190Chapter Infiltrating the Lu family

190Chapter Infiltrating the Lu family

Chu Tian and Liu Mengjia quickly came to the outside of the Lu family villa area, and all the villa area, surrounded by the Lu family villa area is not a high wall, but the upper side of the iron fence with sharp spikes, and the Lu family iron fence than the iron fence of other places a few points higher, there is no place to land, if ordinary people want to go over this iron fence, the end is either broken or by The spikes stabbed.

And around the iron fence, that is, the road to the villa area of the Lu family, there have been people patrolling 24 hours a day, is the base city’s famous impermeable place, where the Lu family warehouse is a heavily guarded place, if there is no cattle butler or Lu Jiu Ling’s cronies lead the way, simply do not even want to get close.

That day, although the three of them entered the warehouse, but secretly there are still countless eyes on them, if they do something wrong, the Lu family’s police force will not let them go.

And the Lu family police force is the base city is known for strict discipline, the entire police force are very loyal to the Lu family, it can be said that for the interests of the Lu family, let them and the base city security team fighting also do not hesitate, and all the Lu family police force, feel proud to become the Lu family people very proud.

Chu Tian050 and Coconut Mongaard looked at the two high iron fence, indeed, but it looks very powerful, but this is completely unable to defend them.

“Little Dream!” Chu Tian shouted in a low voice and walked up to Coconut Mongaard.

“Hm!” Liu Menggaade nodded, immediately understood, summoned his three pairs of wings, a gentle leap, with Chu Tian floated over the fence.

After the two crossed the fence, Liu Menggaade immediately retracted the wings, the two of them also immediately pay attention to the surrounding there is no police patrol, in fact, this is a dangerous step today, because Liu Menggaade’s wings will emit fluorescence, although not very obvious, but still at night or can be found, but fortunately the villa area of the Lu family is well-lit

And there is a tree next to the iron fence, the bushes also play a good concealing effect.

“Let’s go!” Chu Tian whispered, the two left the dense forest, walking in the villa area of the path, the villa area of the street lights are also all open, really worthy of the current base city’s most powerful large family, almost completely do not care about the loss of electricity.

Chu Tian took the coconut dream of Gad, according to the route in memory, walked to the depths of the base city, that is where Lu Jiu Ling’s residence and office, if the most likely place to hide Lu Jiu Ling’s collection in Lu’s home, it is undoubtedly Lu Jiu Ling’s office, the office has a lot of strange and bizarre things, the huge office filled to the brim.

Chu Tian came during the day to observe the various collections in the office, but in the end, I was not able to see everything in the office, there are still most items placed in the corners or boxes, so you need to take your time to check.

The two soon arrived at the bottom of Lu Jiu Ling’s large villa, which is extraordinarily bright, simply like the castle in Disney Park, and even some shaky eyes, such bright lights for Coconut Dream Plus and Chu Tian is also very good.

Because, in such a bright environment, the wings of the coconut Mongaard will not be exposed!

“Little Dream! Release the poison gas!” Chu Tian whispered to Yumengard, Yumengard nodded, immediately understood, then opened his mouth, gently exhaled into the air, light green poison gas floating in the air, then Yumengard and raised his hand, her hand immediately produced a small airflow.

The airflow with the poisonous gas flew further away, the poisonous gas slowly drifted, almost covered the entire Lu family villa area.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do. let the Lu family’s security team sleep until tomorrow morning!

“The next is in this house!” Chu Tian pointed to the villa ordered, the villa although the windows are closed, it looks airtight, but this can not be difficult to fall coconut Mengade, she was in place arms clutching chest, behind the wings out wings, then gently flew up, she gently put her hand on the villa window glass, the glass soon dissolved a small hole, then the small hole is getting bigger and bigger, and finally to the size of the palm of the coconut Mengade.

After the hole appeared, Coconut Mongaard also used the same method just now, so that the large villa is also filled with paralyzing poison gas.

After spreading the poisonous gas, Liumengarde fell, she gently fell to the ground around Chu Tian, without making a sound.

“Okay master!” Liu Mengga de playfully blinked his own eyes, in the light of the light, wearing black night clothes, he is also the style of the.

“Good!” Chu Tian heard the words of Liu Mengga De is also smiled, his voice is also louder, anyway, now no one can hear his voice, Chu Tian really feel that they look at what the Lu family distribution map today is considered a waste of time, there is no need to know what the distribution of coconut Mengga De in the distribution of ah!

“Then we.” Chu Tian said loudly, he smiled somewhat arrogantly, this pour into the big family like into no man’s land feeling really too good! “Go in!”

Then the two came to the door of the villa, Chu Tian gently pushed, the door was slowly pushed open, the hall now has a lot of the Lu family’s underlings, but their common feature is that they are now lying on the ground.

Chu Tian and Liu Mengjia also walked in openly, treating the subordinates lying on the ground as air.

The two walked upstairs, there is exactly Lu Jiuling’s office, is also their destination today, which is also Chu Tian came here today for the second day, he pushed the door of the office, it was locked, it is already midnight, no surprise Lu Jiuling is resting, so the office lock is also expected things.

“Little Meng!” Chu Tian gave Liu Mengjia a wink and pointed to the lock hole on the door, the key to this office should be on Lu Jiuling, but Chu Tian also did not have the patience to go to his room to find the key.

Coconut dream of the Gard smiled, revealing the look of a little girl who has done something bad, she stretched out her finger, placed it in the lock hole, the tip of the finger emitted a burst of green fluorescence, green gas was immediately released from the finger.


The office door opened.

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