188Chapter pre-departure preparations!

188Chapter pre-departure preparations!

“Tonight, I will go to Lu’s house again.” Chu Tian said to the two people in front of him.

“Infiltrate the Lu family? The Lu family is so heavily guarded, how do you get in? “Su Yu heard Chu Tian’s words, immediately not calm, although he knows Chu Tian’s strength is very strong, but still worry, the Lu family’s guard team but the base city is known for strong, it is said that they are more armed than the security team of people, so the single combat power than the security team is still strong.

But the combat power of the Lu family guard team is still not as good as the base city’s security team, although they are strong single combat power, but the number of people than the security team is still a lot less, the number of Lu family guard team is only a third of the security team, so compared to the combat power is still much worse.

“I will have a way, today’s matter you also saw, that Lu Jiu Ling simply will not disclose to us that the helicopter things on the matter, and the warehouse that simply does not seem to put valuable things look. ” Chu Tian said, in order to find out that thing, is to take a little risk.

“And did you find that25 Lu Jiuling’s office, he seems to like to collect things, then that attraction zombies is likely to be one of his collection. ” Chu Tian analyzed, this is exactly his first reaction after entering Lu Jiuling’s office.

“So Lu Jiuling must have other places to put his collection?” Su Yu said with widened eyes, next to the divine eagle is also looking at Chu Tian, from his expression can be seen Chu Tian’s speculation is he did not expect.

“Yes! ” Chu Tian nodded, the one in front of him is smart, he just put his speculation, the other party can quickly respond, this conversation is also very worry-free.

“So I’ll go back to Lu’s house tonight and try to find out where he’s hiding his collection, but I feel that Lu’s house must have a bigger secret.” Chu Tian whispered, from today after observing a circle of the Lu family, his intuition gave him such a feeling.

A bigger secret? “Su Yu puzzled, the big family will certainly have a little secret, but than the things that attract zombies bigger secret, which is still hard for him to imagine.

“My intuition tells me that there is more to the Lu family.” Chu Tian said, his expression also very serious.

“I believe that with Chu Tian’s skills, it will be easy to infiltrate the Lu family. “God Eagle clasped his fist and smiled at Chu Tian, Chu Tian proposed such an idea, it really helped him a lot, because he as the base city security team commander, there is really no way to personally infiltrate the Lu family, the security team members also do not have enough strength to infiltrate the Lu family, so now is really a dilemma.

“Elder God Eagle, do not be polite, this is also for what I want ah! ” Chu Tian said with a smile, this is also his mind, he really is not to help the divine Eagle what favor, just purely want that can attract the zombie thing.

“So when do you plan to leave?” Divine Eagle asked, he would like Chu Tian not to rush, make adequate preparations before leaving.

“Tonight. ” Chu Tian whispered.

“Tonight? Is it too soon? “She is still very worried about Chu Tian’s safety, and she really considers Chu Tian as one of her own, that’s why she is in a bit of a hurry now.

“The sooner the better, otherwise that thing might attract more zombies, the gate of the base city is not repaired now, so it is better to get it earlier.” Chu Tian replied.

“Since Brother Chu Tian has said so, then let’s live Chu Tian brother’s horse to success!” God Eagle clasped his fist and said with a smile, he felt more and more that Chu Tian was right for his character.

“Then let’s go back to Su’s house now, I need to get ready.” Chu Tian then pulled Su Yu, ready to go back to the Su family, the Su family and the residence of the divine Eagle is not on the same road.

God Eagle and Chu Tian two people simply to the individual, set off on the road back to the Su family.

On the way back to Su’s house, Su Yu and Chu Tian were walking side by side. Su Yu was a little worried and didn’t want Chu Tian to take such a big risk, but after listening to what Chu Tian just said, she also knew that Chu Tian’s mind was set now, so she couldn’t say anything else.

“You infiltrate the Lu family, what else do you need?” Su Yu asked, Su family now although not as illustrious as the Lu family, but still have some power.

“Nightclothes it.” Chu Tian said with a smile, Su Yu is the secretary of Su Ren, can also be said to be the housekeeper of the Su family, she and the old Wang is responsible for the affairs of the Su family, so in the past Chu Tian want things are looking for them both.

Night walking” clothes? “Su Yu a little surprised, but this is also really Chu Tian need things.

“It’s the kind of ninja wears in movies, two sets.” Chu Tian saw Su Yu seemed a little surprised, so explained a little, continued.

“Two sets?” Su Yu heard the two sets, and became even more puzzled.

“I’ll go with Meng at night. ” Chu Tian explained, when he proposed the infiltration plan, he thought of taking Coconut Dream Plus with him, Coconut Dream Plus has very good night vision, and walk without sound, very suitable for night operations.

“Oh, good.” Su Yu said a sentence, the heart can not help but have a sour feeling, she is now the Su family of all women in the weakest combat power, even the two sisters who look weak Ai family, have 050solved the zombie experience alone, and see her zombie can only leg weakness can not move, not to mention the two can stand in Chu Tian’s side to help him kill zombies together strong people.

“Right, Su family has a Lu family villa area personnel distribution map, is the previous Lu family jumped over the people brought, I go back to find, I hope to be able to help you. “Su Yu suddenly clapped his hands, said with a smile.

“Late? That’s good!” Chu Tian heard here is also bright, did not expect the Su family still have this kind of thing, but think about it is normal, the big families are carrying out all kinds of wars, placing spies, buying each other’s people, playing intelligence war, this is all very normal things. But the Su family has fewer people, which in turn has become the advantage of the Su family, it is difficult for other families to plant personnel in the Su family.

Uh-huh”, go back and I’ll find it for you!” Su Yu said, this matter she remembered very clearly, so should be able to easily find.

With the “topographic map, to infiltrate into it will be much easier, thank you ah Su Yu sister. ” Chu Tian patted Su Yu’s shoulder, smiled at her, Su Yu usually very reliable, so Chu Tian saved a lot of effort.

“So don’t be polite!” Su Yu’s face is a little red, gently coughing Chu Tian, but the tone is very gentle.

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