187Chapter Infiltrate the Lu family plan

187Chapter Infiltrate the Lu family plan

“After our security team investigation, found that a large number of zombies gathered to the base city before, only the Lu family seconded helicopters from the outside back, that before the days of the base city are no personnel into, I wonder if the Lu family master know this matter?”

“This is something I do not know, the helicopter thing generally I will not ask too much, and the Lu family for the helicopter loan is still very frequent, it should be a normal phenomenon. “Lu Jiuling said, the expression is still no ripples, it seems that the words of the divine eagle did not let him have any sway.

“This is the case, the master, the helicopter that arrived in the base city, the next day there are a large number of zombies around the outside of the base city, according to the zombie feet, it can be presumed that the helicopter just arrived in the base city, the zombies immediately began to move towards the base “zero five zero” city. ” Chu Tian stood up and said, he knew that the divine eagle hindered by the face of Lu Jiu Ling, embarrassed to say this thing directly, so he stood up and cut to the chase.

“So we speculate that among the things transported on that helicopter, there will be something related to the gathering of zombies.” Not waiting for Lu Jiu Ling to reply, Chu Tian continued, must be drawn out as soon as possible about the things on the helicopter.

Chu Tian talking has been looking directly into the eyes of Lu Jiuling, he did not believe and the old man will always not show the horse’s feet.

“This…” The moment Chu Tian said something about the helicopter, his eyes obviously fluttered a bit, there was no longer that confident glow before. His tone was also not as straightforward as it was just now.

“This is only your speculation, it does not mean that there is a relationship with our Lu family’s helicopter, the helicopter transported only ordinary goods, you can not slander my Lu family for no reason. “Lu Jiuling touched his long beard, cleared his throat, before the two people said, just hesitation is only a moment, soon his eyes became firm again.

“Then the master of the Lu family might as well give us a look at the things carried on that helicopter, so that we also change the direction of investigation is not?” This time Su Yu also stood up with her tongue out, playfully said to Lu Jiuling, looking like she was talking about a very ordinary request.

“The goods on the helicopter are our Lu family’s things, it is not convenient to show to outsiders, and the things on that helicopter have long been piled up with the previous goods, certainly can not find the things that day.” Lu Jiuling replied slowly and methodically, he has here sounded normal.

“But this is about the security of the base city, I believe the security team should have the authority to inspect the Lu family’s warehouse.” Chu Tian continued, and this time his eyes became stern.

“Yes, according to the rules concluded between the security team and the great clans, the security team is authorized to inspect the things of the great clans.” The divine Eagle also picked up the conversation and said.

Haha”, since this is the case, then give you to see the warehouse also does not matter, originally just afraid that Lord God Eagle see our Lu family’s private collection let us turn in, but the matter about the security of the base city, we do not dare to be ambiguous! “Lu Jiuling really deserves to be the head of the family of the great family that runs through the base city, facing three people’s step by step he is not changing his face.

But his tone at this time obviously softened some, not just so tough.

“Old bull! ” shouted Lu Jiuling.

Master, “What are your orders?” As soon as Lu Jiuling’s words fell, Butler Niu walked in, bowed to the people in the office, and then asked in a soft voice.

“Lord God Eagle these three want to see our Lu family’s warehouse, you take them to see it.” Lu Jiuling said to Butler Niu unhurriedly.

“Yes, Master.” Butler Niu also immediately understood, he please nodded, and then greeted the three people in front of him, “Please follow me, everyone.”

Chu Tian three people followed the bull butler out of the room, and then out of the villa, and walked to a small villa next to this large villa, that villa is far from this large villa shiny, covered with the atmosphere of disaster.

“This is also a villa in our family villa area, after the disaster acted as a warehouse.” Niu butler smiled and introduced to the three, the walls of this small villa were full of dirt and dust, the top was also crawling with creepers, and almost all the windows were covered with plants.

But if you can see the window behind the plant, you know that the window is no longer installed on the glass, but a heavy iron plate, the iron plate blocked all the light. …..

Niu housekeeper opened the door, hit the air is a dusty smell, it looks like this place is rarely cleaned.

“This is the Lu family’s goods, as for the things brought by the last helicopter, most of them should be piled up on the lower side, because it is customary to put new goods on the lower side. And should have been divided into categories, so it is difficult to find.” Niu Butler introduced the situation in the warehouse, he pushed the door, and did not mean to go in.

“There is a lot of food and novelties here, so if you have anything you like, feel free to take it. Then you will have a good examination. “Butler Niu added, and then reached out and made a gesture of invitation.

Chu Tian three people walked into the warehouse, at this time the warehouse lights have been turned on, the whole room was illuminated very brightly, almost able to see every corner.

This warehouse is full of shelves, the upper side of all the goods, and the categories are very complete, there are food ah, weapons ah and so on classification, enough to make people dazzled.

Su Yu looked at this Lu’s warehouse, silently in the heart of the note, Su’s warehouse is not as big as Lu’s, but Lu’s management method is also worth learning Su’s, so Su Yu write down after Su can try such a method to Su.

The three people did not look too carefully at the things in the warehouse, because normal people see such a 19warehouse know that the things that attract zombies can not be placed here, it is estimated that let them check the warehouse is before Lu Jiu Ling has thought of. But since Lu Jiu-ling death does not admit, then naturally today can not be hard, can only go back and then think of countermeasures.

Soon, the three left the Su family and set out on the road back.

“This Lu Jiuling is really unusual ah. ” Chu Tian said, he did not change his face, it really makes people feel impossible to get any words out of his mouth.

“That’s right, this Lu Jiuling is really not ordinary.” Divine Eagle also nodded, just the three of them so oppressive, Lu Jiuling are not much panic.

“Then what do we do next? “Su Yu asked, she was a little sad, just did not play any role.

“Tonight, I’ll go to Lu’s house again.”

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