this Lu Jiuling is still human, even to breed zombies, and use people to attract zombies.

“Ugh.” Liu Menggaade sighed softly, for this situation, even if she had the ability to devour the heaven and earth, she could only feel deeply helpless.

Master”, look at that you girl seems to have something on her,|! Coconut Mongaard said, her vision is very good, just she found the girl’s neck wearing a green gemstone necklace.

Chu Tian this time also noticed the abnormalities of these zombies, the girl in the center of the zombies at this time has no breath of life, it is reasonable to say that the zombies are not interested in the corpse, but now those zombies have been to the girl’s corpse there is a crazy roar.

They ignored Chu Tian who was standing next to them, which even made Chu Tian a little embarrassed, this group of zombies let the living not bite, to bite the girl’s corpse!

“You stay here with her, I’ll go over and take a look.” Chu Tian said, and then walked towards the center of the basement, although there is no danger of walking past, but he considered the current mental condition of Ling Hua, so he could not let her enter the center of the zombies.

Chu Tian gently walked over, but the zombies still looked like they were ignoring him, staring at the girl’s body. Soon, Chu Tian came to the girl on the ground, he gently pulled out the net heart, the heart has been covered with the girl’s blood, Chu Tian took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood, and took out a clean white cloth, covered the girl’s face.

She put the girl’s body gently flat, the girl’s body was still warm, and did not become stiff, Chu Tian seriously set her up, her neck was really hanging a string of necklaces, the bottom of the necklace is a gemstone, the gem is a faint green light, looks a strange feeling.

Chu Tian gently took the necklace off and put it in his hand. The stone emitted a faint chill, which made Chu Tian feel some chills.

The moment Chu Tian picked up the necklace, the zombies’ target immediately changed. They immediately looked at Chu Tian and screamed frantically at him, looking like they were about to rush up and tear him apart.

“It is really the problem of this necklace. ” Chu Tian said in his heart, I wonder where the Lu family got this thing from, “System, what is this thing?” Chu Tian asked in his heart, this time the system did not promptly give him a hint.

“Host, please wait.” The system replied, looking like it was analyzing the gem.

There is another thing that makes Chu Tian very confused, that is, the system seems to have less and less voice recently, before the system can remind Chu Tian of everything, but recently the system seems to be more and more “lazy”, except for some zombies and the name of the crystal nucleus will tell Chu Tian, other things the system does not care. The system does not care.

“The efficiency of this system is getting lower and lower… Chu Tian spat out in his heart.

“[The corpse heart emerald]” not a moment later, the system gave a reply, her voice is still cold, even by Chu Tian trolled, there is no ups and downs.

The corpse heart emerald? ” Chu Tian repeated a sentence, the name is quite strange, the role should not only attract zombies, right.

“Host, the system’s efficiency is reduced because the system only helps the host understand the world, after the host’s understanding of the world becomes clearer and clearer, the system’s role will become smaller and smaller, after that things will depend on the host!” After a while, the system’s voice came out, sounding like it was explaining just Chu Tian’s doubts.

“So that’s how it is. ” Chu Tian said, “It seems that I misunderstood you.” His old face a red, for completely did not feel the system’s good intentions of their own feeling of guilt, and then he also have more good feelings about the system, it seems to be as soon as possible to make themselves more powerful, after the road have to go on their own.

“So what is the effect of this corpse heart emerald?” Chu Tian continued to ask, this corpse heart emerald’s effect is so exaggerated, the zombies in a twenty-mile radius have been led over, there must be a greater effect.

(of Lee) “The effect of this corpse heart emerald is to attract zombies, if and this corpse heart emerald signed a blood contract, can greatly increase their own ability, if used properly, can control the zombies. “The system mechanically gave an answer.

Chu Tian heard the efficacy of this corpse heart emerald, almost did not laugh out loud, this is too powerful it! It is also able to control the zombies, that is not to go to the outside no longer risk and!

“What do I have to do to sign a blood contract? ” Chu Tian asked in a hurry.

“The system is unable to make an answer.” The system replied.

Chu Tian scratched his head, it seems that the system also does not know how to sign this blood contract.

Chu Tian looked around the zombies and the back still sitting in the arms of the coconut dream of shivering Ling Hua, they can not spend time here, must hurry to get out of here, and the sky is almost dawn.

“Let’s go. ” Chu Tian put the gem into the system’s inner space.

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