192Chapter The girl in the secret room!

192Chapter The girl in the secret room!

“This is it!” Liumengarde pointed to the exposed switch, leaping forward, the expression has a kind of credit feeling.

“Well done little dream! ” Chu Tian stroked the head of Coconut Mongaard.

She smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying Chu Tian’s touch, which was the best commendation for her.

“So let’s see,what is the secret of Lu Jiu Ling! ” Chu Tian smiled and pressed the switch.

The air was silent for a moment, then the cabinets on the right wall began to shake, those cabinets began to move slowly, the cabinets on both sides moved forward a little, and the two cabinets in the middle moved to the back of the cabinets on both sides.

After the cabinet moved, revealing exactly a double-opening door, the door is also very large, almost half the size of the wall.

“Zero Five Zero”

Chu Tian looked at the exposed door, he was also very surprised, did not expect that this has always seen in the movie scene, now actually become a reality.

“Come on, let’s see what’s in this chamber!” Chu Tian said with a smile, it seems that at this point is very close to his goal, he pulled up the coconut Mongaard, the two walked to the door of the secret room.

The door of the secret room is indeed locked, Chu Tian as usual, do not need to look for the key, anyway, it is a matter of coconut Mengga De stretching his fingers.

The door lock was soon attacked by Coconut Dream Plus, and nothing in this world can resist Coconut Dream Plus’ poison yet!

Chu Tian gently pushed open the door, but the sight in front of him made his pupils constrict, and even let the face of an unknown number of zombies he was a little sick to his stomach.

-Push open the door, what you see is an operating table, yes, is the kind of hospital, doing surgery when the patient is lying on the operating table.

And at this time that the operating table is lying on the body of a person, that person has been dissected open, from the chest to the stomach, the internal organs all exposed. His face still has a desperate expression, it seems that when he died, he was in great shock.

Chu Tian and Coconut Mongaard into the chamber, the walls around the chamber also have a few rows of cabinets, the cabinets are placed on the top of a lot of glass jars of different sizes, jars are soaked with liquid various human organs.

“I did not expect this Lu Jiuling is still a medical practitioner. ” Chu Tian sighed, although just open the door of the chamber will be a little shock, but now he has been completely acceptable, after all, he rushed out from the corpse tide of men, how can these things scare him!

The room is very large, there is still a lot of space behind the operating table, Chu Tian touched the switch on the wall and turned on the lights in the room, the lights in the room are much brighter than the lights in the Lu family, and once opened it was like in the daytime, you can not even look up at the lights above.

Chu Tian and Coconut Dream Plus took a look at the corpse on the operating table, then bypassed the operating table, and continued to look for what they wanted in the chamber, just bypassed the operating table, Chu Tian found something more shocking to him, the corner of the chamber, there was a woman lying! This woman is about twenty years old, looks very young, her body is not fat, not thin

Very even, and the skin is also very white, look at the face is also considered a beauty.

The most incredible thing is that her hands and feet are shackled, the handcuffs on her hands are attached to the wall next to her, she is lying on the floor, quietly sleeping, should also be affected by the poisonous gas of Liu Mengga.

Looking at the woman lying on the ground, Chu Tian some anger, the Lu family seems to have some bad taste, ah, in this post-apocalyptic world there is no legal and moral restrictions, but actually make this kind of behavior to raise people as pets!

“Master, let’s get her out of here!” Liu Mengga De blinked her big eyes at Chu Tian, she couldn’t stand to see others suffer, especially other girls.

“Give her the antidote, first ask her what the situation is. ” Chu Tian said coldly, he was now a little angry, did not expect Lu Jiuling is really a pervert.

“Good!” Liu Mengga De nodded, went up and touched the girl’s shoulder on the ground, and his hand once again flooded with a faint green luminescence.

The girl’s body shook gently, slowly opened her eyes, she opened her eyes immediately after the hand to block above, obviously, the bright light in this chamber makes her very uncomfortable.

After a while of adaptation, she slowly sat up from the ground and saw Chu Tian and Coconut Mongaard standing in front of her.

She did not make a sound, just to the back of the corner of the wall back, as if to shrink into that corner, the body also continued to tremble, but just do not make a sound ,…she also showed a frightened expression, big eyes secretly looking at the front of Tian and Coconut Mongaard, not dare to look directly at the two of them. Her eyes are very clear, like a calm spring-like, let people feel the soul of nourishment.

Chu Tian looked at the girl like this, is also a little heartbroken, it seems she must have suffered a lot of pain ah.

“It’s okay, we’re not bad people, you don’t have to be afraid.” Liu Mengjia crouched in front of the girl, gently touched her shoulder, to calm her emotions.

I don’t know if it was the magic of Yoo Mangad’s hands or the reassuring scent of her body. Soon, the girl’s mood stabilized, she no longer trembled, no longer backed away, and began to sit quietly, staring timidly at the Chu Tian and Yanagimugade in front of her, still not making a sound.

“What’s your name?” Liu Mengga De was still stroking her shoulder and kept patiently calming her down. Chu Tian did not speak for the moment, patiently standing in front of the girl on the ground, his eyes were very soft, did not give the girl pressure.

“Ling Hua” after a long time, the girl opened her mouth, whispered, her voice is not big, but very crisp, very nice, there is a light feeling.

“Ling Hua?” Liu Mengjia repeated, “A very nice name!

“My name is Meng, and my 1.9brother is Chu Tian,” Coconut Mongaard said, pointing to Chu Tian and introducing the two of them.

Ling Hua nodded, signaling that she knew.

“Why are you locked up here, Ling Hua?” Liu Menggaade has now started to touch Ling Hua’s hair, let her relax a little more, and then ask the question.

“I” Ling Hua seems to think of something, her eyes gradually reddened, then tears also flowed out, she silently sobbed, or did not make a sound.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t force it, we’ll get you out first, and then we’ll talk about things back!” Liu Mengga has hastened to soothe Ling Hua, she can not see the girl crying.

Gradually, Ling Hua’s crying also stopped, Liu Mengjia has to hold the chain locked to her, hands again green fluorescent, then the chain broke in half.

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