181Chapter Lu Family

181Chapter Lu Family

After the family ate lunch harmoniously, Chu Tian went back to his room again to rest for a while, then he shouted over to the Kidola and Liu Menggaard, and took out the crystal nuclei previously obtained, this time the city can be described as a great harvest, harvested a large number of third-order crystal nuclei and two dozen fourth-order crystal nuclei, and four fifth-order crystal nuclei it.

Chu Tian handed the fifth-order sky crystal core to Liu Menggaade, and the flame crystal core to Kidola, he wanted to see if the two could improve their abilities again, and if they could improve again, it would be a great thing for Chu Tian.

Coconut dream plus immediately after getting the sky crystal core immediately absorbed the zombie, like a little girl getting candy, can’t wait to put it in your mouth.

She absorbed the sky crystal nucleus, the two pairs of wings on the back immediately came out, the upper side also emitted a faint gray fluorescence, this scene Chu Tian and Kidola is also seen many times, so it is not too surprising.

Only this time and there is a different place, the two pairs of wings in the birth, but also continued to elongate, and finally became even longer, compared to the previous Coconut Mangald wings are much longer.

After the wings elongated, the fluorescence on the wings has not disappeared, that is to say, Liu Mengga De’s change is still continuing, indeed, in the two pairs of wings after the change is complete, the two pairs of wings below another pair of small wings, the length of about half of the two pairs of wings, these three pairs of wings together, but also quite harmonious.

Coconut dream of the Gad also gently flapped behind the wings, and the same as before, the small pair of wings also followed the two pairs of large wings above, although it produces almost negligible airflow, but it will still slowly flapping.

The wings and the front two pairs of wings are not quite the same color, the front two pairs of wings are white and red, while this pair of wings is a light sky blue, the sky blue wings also have some patterns, but it is and the red wings on the pattern is a little different.

“It’s true that a wing has grown again.” Chu Tian looked at the wings on the body of the coconut Mongaard, said with a face of excitement, really can still continue to produce wings.

Chu Tian looked, couldn’t help but reach out and touch the wings of the coconut Mongaard, the wings are very soft, as if they were made up of feathers, touching them slippery, like touching a velvet quilt, smooth and soft.

“Mmm!” Liumengarde suddenly made a strange sound, “Master…. is itchy, don’t touch it!” Her face was a little red and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

“Oh oh okay okay. ” Chu Tian immediately withdrew his hands, did not expect to touch a wing reaction so big.

This time, Kidola also absorbed her flame crystal core, her head at this time appeared a faint flame mark, in her eyebrow, this time the change is visible to the naked eye, unlike the last time so that people can not be seen.

This time “what enhancements ah. ” Chu Tian smiled and looked at the Kidola in front of him, he was looking forward to this time Kidola become a different place.

“As….. if Kidola opened her eyes, her eyes turned red, and there seemed to be flames burning in that red, Kidola gently clenched her fist, and tiny flames appeared on her skin, and then the flames all flowed to her hands, and finally rested on her fingers.

Those fires are like elves jumping on the fingers of Kidola, looking very naughty.

Aren’t these “fires something that Sara-san could have used before?” Lyumogard asked, blinking her big eyes.

Chu Tian also nodded, the ability to put fire into his hands, Kidola had indeed mastered before.

This time “different, these fires are able to remote control, they can drill into the body of those zombies, and then explode in their bodies, so that they can let them from the body to burn them to ashes! “Kidola patiently explained, next to the coconut Mongaard at this time has been full of envy expression.

“Then the role of these flames is really strong ah, kill people in the invisible!” Chu Tian said. Chu Tian said, did not expect the evolutionary direction of the Kidola flame is actually such, in fact, it is not difficult to think, before the Kidola flame bias to open wide, are with a loud attack to the zombies are burned to ashes, but encounter the fifth-order zombie kind may be resistant.

If this small fire is different, to the intelligence and attention of those zombies, they simply do not notice the fire, the fire will be able to directly into their bodies, the zombies can not even react, think carefully about the fire is really too terrible.

……… is asking for flowers…

And if you think in this direction, will it evolve afterwards and the fire of Kidola will become soulful? Although this is only Chu Tian’s brainchild, but it is also a direction of evolution, in such a moment, anything can happen.

“Sister Lara is great!” Liu Menggad said patting her hand, the wings on her body followed the flap, and a huge airflow instantly appeared in the room, blowing things into a mess.

“Dream …first to collect the wings! “Kidoula raised her hands to block the air currents created by Yumogatari, and shouted at Yumogatari.


“Hahahaha, okay little sister Ra!” Liu Mengga De scratched his head, some embarrassed smile, face also climbed red.

This time, Su Yu knocked on the door again, the divine Eagle and something to look for Chu Tian, Chu Tian’s first reaction is about the helicopter that has a clue, so he immediately came to follow Su Yu went to the divine Eagle, but he did not bring this time Kedora and Liu Menggaade, now the base city zombies have not been completely clean, so the Su family people still need protection.

Su Yu and Chu Tian soon arrived at the residence of the Divine Eagle, but this time, Su Yu was also able to walk into the office of the Divine Eagle, apparently the Divine Eagle has treated Chu Tian’s forces as the same as the base city security forces.

“God should senior, is the helicopter matter has a clue? ” Chu Tian walked into the office, and Su Yu together in the chair in front of the divine Eagle desk, sat down, hugged a fist and asked.

“Yes, we investigated a little bit, according to our investigation, the helicopter is a few days ago the Lu family seconded to the past.” The city’s big families had their own helicopters before, but after the completion of the base city, all the helicopters were confiscated, of course, the big families have the right to borrow, and can be borrowed without reason, in fact, this is a symbol of support for the security forces of the big families, the big families still treat the helicopters as their own things. The,

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