189Chapter Departure!

189Chapter Departure!

The two soon returned to the Su family, now just afternoon, time is still early, so Su Yu and Chu Tian have plenty of time to prepare, because the Su family is no such thing as night clothes, so also now to find someone to sew, speed up the words, this evening to do it has been very fast.

The preparation of things naturally is not to worry about Chu Tian, so he came to the room of Liu Mengade and Kidola, the two girls are playing poker at this time, this is their first contact with this kind of human toys, to their degree of intelligence quickly completely mastered, so they are now playing in the house is not happy.

“Haha, dream you lost again, come, come, stick a note!” Kidola laughed and tore out a strip of paper on the white paper in front of him, gently dipped it in water and pasted it on the face of Yumengarde, who was already full of strips of paper on his face and had to gently lift the strip to see the contents of the playing cards in front of him.

The situation of Kidola is not much better than the coconut dream plus, her face is also covered with notes, the two now look funny, but both are very happy look.

The best situation is sitting next to them Balu beast, Balu beast face only a few notes, compared to the coconut Mengade and Kidola but much better, she is also very happy smile, and from time to time also waved to the two women around.

Looking at the smiling faces of the three girls, Chu Tian also smiled, these three guys are really relaxed ah, estimated in the end of the world can be so relaxed, it is only the people of the big family it.

“Master, what can I do for you?” Liu Menggaade saw Chu Tian standing in the doorway and said with a smile, while also blushing a little, they now look by Chu Tian saw, feel very embarrassed.

“Ah, there is something, but you guys play first, I’ll talk to you afterwards. ” Chu Tian said, walked to the coconut Mongaard and Kidola’s bed and sat down, looking at the three people in front of him, oh no, three beasts playing poker.

Lu’s distribution map has not yet come, and now can not develop infiltration plans, so it will not disturb the girls’ pleasure first, which is exactly the current idea of Tian Chu.

Chu Tian watched the three of them play poker for a while, and from time to time she would go up and coach one of them, and the one who was coached was able to win over the other two. Chu Tian was already good at poker, so it was easy to coach these beginners.

Master” ~ come and help me, you have sat next to Sister Xiao La many times! The three of them were at a standstill, and Chu Tian felt like he was about to be “cut up”.

He also does not know why he initially just for fun to guide them a few sentences, and finally turned into this situation!

“Ah, almost dead.” Chu Tian whispered, but the three monster girls are still dead not scattered, four people are so frozen together, the scene also looks a little comical.

“Knock, knock, knock…

At this time, there was a knock at the door.

Chu Tian heard this voice, a big sigh of relief, finally saved, he felt like he could not breathe, these three girls are stronger than him ah!

This is if the ordinary people were so address, certainly already missing arms and legs.

“Ahem, open the door, open the door!” Chu Tian shouted a, this time the coconut Mongaard and Kidola only realized their disorder, immediately let go of the hand, Coconut Mongaard to open the door, Kidola is blushing and sitting in place, panic fiddling with the poker.

The vine searched Chu Tian to his side, and he hugged Chu Tian’s neck and gently gave him a gift with his face, looking very happy.

Yu’er “sister, what’s wrong?” Liu Meng Gade opened the door, found that it is Su Yu, so asked, from the beginning of her not transformed, it is very good to Su Yu, and Su Yu usually take care of them, so she and Kidola are very intimate with Su Yu, this is the most happy thing for Chu Tian, the girls under him get along very well, and there is nothing bad things happen, really let him save his mind.

“Ah, this is to Chu Tian’s Lu family distribution map, that night clothes I also find people to do, it is estimated that the night can be brought.” Su Yu handed the distribution map to Coconut Mongaard.

“Okay, thank you!” Chu Tian shouted in the room, Su Yu heard it and left, only Coconut Dream Plus got to bring that distribution map.

Master”, what is it?” Liu Menggaade said with a puzzled face.

“”Here it is. ” Chu Tian received the distribution map in the hands of Liu Mengga De, rubbed his hands, spread on the ground and opened it, looking at the map about the Lu family’s personnel, posts and the purpose of each villa, thinking about the plan to infiltrate tonight.

“Tonight to infiltrate this villa area, looking for the same thing, Xiao Meng, you and I go together.” Chu Tian looked at the distribution map in front of him and said.

“Okay master. What is the specific plan? “Coconut Mongaard heard the night to go out, instantly came to the spirit, she likes the night activities!

“The specific is this… Chu Tian next looked at the distribution map of the night plan for a thorough deployment, how to how to avoid the guard post, how to enter it, are arranged.

Coconut Dreamcast listened to the side is also nodding, she needs to do is to put these things in mind, for Chu Tian’s order she just need to accept all is enough and.

“Good! Then basically so much, the night also need to improvise!” Chu Tian said (of Lee), for today’s layout he is also planned, but can not be completely detailed this map, so the night to the Lu family, or need to improvise, but Chu Tian side of the coconut Menggaard like vision and hearing, naturally nothing to worry about.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened, Su Yu also brought the night clothes, Chu Tian and Coconut Dream Plus with the night clothes ready to go, the base city at night, in addition to the security team patrol personnel, no one will come out, before the winged zombies into the base city of the incident, but also to the residents of the base city left some shadow. So everyone is afraid to go out.

Coconut Dream Gad and Chu Tian walking in the late night base of the city, the body is very well-fitting night clothes, Coconut Dream Gad wear such clothes will look more attractive, more than the usual skirt to show the body.

Soon, the two came right in front of the villa area of the Lu family! ,

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