193Chapter Lu’s basement

193Chapter Lu’s basement

Ling Hua watched with wide eyes looking at the hands and feet on the chains all disconnected, her eyes flooded with a ripple, but it still looks like you can not fully trust Chu Tian and Coconut Dream Gad, she just kept staring at Coconut Dream Gad’s hands, ordinary people will feel that these hands are amazing.

“Can you stand up? ” Chu Tian asked, now that the entire Lu family is down, taking the girl out is naturally not a problem.

“Well …Ling Hua whispered, and then in the coconut dream of Gad’s replacement support reluctantly stand up, to stabilize their bodies, although standing up, her legs are still weak, can not stop trembling.

“Is there anyone else like you in the Lu family? ” Chu Tian asked, turning his head to find out if there was anything else in the chamber. But this room seems to be in addition to the imprisoned girl is only human organs, in the cabinet next to the display bottle and a dozen large and small refrigerators, but not electric refrigerators, is in the box with ice refrigerators.

Chu Tian opened those refrigerators, the refrigerator is 25full of blood red human organs, there are hearts, livers and so on, ordinary people see these estimates will be directly frightened of mental disorders.

Chu Tian looked at a fist, this house in addition to the human corpse there is nothing else, this Lu Jiu Ling is really sick ah.

“Yes,” Ling Hua said shakily, especially after Chu Tian opened those refrigerators, her paint intensified.

“Where are they? ” Chu Tian immediately asked, did not expect this Lu family still hide so many experiments, and it seems that Lu Jiuling dissected people are young girls.

“They…. just stood up Ling Hua seems to remember what terrible things, put up his hands, holding his head, ran to just the corner squatting, trembling more powerful.

Liu Menggaade then had to squat down again, holding Ling Hua in his arms, stroking her trembling shoulders, to calm her down.

“They are dead, these are a long …time later, Ling Hua just spit out these words, her tears fell to the ground in large, let people very heartbreaking.

“This son of a bitch! ” Chu Tian shouted angrily, hit the chamber next to the increase, the wall was immediately hit a fist-shaped dent. Ling Hua was only lucky to be put in the last one, until they came, which was able to save, but according to Lu Jiu Ling’s perverted behavior, he will certainly be imprisoned after more people ready to experiment it.

Coconut Dream Plus also gritted her silver teeth, comforting the Ling Hua in her arms, she was also angry at that Lu Jiu Ling’s behavior.

“You two go first, we have not yet found what we want, can not waste too much time here. ” Chu Tian said coldly.

The man nodded, picked up Ling Hua, and walked out of the door of the chamber. Ling Hua’s feet have no shoes, Coconut dream to go downstairs to sleep on the feet of the maid pulled a shoe down to her to put on.

Chu Tian stood in the chamber, raised his hands, and flames immediately erupted from in front of him, setting the chamber on fire, then he closed the chamber’s door and let the chamber burn to ashes.

Then he closed his eyes in front of the chamber and silently observed three seconds of silence, may these poor girls rest in peace

After that he went downstairs and met up with the two girls.

“Do you know what other secret rooms there are in this Lu family, you are so many people, all imprisoned here may not be able to put. ” Chu Tian asked, because just that chamber has a large number of human organs, if the girls are locked up here, obviously is not realistic.

Ling Hua thought for a while, to Chu Tian said, her emotions have now smoothed down, although still raw, but can already speak normally.

“The villa has a basement, where I used to be locked up.

Chu Tian heard these words, the eyes of a bright, this Lu family really secret a lot, in addition to the secret room and the basement, that attracts zombies if not in the secret room, it is estimated that in the basement.

The basement “where? ” Chu Tian immediately asked, at this time the sky is already a little bright, it is estimated that the Lu family people will soon wake up, they must evacuate before waking up, otherwise if the Lu family to Su family to find fault, may be adverse to the Su family.

“I’ll take you there!” The girl hesitated for a moment, her eyes firm, she just seemed to have made a decision, since following Chu Tian, then always follow him!

Ling Hua took Liu Mengjia’s hand and walked to the innermost room of the villa, which was decorated with other servants’ rooms, but it was locked, and Chu Tian knew that this room was not simple.

“Dreamy. ” Chu Tian shouted out Coconut Dream Plus, which has acted as his “master key” this evening!

Coconut Mogadishu reached out and opened the lock in the same way as before.

Chu Tian pushed open the door, the three walked in, the room that is really different from other rooms, the room there is nothing, but the floor has a dark tunnel that can obviously be seen.

The dark tunnel mouth covered with a lid, but look at the lid should not have any hidden meaning, just an ordinary lid.

Chu Tian came over and opened the lid, and there was a staircase, which led to a dark and deep basement. Chu Tian stretched out his finger, and a flame appeared on his finger, which slowly grew bigger and brighter.

This fire is not the same as Kidola’s new move, Chu Tian this fire has no attack ability at all, it 050just has a smart effect.

Chu Tian held the fire first into the staircase, coconut Mengade and Ling Hua followed him, the three gently into the basement, the staircase is very long, as if completely unable to go to the end.

“Ah…” At this time, a woman’s scream came from the basement.

Chu Tian three people heard this voice, immediately quickly run down.

Chu Tian took the lead in the basement, he touched the wall next to him, touched a switch, gently pressed it, the entire basement immediately lit up, the basement lights and the secret room as bright, some shaking eyes.

After turning on the light, Chu Tian once again saw a scene that refreshed his perception, a zombie, at the moment, was gnawing on a girl, and the girl’s chest was hanging a string of green glowing gems.

The zombie whistled the girl twice, the flesh on her shoulder was almost bitten, she was in pain, she was in tears, her face was a desperate expression.

Chu Tian stretched out his hand, punching heart immediately appeared in his hand, he threw the quenched heart viciously at the zombie, the broken heart penetrated the zombie’s head, nailing the zombie to the wall at the back.

But this hall is not the only zombie, the hall walls are full of zombies, each one is chained to the wall, can not move forward, but they are very eager to the girl in front of the open mouth.

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