Chapter 1180: Total annihilation of zombies!

Chapter 1180: Total annihilation of zombies!

On the battlefield, Chu Tian stroked the hair of Coco Mangade and Ghidorah, and the two women blushed and let Chu Tian touch them. The soldiers around them looked at Chu Tian in front of them, and they were all furious. If they could not beat Chu Tian, they would like to go up and slap Chu Tian twice right now.

This kid is so enviable!

Of course, Chu Tian did not go too far, touched a while to stop, this is still in the battlefield, certainly not too much, right?

This time, the fifth-order thunder fire zombie is also fallen, fell to the ground, it almost did not suffer any damage, you can see, the flame for him and can not produce any effect, and it seems that the wind is not able to cause damage to him, was blown to so high in the air by the tornado, this guy can still alive and well.

“Elder God Eagle, just ask your people to deal with the rest of the zombies. I’ll deal with that guy.” Chu Tian said, and shot towards the fifth-order thunder fire zombie, the ground was even stepped out of a small pit by him.

“Good!” God Eagle laughed out loud and answered, he is not a stickler for small things, Chu Tian and his two women so out of the limelight, he did not get angry, for him, to be able to solve this crisis as soon as possible is the most important thing, the rest is not important.

“Just in time to try out the new037 blade with this thing.” Chu Tian rushed towards the fifth-order thunder zombie in the process of pulling out the quenched heart in his hand, punching the heart through the air, emitting a loud sound.

The flame walker’s body strength is not as strong as the steel walker, his body is not as hard, even the body strength is not as strong as the fourth-rank steel walker, it does not seem to reflect the sharpness of the broken heart, but it is enough, Chu Tian can not wait to use the heart.

The zombie shot several shots towards Chu Tian, but the direction is very stiff, Chu Tian is not standing there can not move, so the lightning naturally can not hit him, the zombies released skills are generally difficult to hit things other than a motionless person.

Chu Tian took the quenched heart in his hand and gently chopped towards the flaming corpse, the corpse was also battle conscious and naturally tried to dodge, but how could its speed catch up with Chu Tian?

Chu Tian’s quenching heart cut directly on its leg, and one of its legs was directly cut off by Chu Tian’s sword, and the heart cut off the leg as easily as cutting through tofu.

After the loss of a leg, the fifth-order thunder and fire zombie became the fish on the chopping block, it hissed loudly on the ground, crawling towards Chu Tian’s direction, and the body also flashed with a wisp of lightning, looking even more horrible.

Chu Tian also did not want to waste time with this fifth-order zombie, directly again raised the quenched heart, towards the necks of the zombie cut, the zombie’s head fell off in the moment the heart crossed, the zombie also lost the ability to move, lying motionless on the ground.

Chu Tian raised the heart of lust, towards the zombie’s abdomen, the abdomen was cut open, the zombie’s abdomen crystal nucleus is also revealed, indeed he has two crystal nuclei inside.

“[Fifth-order flame crystal core],” “Fifth-order lightning crystal core”

The system’s voice came in the moment the crystal nucleus was revealed, this is the third fifth-order zombie killed by Chu Tian, see these crystal nuclei is not very surprising.

Tian Tian received the crystal nucleus, this lightning crystal nucleus and before that frost crystal nucleus, for the time being can not think of what role, so simply think about it afterwards.

After killing the fifth-order zombies, Chu Tian is still a little bit still, directly into the zombie group again, each knife to split a zombie in half, kill zombies extremely fast, almost and the divine eagle is not much.

The god eagle on the side of Chu Tian is also, in the zombie group shuttle, a knife away a zombie, looks great.

Soon, all the zombies in the city gates fell to the ground, and for the time being there are no new zombies gathered towards the city gates, I am afraid that all the zombies in the vicinity have been solved here.

After solving the zombies, the security team began to clean up the battlefield, the battlefield fell all the zombies thrown outside the city, soon, outside the city piled into (cfbi) a mountain of zombies, that is really a small mountain, the remains of zombies almost half as high as the city wall, which can be said to be the best natural barriers in the city, the smell of zombies outside the city walls can be very effective in reducing the attraction for the surrounding zombies.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the sky has also been slightly bright, God Eagle is also let everyone go back to rest, until the sky is completely bright, to solve all the winged zombies in the city.

The city’s winged zombies will not be involved in the matter of Chu Tian, such a small matter is not necessary for him to do, he is more concerned about the thing that can attract zombies.

But this thing still needs to wait for the follow-up investigation of the divine Eagle, Chu Tian also went home to wait for news, Chu Tian busy all night, but also some tired, so back to the Su family, ate some breakfast, took a shower, lying in bed to sleep, at this time Su Mei has not got up, also lying next to Chu Tian asleep.

Chu Tian slept until noon, he opened his eyes, saw Su Mei’s face, Su Mei is carefully watching Chu Tian’s face, see Chu Tian opened his eyes is also a shock, and some blushing.

“Husband you’re awake! “Su Mei said with a smile, said when also scratching his head, apparently he is now a little embarrassed.

“Well.” Chu Tian looked at Su Mei’s eyes, some strange, what is wrong with this Niko today, as if just staring at his face, so he opened his mouth and asked: “What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?”

“No, nothing! “Su Juan immediately waved her hand, replied, and her face became even redder.

“I just think my husband seems to have become better looking lately.” Su Juan went to Chu Tian’s ear and whispered.

“There? ” Chu Tian touched his face, he did not care so much, but just took a shower when looking in the mirror, indeed, also found a little of this matter.

It may be because the fifth genetic lock was broken, and the ability from the three monster girls also made Chu Tian enhanced a lot, which also made his skin whiter, the body of the muscle line is also more obvious.

Really”! “Su Mei looked at Chu Tian, nodded her head, and said with conviction. Looking closely at Chu Tian, she became even more convinced of Chu Tian’s change.

“Miss, it’s time to eat.” This time there was a knock at the door, it was the Su family’s nanny, Huang Ma, who occasionally comes to shout at Tian Tian to eat.

Chu Tian and Su Juan immediately got out of bed and got ready to go to dinner.

At the dinner table, Su Ren’s mood is also very good, just God Eagle sent a message to Su Ren, said Chu Tian is a big hero of the base city, so after will always send people to protect the Su family, so the Su family in the base city’s status has also improved a lot.

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