186Chapter Talking to Lu Jiuling

186Chapter Talking to Lu Jiuling

The three people soon followed the niu butler came into the depths of the villa area, Lu Jiu Ling live in a villa in the deepest part of the villa area, the villa is the largest villa in the entire villa area, it is like a palace, and other buildings in the base city even a little out of place, the villa is completely without the post-apocalyptic atmosphere of decay, looks clean, a look is someone often Take care of the.

This is a sign that although in the post-apocalyptic world, but the Lu family is still a thriving scene.

Chu Tian looked up at the huge villa of the Lu family, since the arrival of the disaster, have not seen such a new house, all the houses are almost covered with dust and mud, no little life. After all, even eating has become a problem, who will have the mood to pay attention to the house tidy?

Even in the base city, you can see a lot of gray-headed, bony and thin people, obviously that are not enough to eat people, even in the base city is quite safe environment, their lives are also very difficult.

Soon, three people in the Niu butler led down to the door of the villa, he pushed open the door of the villa, a door is fragrant aroma, like entering the flowers, and the room is also very neat and bright, Su family villa hall has been considered very neat and tidy, but the end of the world, there is no way to achieve the usual effect, so even though the servants have been very hard, but still not Before the Su family so neat and tidy.

But the Lu family this hall is different, magnificent, and very neat, from this hall can see the current strength of the Lu family than the Su family is much stronger, after all, after the disaster came, there are many base city people also joined the Lu family, became the Lu family’s family servants, and even many people want to become the family servants of the big family, after all, in the big family, there is still no problem to eat.

“Three please go upstairs, be careful of the steps. “Niu housekeeper is very thoughtful, even the matter of steps are considered, this is really the style of the housekeeper.

The three followed the bull butler upstairs, walking to the second floor, you can see a huge door, the second floor in addition to this door there is no other room, leaving only a little space to place the stairs to the third floor.

Master”, the guest has arrived. “Butler Niu knocked on the door and said to the inside.

“Come on in.” Inside came a thin voice, this voice makes people sound a little uncomfortable, and the outflow of the “public duck voice” is a little different, sounding a little cold feeling, a listen to this voice, you can feel that the owner of the voice does not sound like any good people.

Then Butler Niu pushed the door open for the three, while reaching out to make a “please” gesture. He was standing outside the door, without the intention of entering.

“Please sit down.” Three people walked into the office, the office can be described as huge, after all, occupies the entire space of this floor, and the office also placed a lot of strange and bizarre things, what ivory, ancient paintings, animal skins, all kinds of things make this office is not so empty, and even some crowded feeling.

The three of them sat down on the chairs in the office, and just sat down, the Niu butler came in with three cups of tea.

Chu Tian picked up the cup of tea and smelled it, the tea is very fragrant, it seems that the quality is much better than what the Su family usually drink, drink to the mouth feeling is also very sweet, there is no bitter taste.

It is really worthy of the family with the collection team ah, and compared to this, Su family simply can not be considered a large family.

Chu Tian looked up at the desk behind the sitting Lu Jiuling, he is not what the majesty of the head of the family, it can be said that the entire house is most incompatible with the identity of the family is the face and figure of Lu Jiuling.

His face is very long, the whole person should also be tall and thin type, chin also has a long thin moustache, very much like the feeling of the TV series treacherous businessman.

“Lord God Eagle, I do not know today’s visit to my house, what is the order?” Lu Jiuling also sipped tea, said, although his words are very polite, sounds like respect for the god eagle, but his expression is really not like the god eagle in the eyes of the look.

“System, give me his strength and data. ” Chu Tian looked at Lu Jiuling and said to the system in his heart.

“Please host later, is in the process of analysis. “The system replied.

It is said that the strength of this Lu Jiuling is similar to that of the divine eagle, so Chu Tian also wants to see his strength.

…… request flowers ……

“In fact, it is not a big deal, yesterday’s zombie siege of the matter of the Lu family should know, right?” The divine Eagle smiled and asked, completely unable to see that it is to ask for the crime.

“Of course I know, the city is full of that flying zombies, our Lu family’s police force also folded two brothers it. “Lu Jiuling said with a frown, this divine eagle which pot can not mention which pot, originally this city was forced to he can be accountable to the security team.

At this time, Lu Jiuling’s strength and four-dimensional data also appeared on the light screen in front of Chu Tian.

Looking at the four-dimensional data, Lu Jiuling’s strength is stronger than the divine eagle, but the difference between the two is not a lot.

But the strength of an additional [gene entry, Chu Tian just saw some emotions, but think about the wings on the divine eagle that day, and the resounding eagle alas, Chu Tian understood, the gene should be the same thing as the gray wolf gene core, can allow people to play the ability of animals.


The animal after Lu Jiu-ling’s “genetic entry” is the “snow leopard”, a large white feline that is swift and dangerous.

Chu Tian continued to look at the eagle, the animal after the entry of the “gene” of the eagle is the “eagle”.

It seems that “this Lu Jiuling can play the strength of the leopard.” Chu Tian thought in his heart, and this Lu Jiuling’s strength should be a little stronger than God should be.

“Let the zombies break through the city gates, naturally, is my security team’s negligence, this point still have to make amends to the master of the Lu family. “Divine Eagle followed Lu Jiuling’s words and said, hands also clasped fist, the other party is obviously complaining about the zombies into the city.

“But, all of a sudden there are such a large number of zombies surrounding the base city, the master of the Lu family does not feel strange?” The divine Eagle’s words turned, and his eyes were stern.

“Yeah? “Lu Jiuling face does not change, from his expression can not see any emotion at all.

We “security team after investigation, found a large number of zombies gathered to the base city before, only the Lu family seconded helicopters from the outside back, that before the days of the base city are no personnel into, I do not know if the master of the Lu family know this matter.” God Eagle continued, his eyes straight at Lu Jiu Ling, want to oppress him with his eyes. The,

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